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Captain America (DayZ)

Sniping in Heli-crash sites

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Player Killers are the players who are too scared to face the challenge of helping strangers, they just get paranoid from being near a stranger.

I for myself was forced to kill 3 survivors who were too scared to approach me without shooting first. The peaceful approach needs to come from both sides ofc.

If you think that killing people is a "challenge", then you sir are heavily mistaken.

The real challenge in this game is to help strangers survive while they have the ability to kill you.

There is a difference between challenge and chance. It isn't any more challenging to shoot on site than team up. You took a chance, you didn't make the game more challenging.

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Crashed heli's are known camping spots, be very cautious and camp out for a bit past the zombie spawn radius. If you dont object to killing you could even wait for another player to approach, if they dont get shot after looting then you can take them out and make your way over.

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When was this? On 195 I stumbled on a crash site and shot 2 people one female one male who had a as50. I had a CZ 550 with 2 clips.

This was last night. I had an FN FAL and the other guy had an M16.

how bout you ask tha wiz for more beans why you complain some more. Dont go to the places with good loot and you wont ever be shot, Probably. Having said that it is fun to shoot people.

I already said that we acknowledged our mistakes. Read the posts instead of not knowing what you're talking about. All I asked was everybody's take on the mentality, not somebody who obviously hasn't read the actual posts and just decided at one sentence that they believed to be QQ to post.

Edited by banditsurvivor

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There is a difference between challenge and chance. It isn't any more challenging to shoot on site than team up. You took a chance, you didn't make the game more challenging.

How is it not a challenge to team up with someone who might have evil intentions? I'm not the one taking chances, as it's them who get to choose if they want to shoot or team up with me.

Also, you're contradicting yourself in your second sentence, since you're simply confirming what I'm saying there, while you're trying to tell me wrong xD

And really, again, how is it not more of a challenging to help strangers instead of shooting them all down.

Challenging part of shooting strangers = Making the shots count by hitting the target, while not being guaranteed if of satisfaction.

Challenge of teaming up with strangers = Helping them survive while exposing your life to great danger, while being guaranteed to have a good time/memory of your good doings.

I, as a sane person, would obviously choose the more satisfying option.

But there will always be maggots who are too much of a chicken to choose the harder but more satisfying way, and end up choosing the easier and less satisfying way.

This happens in real life too you know;

"Bullies Bandits are weak insecure people who try to become bigger by picking on other people to make them more miserable than themselves."

Edited by obvious.hacker

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I agree with some of the above posters once you get to end-game quality gear, just surviving gets boring. I start to itch for that excitement and adrenaline of stalking another player or being in a prolonged firefight.

It also gets old really fast trying to help people when 90% of the time I just get gunned down, and have to gear up again.

I've gotten to the point where I am a psuedo-bandit (started out as a survivor), if the other person doesn't see me (usually the case b/c of my wookie suit) i just shadow them a bit to make sure they are out of my area and not circling around me. If a survivor is coming toward me and going to run into me he dies. Its just the practical thing to do for me at this point. Even the most moral of survivors will be tempted to shoot me with the gear I have, so tell me why should I risk trying to be a nice guy?

Also to the post above me, teaming up with other people is not challenging at all.....its just rolling the dice. It takes no effort/skill to yell friendly to someone on direct then cross your fingers and hope that they don't gun you down. I actually find it more challenging going at it lone wolf than running with my small fire team. I understand what you are trying to get at, that KOS is the "easy" way out gameplay wise, but teaming up with others isn't challenging its just extremely risky. Though I do agree with you that teaming up is usually a lot more satisfying.

When it comes down to if you hate bandits so much, hunt them down and grief them instead its what I do now. They will play the game how they want to play it just like you will. Crying about it won't change anything and no one cares

Edited by KaptKirk

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I'd like to see the more someone camps and just kills survivors the more z's spawn in that area and are drawn to the area of the gun shot, the more gun shots the more z's and the higher the risk of taking the next shot, forcing them out into the open to run for it. I'd also remove the log in with a full clip if possible, if you log out with an empty clip that's how it should be when you log back in.

Moving forward when I get a bigger stock of weapons and kit I plan on hunting bandits for kicks, taking out guys who are wanting to play the survival game is killing it for them, so I plan to taking it to the bandits.

For the game to have any longevity I reckon there needs to be more z's, much more thousand's, and an improved AI for them.

Saying that, still loving the game.

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Meh, I've just had a bitch about getting shot, so annoying at the time, 5 minutes into the new game, Winchester in my hands,Alice pack on my back and a hospital box raided, have a water bottle and enough beans to survive a week in the woods.

Next time you know to keep your eyes peeled.

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I never said shooting each other was bad. I just was wondering why sit at a helicopter crash site? There really is no adrenaline when you sit there from like 800 meters away and shoot somebody standing still and never loot them because they don't have good enough gear. There's a difference from killing for loot/self defense, and just being an asshole. I guess that just comes with the whole "Me or him, but I'm not even gonna try to survive, I'll just be a dick and kill for fun". I agree with "me or him" but not with sitting for twenty minutes for one unlucky guy who's just trying to make it out there.

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They do it for fun.

It makes me feel better knowing that if i manage to escape, or lag, and they keep emptying rounds into me, im just making it easier for people to kill them too or just make them waste their ammo trying to kill me.

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I dont think we will see an end to the camping of downed chopper in the format that DayZ is in now. The way to "remove" camping like that would be to keep the game challenging, to not have an "end-game" as some call it. In a stand-alone we could hope for more complex cities, that would provide better cover for snipers, and enough zombies to make a sniper think twice before fireing a rifle that can be heard from miles away. In the forrests we could hope for more cover too. Not a flat landscapt, but more smaller hills, and bushes.

I think this would lead to lesser campers like that.

Its not the solution to remove the rifles with scopes. It would remove the realism. The solution will be to make it so challening that we dont see that many of theese campers. To have some "punishments" for being sitting still for litterarely hours.

And no, its not to hate on you, campers! Its just not realistic that you would spend that much time on somthing so meaningless. I would (maby) understand it if you looted too, but some dont even do that.

(And havent ever died to a camper at a crashed chopper, so dont really have anything against you. Yet)

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For the end-gamers in this thread, I humbly offer up the whitelist medics as a way to remain interested without preying on your fellow man. Sure, I still occasionally spot for my bandit buddy around stary, but it's a nice feeling when you help others. Plus, you are 10x less likely to get the "thanks for the help BAM" shot in the back from people you're providing medical supplies to. They're universally happy about your decision to get them that bloodpack.

EDIT: More on topic, I've sat on heli's before on numerous occasions, usually because I'm waiting on backup. You can beat dollars to doughnuts I would have opened fire on anyone near that heli for two simple reasons--1: ain't enough gear to go 'round 2:You won't make it back up here by the time my buddy(ies) show up and we clear it.

As numerous people have pointed out, I'd just as soon as end you rather than miss out on top-tier spawns.

Edited by Udak

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