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Honor Over Death | Hodpowered.com | Clan Recruitment

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[Honor Over Death]




Honor Over Death is a clan that has been around since 2003, moving from game to game with each other with the intentions of dominating all of its aspects, and hope to meet great people along the way. Currently DayZ is currently our main focus, and we have had a lot of great experiences, but not as many people to experience them with as we would like. We enjoy a comical atmosphere, but when it comes down to it you must know how to quickly change gears and get into combat mode. If what I described above is something you would be interested in, then look at the requirements listed below. If you meet them feel free to join the TeamSpeak listed above.


TeamSpeak 3, a functioning microphone, high level of maturity, and a sense of humor. If you do not have a sense of humor you will not last a day. Be at least 18 years old. Our main goal in this recruitment is to create a fun gaming environment for more mature players so they can sit back and relax after a hard day at work, and be able to share a common interest with their potential future clan mates. We look forward to hearing from all potential recruits, once you have filled out the application I will send you a PM if you meet the requirements.

Once you have made an application join the TeamSpeak, connection information is under the logo.

Ingame Name:



Do you have TeamSpeak:

Do you have a Microphone:

How long have you been playing DayZ:

I acknowledge that the TeamSpeak is ts.hodpowered.com:9134:

Edited by lookatmyprofile

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I interested in joining, but how many people do you have at this point playing DayZ?

Ingame Name: Kookehs

Age: 17 (18 in a week and a few days if it's that crucial)

Timezone: GMT -8

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes

Do you have a Microphone: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: Just about two months

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Ingame Name: Larry 3(rly wanna change it but dont know how)

Age: 24

Timezone: est

Do you have TeamSpeak: yes

Do you have a Microphone: yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2-3 days

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Ingame Name: Jericho Cross

Age: 19

Timezone: CMT USA

Do you have TeamSpeak: YES

Do you have a Microphone: YES

How long have you been playing DayZ: for about 5 days

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Ingame Name: Mr duck



Do you have TeamSpeak:yes

Do you have a Microphone:Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 days but I did alot of research befor I started the game so know it pretty well

Edited by Mr duck

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Ingame Name: Stevie

Age: 18

Timezone: EST (GMT-5)

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes; just downloaded it.

Do you have a Microphone: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: A little over a week.

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Interested in joining. Looking for a group of people who want to play and have fun. Sending you a PM.

Ingame Name: Redcell

Age: 19

Timezone: Eastern Time GMT -4

Do you have TeamSpeak: y

Do you have a Microphone: y

How long have you been playing DayZ: a month

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Ingame Name: y0sk1

Age: 23

Timezone: cst

Do you have TeamSpeak: yes

Do you have a Microphone: yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: 1 week

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Ingame Name: Chris

Age: 28

Timezone: GMT

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yep

Do you have a Microphone: Yep

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 Weeks

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Ingame Name: Balaclava

Age: 22

Timezone: GMT - 03:00

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yep

Do you have a Microphone: Yep

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 months

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Ingame Name: Darkthrone

Age: 28

Timezone: MNT

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes

Do you have a Microphone: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 weeks

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Ingame Name: Wrighty


Timezone: GMT London

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yeah

Do you have a Microphone: Yeah

How long have you been playing DayZ: Since release almost!

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Ingame Name: Chris

Age: 23

Timezone: GMT -5:00

Do you have TeamSpeak: yes

Do you have a Microphone: yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: a little over a week, have a good understanding of loot drops and the layout of the map

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ingame name:Trevor

Age: ill be 19 on the 27th of august

Timezone: pacific

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes

Do you have a Microphone: not atm but i will get one

How long have you been playing DayZ: 2 days

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Ingame Name: DirtyTortilla


Timezone: Zulu +2(DST)

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yup

Do you have a Microphone: Yup

How long have you been playing DayZ: About a month on and off.

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Ingame Name: Tallahassee

Age: 21

Timezone: Central

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes

Do you have a Microphone: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: > 1 week

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Ingame Name: Columbus

Age: 17 about to turn 18

Timezone: Eastern

Do you have TeamSpeak: Yes

Do you have a Microphone: Yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: 3 weeks

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Ingame Name: Victor

Age: 17 1/2

Timezone: GMT -7:00

Do you have Teamspeak: yes

Do you have a Microphone: yes

How long have you been playing DayZ: around 2-3 weeks of playing the game. I understand the game very well including the map.

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