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Charge money for stuff that makes sense for players that intend to play longer than 4 weeks.

Only one-time fees.

Additional character slots: $1 per slot, up to 4 slots per ArmA ID

Groups: $2 for group registration; group is tied to one ArmA ID; invitational; joining a group is free; groups get group radios (Direct Communication still works the same though)

Group spawn: $1 for every participating character slot; up to 10 group spawn slots; groups can spawn into servers together at one location; respawns are as close as possible to the group; group location is determined by the player who's been alive the longest; group spawn-ins result in players being able to opt-in into waiting for the others; banning a group participant gives his ArmA ID a free group spawn slot

Safehouses: One safehouse only at a fee of $3 per character slot; the safehouse is located in a small village (whitelist for building IDs); it is a SMALL non-enterable house; it has an inventory; safehouse overlaps are possible, each occupant has his own house inventory; the inventory content is per-server, the house itself is rented across servers; entering the house equals "Abort"; spawning after entering a house makes the character spawn at that house; death means the player spawns as usual, but the safehouse is still his

Group safehouses: $3 per registered group; optional group spawn-in (see group spawns) and shared inventory; group mechanics apply; safehouse mechanics apply; being in a group still allows individual safehouses (so a character can at the most have one character group house and one character house); group safehouses are BIG non-enterable buildings

Spawn picker: A one-time fee of $3 gives one ArmA ID the option to pick the character spawn location when dying or entering a server; death near a spawn point eliminates it as a spawn choice for 5 minutes

Stuff like that. Prices might be crazy in this draft. Just wanted to get the idea out there.

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Nah. Monetization always leads to pay2win. DayZ is a free mod, let it stay that way.

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Don't like those safe house and spawn picker.

I could by this game $50, but I want that every body play the same game.

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Well, spawn picking should actually be already in there. As it is right now, with random spawning, it's kinda cool for the first 5 spawns, but then it just gets obnoxious.

So maybe keep it for the first 5 spawns, then make it optional.

Random spawning doesn't make any sense anyway. What, the guy couldn't figure out how to end up more to the east before hitting the shore?

I guess the random spawning is there to make it less likely that players crowd up on a town as they're spawning; however, I don't understand why that has to be enforced. If players WANT to crowd up on Cherno, then that's how it is.

Alternatively, it might be that it's not in there because it necessitates UI.

In the end, players who want to spawn in Kamenka or whatever just hit respawn until it works out. So there already IS choice, it's just obscured, so it's pointless to not give the choice outright. You just don't actually respawn over and over again because the load times are less cool than running half an hour, I guess. That's pretty much it.

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Well' date=' spawn picking should actually be already in there. As it is right now, with random spawning, it's kinda cool for the first 5 spawns, but then it just gets obnoxious.


Id Like monetization Idea.

For sample players can buy AK-47 and bulletproof vest at store for real money or can found/win it for free at game

New players will buy, veteran players will kill new players and use their buyed weapons,

New players again buy weapons.


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Pretty sure it's illegal to monetize a mod unless you partner with the original devs.

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rocket has stated he is firmly against microtransactions. Especially if, like some of your suggestions, they can give some players an advantage over others.

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Id Like monetization Idea.

For sample players can buy AK-47 and bulletproof vest at store for real money or can found/win it for free at game

New players will buy' date=' veteran players will kill new players and use their buyed weapons,

New players again buy weapons.



I'm completely against that. Letting players buy weapons is crazy in my opinion. It destroys the balance of the game by inflating the amount of optimal weapons, and it's too easy to get going that way.

Pretty sure it's illegal to monetize a mod unless you partner with the original devs.

It's not illegal' date=' it's a licensing issue. Meaning the dev actually has to sue. It's essentially a copyright thing. You can't make money with the work of others, even partially, if the license the creator has assigned to it forbids it and you did not get an exception as specified by the license. That's also why you have to get Bohemia to sign off if you want to monetize YT videos of your DayZ exploits as a YT partner.

Of course I wrote this under the assumption that the groundwork for legal monetization would have been done before enabling it for players. Same goes for the additional infrastructure and stuff.

rocket has stated he is firmly against microtransactions. Especially if, like some of your suggestions, they can give some players an advantage over others.

If money from players directly fuels necessary infrastructure, and they have a better playing experience for it, then everybody wins. I didn't say it has to be for-profit.

Considering player advantage, a possible way to tackle that would be differentiating between premium servers, which allow such enhancements, and normal servers, which do not allow them. Anyone can join premium servers, of course; they are run by the DayZ team, which would have to expand to deal with that aspect of it, and they are financed through said monetization scheme.

Anyway, I don't think player advantage is anything new for this mod; you gain advantage over others naturally as a result of collecting better loot at a risk. It's a weak point by itself. The question is when the advantage becomes so significant that a player is completely untouchable. I don't think that would be the case here — none of the additions actually make people shoot better or something. An organized attack can still take a big group down. And group participants still have to loot like anyone else, they basically just have cooler tents and a unique radio.

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I'm completely against that. Letting players buy weapons is crazy in my opinion. It destroys the balance of the game by inflating the amount of optimal weapons' date=' and it's too easy to get going that way.


but another online RPG live with this model very very long time ;)

create new versions, missions, quests and so on without disbalancing

Developers want eat good food every day, too ;-)

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but another online RPG live with this model very very long time ;)

create new versions' date=' missions, quests and so on without disbalancing

Developers want eat good food every day, too ;-)


But that sounds like a recipe for a pretty mediocre game to me. Weapons for money, if it's balanced, necessitates damage nerfing, so players will become bullet sponges and damage deltas are minimal.

I think you're talking to the wrong audience with your item purchasing idea.

I'm not excluding the possibility that my mechanics purchasing idea goes against everyone's preferences, of course. Not exactly getting a positive response so far.

But even if I'm over the line, you're over the line in a completely different way.

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I get it, you guys like freebies, and hate paying for cool stuff, and people who pay for cool stuff play CoD and watch My Little Pony.

This is not the worst idea ever. The worst idea I've read so far is "wait for 60 minutes before respawning".

How hard is it to actually SAY SOMETHING MEANINGFUL in a reply?

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Worst idea ever. Close thread. Ban OP.

Extremely unnecessary reply.

I may disagree with the idea as well, but he has a right to voice his opinion.

OP, I would suggest, if you haven't read it, you look for the thread rocket ran gathering people's ideas regarding payment models etc. Most of the responses in this thread seem to echo it.

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You guys take thing so seriously around here.

Well, I guess you caught me at a weak moment.

I just want actual contra, you know? I don't take it personally at all, after all, you don't know me (I think), I just really prefer a proper discussion.

I mean, I know there are good arguments against each proposition in the original post; it would be preferable if objectors would actually voice them so that something can come out of this.

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I think the OP has been spending too much time in the boardroom at EA, and not enough time playing/designing games. Lol at this idea.

Lol, an a firm NO.

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DayZ is not that kind of game, why destroy the simulation? if u want an arcade, ther is the free and good APB, with real money u can buy upgrade, and all the advantage that you need.

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... Instead of using real money why not have game money but I don't mean LoL In-game money but just money like some survivor wanted some painkillers/blood packs they could use money to trade for It...

Or just kill for It >.>

RP purpose's only I suppose ~>~

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Terrible idea.

Can you elaborate?

Not right now.

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I think the OP has been spending too much time in the boardroom at EA' date=' and not enough time playing/designing games. Lol at this idea.

Lol, an a firm NO.


EA's style of monetization doesn't have much to do with my idea. It's about giving players the choice to get rooted in the game on the next level, and the money is there to finance it, which is necessary because such options, if taken on a grand scale, increase the workload immensely, which can only be counteracted with hardware and engineering work on a level that surpasses the current ambitions.

Like, imagine we have 200,000 players in 2 months. And 100,000 of them would fill 4 character slots. That amounts to 500,000 database entries, with a registration process (because that comes into play as soon as you have to agree to a licensing agreement) and a support channel (everything breaks all the time). Imagine there are 500 clans with group associations. They're gonna need support because stuff goes wrong. Who's going to support 20 complex support requests per day for free?

The donated servers are going to go away soon, also. The amount of servers will drastically go down in the next half year, while the amount of slots per server will go up if all goes well. In the end, it'll be necessary to establish a baseline of servers, meaning the DayZ LLC or whatever is gonna set 'em up, and keep 'em up. That's not free either. You can't pay 15 servers indefinitely with your pocket money.

And if I haven't designed enough games, then noone has. Not that that has anything to do with it.

DayZ is not that kind of game' date=' why destroy the simulation? if u want an arcade, ther is the free and good APB, with real money u can buy upgrade, and all the advantage that you need.


It's not about "ROFL WANT UPGRADE FOR MONEY, U PLAY TEH MASS EFFECT". It's not even about making money. You didn't read it, did you? Just saw the thread title and went at it.

There's nothing arcadey about it. It's also a shit label that reeks of ignorance, but that's besides the point.

... Instead of using real money why not have game money but I don't mean LoL In-game money but just money like some survivor wanted some painkillers/blood packs they could use money to trade for It...

Or just kill for It >.>

RP purpose's only I suppose ~>~

Well, the reason for the real money is that running costs have to be covered somehow if things get serious. And most engineers don't work for free (regardless of what you've heard). Proper support also doesn't come freely.

With such a community that shuts down every attempt of getting it sustainable on a grand scale, the mod can only fizzle out (because it's driven by community will, as rocket has said repeatedly).

If you think you can Kickstart or Paypal-donate a healthy infrastructure with oodles of traffic and miracles in engineering into existence, then take a look around and try to find an actual example for that. Not gonna happen.

I don't think that's problematic because I am a fan of perishable art, but it would be cool to be able to start up DayZ in 10 years, and still have servers running, don't you think?

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...play CoD and watch My Little Pony.

How dare you put CoD and My Little Pony in the same sentence?

And the idea is kinda... Meh. You should see it yourself.

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...play CoD and watch My Little Pony.

How dare you put CoD and My Little Pony in the same sentence?

And the idea is kinda... Meh. You should see it yourself.

I like the idea of paying for non-intrusive mechanics instead of for items (cosmetic or not). But I have to admit that the mechanics I listed maybe aren't desirable enough to finance the whole project.

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