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Fire Station Death

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Hope this isn't the wrong place to put this but I just got killed on top of the fire station near Elektro (sniped) and I wanted to know if the guy I was with made it off the roof :). My in-game name is Brad. Thought it would be fun/interesting to see if the person I was with browsed the forums :P.

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Why were you on the roof!?

Edited by Vellarain
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Why were you on the roof!?

Don't ask good questioooooooons :(. I didn't know it was a bad idea until we were wandering around for a couple seconds and shots started to ring out through the night.

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yea, now you know there isnt anything on the roof though lol

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Yeah there is definitely nothing worth going up there for. And no, shots didn't start until we were walking around for a bit. It was super dark and the guy I was with said it wasn't a night vision sniper rifle (apparently there's only 1?) so I'm surprised he could see us. I got killed going prone towards the ladder too so he must have been on a hill quite far away to be able to have that sort of vantage point. Good kill.

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Being on the tower would have silhouetted you against the horizon of the coast, easy night sniper bait.

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Being on the tower would have silhouetted you against the horizon of the coast, easy night sniper bait.

Even though I was prone!?

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do you have SP in front of your game name?

If you do it was me who sniped you ;p

The other guy alt - F4 ed i think as the Zeds buged.

I don't have SP in front of my name (it's just "Brad") but that server actually had a guy with SP in front of his name and I'm not sure what the name of the guy I was with was. Does SP have to be entered in by you or is it put on your name automatically if you do something?

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