Mitritch 4 Posted May 23, 2012 Because right now there is very low number of zombies in the game, and they do not pose any treat to experienced people!Let me tell you - when I only started with this game i thought that I will meet hordes of zombies on my way so I really looked forward to cooperating with somebody still alive. But then, after I played for some time, I realized that experienced person can still clear up whole towns, using proper tactics and proper combination of tools, for example like aggroing zombies with lee einfield or winchester and then killing all of them inside some barn using PM. Of course this is an exaggeration and preferred tactics is just sneaking inside and taking everything you want, because zombie count, again, is too low to prevent you from doing it.So there is no need for cooperation right now, and you can perfectly survive on your own. And right now, when you see a stranger, it is best to shoot him first before he is shooting at you - because you don't need his help and he can be the bigger treat then bunch of stuipid zombies. :)I personally, like this play style, substituting player cooperation with PvP. But I have some confusion right now, cause I'm starting to feel comfortable in this game, and you are not supposed to be comfortable in a post-apocalyptic world packed with;dr - zombie count is too low, game needs way more of them in order for player cooperation to work properly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PiddlePuss 0 Posted May 23, 2012 S oundsP rettyE ntertaining.R eallyG reat. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ihax 16 Posted May 23, 2012 This is somewhat true. Except for when you want to take on a city for medical supplies or anything of the sort you wanna have some help to take on not only zombies but tons of bandits also. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildGunsTomcat 78 Posted May 23, 2012 Because right now there is very low number of zombies in the game' date=' and they do not pose any treat to experienced people!Let me tell you - when I only started with this game i thought that I will meet hordes of zombies on my way so I really looked forward to cooperating with somebody still alive. But then, after I played for some time, I realized that experienced person can still clear up whole towns, using proper tactics and proper combination of tools, for example like aggroing zombies with lee einfield or winchester and then killing all of them inside some barn using PM. Of course this is an exaggeration and preferred tactics is just sneaking inside and taking everything you want, because zombie count, again, is too low to prevent you from doing it.So there is no need for cooperation right now, and you can perfectly survive on your own. And right now, when you see a stranger, it is best to shoot him first before he is shooting at you - because you don't need his help and he can be the bigger treat then bunch of stuipid zombies. :)I personally, like this play style, substituting player cooperation with PvP. But I have some confusion right now, cause I'm starting to feel comfortable in this game, and you are not supposed to be comfortable in a post-apocalyptic world packed with;dr - zombie count is too low, game needs way more of them in order for player cooperation to work properly.[/quote']Dude....First people bitched because zed's were too low in pop. Then they bitched because they were too high. Now you're bitching again because it's too low. If I were Rocket, I would kill you all. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuro1n 1 Posted May 23, 2012 I didn't play prior to today so I have no idea how it was but zombies are a pain in the ass sometimes imo, however fact is they are lots of less of a threat than players. So far I've died maybe 4-5 times from players, usually 5 min after spawning while zombies only once when I tried to suicide because my temp was fucking me over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Goldstein (DayZ) 46 Posted May 23, 2012 You know what's strange, after 1.5.7 dropped.. pretty much every thread was "OMFG I LOVE THE NEW ZOMBIE NUMBERS SO GODDAMN MUCH I PEE'D MYSELF"I don't think I actually saw one thread where people were complaining about the numbers? just the respawn rate.Anyway, it's debatable as to whether more zombies = cooperation. More people means more chance of aggro and a painful death for all.Player coop is broken because we don't have the ability to hand out cupcakes and icecream, metaphorically speaking. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MR DELICIOUS 297 Posted May 23, 2012 I feel that I'm now at the stage where I can open up a lawn chair inside the entrance to a building and watch TV while I mow the zeds down. If I'm feeling energetic, I'll throw aside Womens Weekly and go for a headshot stroll through the infested fields. I've played a lot of this game, and I've killed a lot of everything. The result is that I'm pretty good at it, and I know when I need to dial up the panic and paranoia, and when I can relax a bit. The question for me in town is not if I can clear it, but how fast and what do I get out of it. The reality is that I like it this way. My hard work means that I can relax much more than someone fresh off the beach. I don't want some Skyrim garbage where all of a sudden I'm met by zombies in golden armour who have double the health because I'm using an AK Kobra or Tupaccing them with a PDW. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuro1n 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Thing is the aggro range when firing is quite short, If you aggroed half a town when firing your gun it would be a lot less randomkilling. ;PThen again there would be need for some kind of melee attack to clear out zeds I guess... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pills (DayZ) 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Serious Sam 4lyfe bro. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
daedrick 90 Posted May 23, 2012 Im always for more zombies, everywhere... MOAR! But as the rest of the hoard, I hate the respawn rate. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
worbat 13 Posted May 23, 2012 Wait, there are too few zombies? Are you sure you wern't on a server that needed restarting, because if there's a group of 5 or more, they tend to respawn and aggro befor you win the first fight.Seriously, I swear some people take one or two happenings and then base the game on that! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitritch 4 Posted May 23, 2012 Wait' date=' there are too few zombies? Are you sure you wern't on a server that needed restarting, because if there's a group of 5 or more, they tend to respawn and aggro befor you win the first fight.Seriously, I swear some people take one or two happenings and then base the game on that![/quote']I think I was wrong when I boasted about being able to "clear the whole towns". Technically it is not possible now. What is possible, however, is to aggro zombies one time at proper place (not in the center of the village, but still very close to it) and then kill em all with low noise side arm such as PM sitting inside some lootable building. Then you are walking away without too much problems, because you cleared area big enough to do it safely, and zombies in one handreed meter away did not hear it. Piece of cake, nothing challenging.So maybe, along with increased zombie count, following things should be done in order to make players to cooperate:1) Increase aggro range of sidearm weapons 2) Zombies should move fast inside buildings Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
i wub pugs 16 Posted May 23, 2012 Zombies are stupid anyway, once you have a shotgun and a .45 it's pretty much game over for Zeds.What do I want? An environmental system that kills us. I want matches to be scarce, wood not so much. Anti-biotics should be found at hospitals easily, but make the spawning of medicine slower.I want wounds to fester without anti-biotics. Slow agonizing deaths.If you want to survive on your own then you better be really good at sneaking in and stealing stuff.We should be forced to work together through hardship. It's better to share a fire and medicine and food than to be a lone wolf.I want us all to die unless we adapt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kuro1n 1 Posted May 23, 2012 Wait' date=' there are too few zombies? Are you sure you wern't on a server that needed restarting, because if there's a group of 5 or more, they tend to respawn and aggro befor you win the first fight.Seriously, I swear some people take one or two happenings and then base the game on that![/quote']So obviously the respawn is broken, the amount still sounds low / aggro range. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitritch 4 Posted May 23, 2012 Zombies are stupid anyway' date=' once you have a shotgun and a .45 it's pretty much game over for Zeds.What do I want? An environmental system that kills us. I want matches to be scarce, wood not so much. Anti-biotics should be found at hospitals easily, but make the spawning of medicine slower.I want wounds to fester without anti-biotics. Slow agonizing deaths.If you want to survive on your own then you better be really good at sneaking in and stealing stuff.We should be forced to work together through hardship. It's better to share a fire and medicine and food than to be a lone wolf.I want us all to die unless we adapt.[/quote']Let me tell that I like your vision of the game and share it. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Kingllama 18 Posted May 23, 2012 No its because direct communication is fucked up. That would bring alot more co-op moments if you could talk to a person. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
-LF-Nym 0 Posted May 23, 2012 Like i stated in one of the other threads. Without some sort of obstacle in game that requires players to work together, you wont see strangers working together. Its as simple as that.Jack up the Zombie count in large cities like Cherno or at Military bases to force players to be grouped because they have to take out zombies to move in. Right now humans are more dangerous then zombies so you are actually more likely to see people group up to take out bandits then to take out zombies. which is why coop is broken Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lev 39 Posted May 23, 2012 I don't even understand all this fuss. Even during 1.5.7 I could solo loot every building in Berezino. Of course it was a bit tougher if I screwed up and got the zombies' attention but now its just back to a joke. I might as well start running through towns again to get all of them at once and line them up in a convenience store to finish them off.At least in 1.5.7, every time I attracted a horde, I'd second guess myself and think "this is not good". My only problem with getting a horde now is that a player might notice me being chased or hear my shots. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The Killing Joke 43 Posted May 23, 2012 If I were Rocket' date=' I would kill you all.[/quote']Goddamn it, man! He's trying! Give him time!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mitritch 4 Posted May 23, 2012 No its because direct communication is fucked up. That would bring alot more co-op moments if you could talk to a person.Yes, I agree, if we would have in-game communication means done better than right now, then we would have more cooperation moments. But why cooperate if I can survive on my own? And from economical point of view it is more beneficial to be lone wolf right now, cause you can survive alone almost in every situation and you don't have to share loot with other group members. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WildGunsTomcat 78 Posted May 23, 2012 If I were Rocket' date=' I would kill you all.[/quote']Goddamn it, man! He's trying! Give him time!!lol I know. I was saying that people keep wanting things changed constantly. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted May 23, 2012 I don't think there were many people that actually wanted the *numbers* of zombies lowered- it was the respawn rate that was the issue. There just wasn't much point in shooting at zombies because in all likelihood they would never stop spawning and eventually you'd simply run out of ammo. The number of zombies should be drastically increased so that unless you're very clever and use lots of distractions (ie tin cans, flares, smoke etc) then you can't just prone your way through a town and pick it clean, you actually need to fight if you want to get at the loot- but at the same time, it shouldn't be a neverending battle. Once you've killed half the town's zombies, it should stay that way for long enough for you to loot and GTFO. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LastShenanigan 8 Posted May 23, 2012 co-op is currently 100% viable regardless if you find friends to do it with or not. As one of the mods main goals is to "never judge the player", I'd have to disagree that you should ever be forced to work together. I do think that currently large clans are easily overcoming the challanges of the game just by sheer numbers. Surviving alone is this mod can be difficult. In a large group with no other large groups to compete with it seems rather easy. It'd be great if there were challanges regardless of which path you took, but you should never be forced to co-op. I want to play survival, not L4D. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
prometheus (DayZ) 0 Posted June 22, 2012 ive been alive since 4th June on the same char. Ive got all the equipment possible, plus a nice gun with sight and nade launcher and ammo and food and drink. All solo.If i see someone anywhere near me, they gonna die. Basically ive gone out to the woods, near a watering hole, near some animal spawns...when im thirsty i refill my bottle, when im hungry i kill an animal and cook it. If i run out of ammo (highly unlikely i have 15 mags on me) i can run to the nearby building and loot some more ammo.All this done solo. Ive tried playing with buddies, by the time we all get geared up we are killed by a sniper in a city without even knowing his direction. Im waiting for my buddies to come up to me by themselves. Once they all get to me, we are gonna set up a tent town and become self sustainable. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites