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As of the current damage shit done to the weapons, which one is better?

EDIT: Yeah, I'm in a low-pop night server and in a deer stand. I have 7 mags for the M1911 or 2 mags for the G17...I don't know which one to pick :S

I'm going to head to Starry Sobor, and I don't really have any light source. Should I take the G17?

EDIT 2: Thanks guys for the opinions and/or help; I'm taking both :D

If I find some G17 ammo I'll drop the 1911.

EDIT: Completely forgot about this thread, but I would always take the G17 over the 1911. M9SD over both, though.

Edited by Inception.

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G17 is better in my opinion,the high rof compensates for the low damage.

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G17 is better in my opinion,the high rof compensates for the low damage.

Okay, say I had an M1911 w/ 7 mags and a G17 with 2 mags. Which one should I pick?

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They both got nerfed, and it's a good question. I'd stick to m1911 or revolver since their ammo is pretty easy to find, but they don't oneshot zombies anymore.

On the other hand, g17 has a built-in flashlight and is perfect for low-populated night-time servers. And it still oneshot-headshots zombies as well as any other weapon.

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I was 1911 all day, the ammo glitch was to tempting, but the better range and sights on the g17 plus the rof and clip size awswell as it can use M9 and M9SD clips... I think we have a winner.

G17 = 899dmg/shot and 1911 = 1389dmg/shot.

G17 - 17*899 = 15283

1911 - 7*1389 = 9723

G17 has the 1911 on accuracy at range and better sights IMO.

G17 can fire 17 shots as fast as the 1911 (kinda)

G17 finally is good, therefore accept the fact that it is good and adapt or die.

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Handguns are useless crap now. It's better to put flashlight and 8 bandages instead.

You sir win no prizes, G17 has a flashlight and its called aiming, try it out!

8 Bandages.... you get hit that much?

Edited by Lyncher

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Hmm odd I still one shot with my Revolver or M1911. G17 is still useless to me...

You can 1 shot with any weapon in the game, that being said you have to hit the head, if you are center mass 1 shotting with a 1911 or revolver you are not on the newer beta patch.

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I'd gotta say the g17 to be honest. Even though the 1911 does more damage the g17 is more accurate, has a higher rate of fire, and the noise level is lower...Also the flashlight doesn't hurt either :P

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Anyone who takes the 1911 is a fool and dont understand the how games work. Pistols are ONLY used as a silent zombie killer. Therefore the G17 wins, since it capable of killing 17 zombies with one clip against m1911 that can only kill 7 or 8...

G17 has a flashlight and more accurate sights. 1911 sucks balls and G17 is fly as shit. The end.

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I'd gotta say the g17 to be honest. Even though the 1911 does more damage the g17 is more accurate, has a higher rate of fire, and the noise level is lower...Also the flashlight doesn't hurt either :P

All pistols do the same damage. You are wrong.

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All pistols do the same damage. You are wrong.

you don't know what you're talking about :)

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G17 and PDW far out class any other secondary in this game now.

Both can take a lot of different magazines so ammo in plentiful, G17 is very quiet to zombies as well.

Just take controlled shots with the G17 and you'll be fine

1911 is no better than the Makarov now, M9SD is terrible as well, it's practically a pea shooter, the standard M9 is just as bad.

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G17 and PDW far out class any other secondary in this game now.

Both can take a lot of different magazines so ammo in plentiful, G17 is very quiet to zombies as well.

Just take controlled shots with the G17 and you'll be fine

1911 is no better than the Makarov now, M9SD is terrible as well, it's practically a pea shooter, the standard M9 is just as bad.

are you serious?

m9sd is awesome purely because of the fact it is silenced.

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G17 is way more multi-purpose. Everyone has said it...high rate of fire, flashlight, etc. Also, I find as much G17 ammo as I do 1911 or .45 ACP. I'd save the bag room for a 2nd primary weapon and drop the 1911.

All pistols do the same damage. You are wrong.

So you're telling me the Makarov does as much damage as a Revolver? :lol:

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G17 is better than 1911 but M9 SD is better than both of them. You should be using sidearms for zombies most if not all the time and should be always going for headshots so damage doesn't matter.

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I was 1911 all day, the ammo glitch was to tempting, but the better range and sights on the g17 plus the rof and clip size awswell as it can use M9 and M9SD clips... I think we have a winner.

G17 = 899dmg/shot and 1911 = 1389dmg/shot.

G17 - 17*899 = 15283

1911 - 7*1389 = 9723

G17 has the 1911 on accuracy at range and better sights IMO.

G17 can fire 17 shots as fast as the 1911 (kinda)

G17 finally is good, therefore accept the fact that it is good and adapt or die.

I concur. I have been using the G17 for a few days now. Long as you have good aim on head shots the G17 is far superior and i have found the sights better as well so for me its a no brainer. Plus you can also use M9 and M9SD ammo. So while not as plentyfull as the .45cal 1911 rounds with the larger clip size u wont need to restock as often or can save storage slots. Flashlight is nice too if you play at night. I also like the PDW, large mag, full auto, great for spray and pray.

Edited by ShadowJack

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