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Night time doesn't serve a purpose

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I started playing recently and I've noticed a trend, all servers that are in the night phase are always depopulated. I've tried finding one with more than like 2-3 people and I can't.

So from what I can tell, the night periods last for about as long as it does in real life, I think this is a problem. The night period is obviously a huge pain in the ass to actually do anything in, and if you do try to navigate your way through without night vision (too rare to be a solution) then you're stuck with using the flash light. Now if you're using a flash light, you make yourself a massively bright "PLEASE KILL ME" beacon to anyone in the area. And with the KOS atmosphere of the game, no one with any semblance of intelligence is going to use it.

Now, obviously this can all be avoided by simply leaving the server in favor of one that is on day time hours. But if you can just leave a server that's on night in favor of daytime then it really serves no purpose. However, I think it is detrimental because in a game like this, the whole atmosphere of night time is a big part of the immersion and sense of danger. A simple solution would be to adjust the day/night cycle so that they come every 30 minutes to an hour or so (similar to the day/night cycles in the GTA games). Also I think the level of darkness should be adjusted so that it isn't like staring at a black screen (in real life your eyes will adjust even during a cloudy night to be able to make out some objects).

Maybe some of you are thinking "OMGEE!!! DUDDE THATS NOT REALISTIC BRUH THE EARTH DOESNT ROUND N 1 HR BRUH THIS GAMES BOUT REALISM BRUH." Be reminded that realism should not detract from gameplay. Besides, its not "realistic" that a stick of morphine will somehow heal a broken leg and allow you to continue your 10 kilometer trek across hilly forest terrain, but it does in this game because otherwise it'd be stupid.

Anyway, not sure if its been brought up before or not, but that's my opinion.

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Here's another new guy bitching about night time.

Yes night is very dark but it also allows for you to be sneakier seeing as how zeds can't see at night also you can't be spotted by snipers as easily.

Night serves a purpose if you're not very sneaky and you want easy loot.

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(in real life your eyes will adjust even during a cloudy night to be able to make out some objects).

I spy with my little eye; A city boy.

I live in a pretty small town. And if I leave the "safety" of the street lights, you can't even see the ground you walk on.

And I have a naturally great "nightvision." (Just able to see well in the dark.)

Try moving into Finland. Wait for winter.

The nights are dark as hell.

Nights are not as dark everywhere, and the season is a factor.

Winter days are darker than summer nights here.

Edited by Dr621
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I love night time. Its creepy as fuck and reminds me of STALKER@Night

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Its because a lot of servers are pitch black. I mean PITCH, you can't even see your hand. With a moonlight above you your character should slowly adjust to night and be able to make out what is around you. However, this game doesn't do that. It does try to simulate the darkness but for anyone who has spent a lot of times in the middle of the woods without a light, you know you do adjust over time and see shapes/people immediately near you.

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I dont have a problem with them. Since less people are on nighttime servers, I usually just toss a few flares and go about my business undisturbed

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Get NVG's.

Oh you're smart, what a clever reply. You've completely debunked my whole statement with that one sentence, gosh don't I feel dumb? Silly me I should have realized such a simpe solution. It's not like they're one of the rarest items in the game, which means if you are lucky enough to get them you'll probably be dead before you can use them. Hah infact it's so strange that all servers on during the night are always depopulated with such a simple fix! Thanks professor dipshit where would I be without you!

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Anyway, not sure if its been brought up before or not, but that's my opinion.

No, you are the 1st guy who brought this up. Nobody else ever noticed that it is dark at night.

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Oh you're smart, what a clever reply. You've completely debunked my whole statement with that one sentence, gosh don't I feel dumb? Silly me I should have realized such a simpe solution. It's not like they're one of the rarest items in the game, which means if you are lucky enough to get them you'll probably be dead before you can use them. Hah infact it's so strange that all servers on during the night are always depopulated with such a simple fix! Thanks professor dipshit where would I be without you!

You're welcome.

Edited by Rollie Pollie
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I spy with my little eye; A city boy.

I live in a pretty small town. And if I leave the "safety" of the street lights, you can't even see the ground you walk on.

And I have a naturally great "nightvision." (Just able to see well in the dark.)

Try actually living out in the middle of nowhere where there isn't a streetlight in 5 miles before talking to me about how well eyes can adjust at night.

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You can debate the issue from either side until you are blue in the face. At the end of the day the fact remains that only one person in the entire world gets to decide (on all or our behalf) and we have to live with that choice, for better or for worse.

We also have a choice. Accept it or leave.

Continue to debate if you must, but that is the way it is. This is not a democracy and the sooner people realize it the better....one person makes the decisions, and from there we can all make our own decisions.

Edited by SystemiK

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Oh you're smart, what a clever reply. You've completely debunked my whole statement with that one sentence, gosh don't I feel dumb? Silly me I should have realized such a simpe solution. It's not like they're one of the rarest items in the game, which means if you are lucky enough to get them you'll probably be dead before you can use them. Hah infact it's so strange that all servers on during the night are always depopulated with such a simple fix! Thanks professor dipshit where would I be without you!

Again you can always use road flares. "But Rebel it's a giant SHOOT HERE signal" Well yes and no. Since NVGs increase your view it also amplfy the light around you so if you throw a road flare to a near by NVG user he will be blined for a short amount of time letting you be able to kill him and steal his NVGs.

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Also Rocket has already said in an interview with FPSguru that the ArmA engine didn't create night to be used without NVG's so that is the reason why it is like looking at a black screen.

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Thats what night is....pitch dark! ;)

maybe rocket can patch in some light posts in cities or street lamps on mainroads....

Edited by timohepolis

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Try actually living out in the middle of nowhere where there isn't a streetlight in 5 miles before talking to me about how well eyes can adjust at night.

Someone sounds mad. I do live in the middle of nowhere, and streetlights are only around the very middle of the place.

It's not hard to go somewhere where there's no light at all, besides the moonlight.

DayZ DOES have moonlight, and if there's a full moon, you actually CAN see during the night, without a flashlight or NVGs.

But if it's cloudy, you can only pray to your personal deity.

(Can't recall if trees block moonlight in DayZ, but they do in real life, so walking around the nearby forest I have here, does make you wish for something more than just the moon to light your path.

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Its funny, I made this post about making the day/night cycle shorter so that people would actually want to PLAY during the night. I'm not bitching about how awful it is, I just would like to see it improved. No one plays during the night except for a very small amount. How is that not a problem? Yes the game is an alpha but that doesn't mean you cant give constructive feedback. I knew I'd get a few fanboys who see this game as the last hope for hardcore gamers or w/e but it still needs work OBVIOUSLY. Stop being morons and be objective.

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Also Rocket has already said in an interview with FPSguru that the ArmA engine didn't create night to be used without NVG's so that is the reason why it is like looking at a black screen.

LMFAO. Yeah Rocket is such a good developer that he can't mod the engine into a different lighting level.

Get that guy his own development studio cause he is going to cure cancer.

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Use road flares or chemlights.

Yeas, please do! It is so hard to see a person with a flare in his hands. And don't forget to make fireplace at the middle of the field too, just to be sure you are safe

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I spy with my little eye; A city boy.

I live in a pretty small town. And if I leave the "safety" of the street lights, you can't even see the ground you walk on.

And I have a naturally great "nightvision." (Just able to see well in the dark.)

im not against how dark it is in dayZ but seriously you must be blind as a bat i live in the middle of nowhere and when all the lights are out i can see just fine in the dark, clouded or not

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im not against how dark it is in dayZ but seriously you must be blind as a bat i live in the middle of nowhere and when all the lights are out i can see just fine in the dark, clouded or not

These people think a game that is so stupidly hard it is unplayable at night makes them better gamers when they play it.

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I was on a server the other day and it was realtime I.e. it was 8am in game and 8am here.. Lovely and sunny in RL and in game pitch black. I spent the next hour watching the sun slowly rise so my gameplay changed over that hour which was really fun to do.

I think night needs to be really dark but would like it to get lighter a bit earlier. so many times I logon and its dark in the server yet still light here... or maybe longer on the getting dark and sunrise so people can play when its almost dark and still see enough but dark enough to adjust your gameplay

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In my opinion, a cool idea would be putting those power plants to use, and allowing players to activate street lights in that area/city connected to the plant, even if only for a short period of time. Otherwise, grab NVGs, or pick up a flare/chemlight you throw down- But careful! you might become a beacon for some lucky bandit!

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