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ARMA 2 Real Life Hiking Simulator

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Just FYI - yesterday we were following a guys for pretty long time, and he never knew he was followed by 3 survivors.

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So basically OP is only complaining because he can´t get good gear quickly or immediately after respawn. He is essentially complaining that the mod makes him work pretty hard for his "decent loot". At leats he wants a car at respawn to get quickly to lootspots, lol. And if you tell him this mod is supposed to be a pretty hardcore survival game, you´re an elitist douchebag.

Truth is, this mod is not and will not be catering to people who constantly need instant gratification, who have no patience for delayed reward that you have to work a little extra for. Long distances and scarce loot are not bugs or flaws, but strengths of this mod. It makes the game immersive and rewarding for those who have the patience for it. There are other games for kids who need insta-gratification or else they get annoyed or bored.

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So basically OP is only complaining because he can´t get good gear quickly or immediately after respawn. He is essentially complaining that the mod makes him work pretty hard for his "decent loot". At leats he wants a car at respawn to get quickly to lootspots, lol. And if you tell him this mod is supposed to be a pretty hardcore survival game, you´re an elitist douchebag.

Truth is, this mod is not and will not be catering to people who constantly need instant gratification, who have no patience for delayed reward that you have to work a little extra for. Long distances and scarce loot are not bugs or flaws, but strengths of this mod. It makes the game immersive and rewarding for those who have the patience for it. There are other games for kids who need insta-gratification or else they get annoyed or bored.

No, I'm not complaining about the game being too hard or about having to work for gear.

I'm complaining that 3/4 of the map serves no purpose but to be giant empty space.

Having a giant empty map defeats the purpose of having a giant map you tool.

But hey, meet me on any server and give me a gun and i will kill you 1v1. The fact that you think walking a lot in a game constitutes skill explains that you have no actual skill.

Hardcore survival doesn't mean running around in the woods with no animals, no zombies, and no actual danger in them. The woods are big and empty.

The only hardcore part is arguing with idiots like you who think having ONE BICYCLE on the map at all times is "realistic".

Edited by Jourmand1r

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Yeah, me and my buddies were locked down in a 3v3 firefight out north of balota in the middle of no where for about an hour. Eventually we won, of course. But it was totally unexpected, and very exciting.

I understand why you're getting so mad. Because the game is in alpha, you're more that welcome to voice you're opinion on the game in hopes that the developers will change something to make it more appealing to you, but you have to understand that trolling and grilling other players for their opinion on the game isn't going to help anything. Of course, negative comments were made to you first, and that's why i understand you dwelling under the bridge with the fellow trolls.

Remember, positive feedback has much more impact than negative.

Edit: More like south of Kozlovka.

Edited by RECphantom

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Yeah, me and my buddies were locked down in a 3v3 firefight out north of balota in the middle of no where for about an hour. Eventually we won, of course. But it was totally unexpected, and very exciting.

I understand why you're getting so mad. Because the game is in alpha, you're more that welcome to voice you're opinion on the game in hopes that the developers will change something to make it more appealing to you, but you have to understand that trolling and grilling other players for their opinion on the game isn't going to help anything. Of course, negative comments were made to you first, and that's why i understand you dwelling under the bridge with the fellow trolls.

Remember, positive feedback has much more impact than negative.

This isn't a game, and it isn't in alpha.

This is a mod for Arma 2. Rocket didn't create 90 percent of this. He just created a map and put loot spawns in it. I don't get it.

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No, I'm not complaining about the game being too hard or about having to work for gear.

I'm complaining that 3/4 of the map serves no purpose but to be giant empty space.

Having a giant empty map defeats the purpose of having a giant map you tool.

But hey, meet me on any server and give me a gun and i will kill you 1v1. The fact that you think walking a lot in a game constitutes skill explains that you have no actual skill.

Hardcore survival doesn't mean running around in the woods with no animals, no zombies, and no actual danger in them. The woods are big and empty.

The only hardcore part is arguing with idiots like you who think having ONE BICYCLE on the map at all times is "realistic".

I know dyslexia is usually comorbid with ADHD, but if you would have actually read and understood my post you would have noticed I never said roaming around the map requires special skills or makes the game hard. I said you are supposed to work a little extra for your gear, not have it handed to you immediately. Yes, it usually means travelling long distances too. Often without vehicles. It takes planning and patience. It takes time. Thats one reason why permadeath has a meaning in this mod, its supposed to be tedious to get started again.

Why am I not suprised that you suggest a deathmatch with me, and I even have to give a gun for you, lol.

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Not reading the reply's but recommend that you take those 45 minutes that you think is going to waste your life, And go find a car. Thank you!

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This isn't a game, and it isn't in alpha.

This is a mod for Arma 2. Rocket didn't create 90 percent of this. He just created a map and put loot spawns in it. I don't get it.

You're right, because Arma 2 brought in such a large player base on it's own. Oh wait,

That's why Arma 2 released a patch to cater specifically to DayZ. Because they're doing so well on their own..

See, it's kind of like a lego set imo. Anyone can follow the instructions and build the picture on the box, but It takes ingenuity to take that same lego set, and build something else that is fresh and well thought out.

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What an ungrateful little prick.

Someone is useing their own time, to create something that is free for everyone to play.

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Are you aware of what Alpha means?

Just because rocket says its Alpha doesn't make it so. i'm not the first to say it, but this obviously isn't an alpha.. that's a total misnomer. it's an open beta/finished mod that will continue to be updated, fact. not an ALPHA. N.O.T. A.L.P.H.A. I just pulled this from wiki for you:

Alpha testing

Alpha testing is simulated or actual operational testing by potential users/customers or an independent test team at the developers' site. Alpha testing is often employed for off-the-shelf software as a form of internal acceptance testing, before the software goes to beta testing.[34]

So to summerise: Are you playing DayZ on site, i.e. at Bohemia Interactive Studios? Is it an internal test? No? No? Is it before beta testing? No, we are in it. gg

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ArmA 2 Real Life Hiking Simulator

So I'm tempted to play some Day Z, but I died last night, and I realize I have a good 45 minutes of running through reused empty houses and copy/pasted barns to get anything decent. I DON'T KNOW how anyone can see this being a stand alone game when 3/4 of the buildings in game are the same unenterable building, and the other 1/4 are the same barn/military building with hatchets and random helicopter parts glued to the floor.

Almost thought the thread title was "ArmA 2 Real Life Hacking Simulator" :P

It's just a mod not a standalone game( although that's coming if everything works out for Rocket) Try playing the ArmA 2 main campaigns for a change. It's really great once you get into it. ;)

ps. so many posters is using "It's Alpha" for their comments it should've become a meme.

Edited by leeo38

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The map is only 14km by 14km its easy to run around it.

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