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I am still 25 and i am beginning to wonder if you would ever believe that english is not even my first language ...

I am still fourteen and I am beginning to wonder if you will ever realize that the excuse you are using is old and irrelevant.

Just for the record English is my second language too.

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It's a matter of maturity, not age. Not every person under 15 is like that.

Also, not everyone that bought arma II on the steam sale is bad. I did, and I play right, and never attack a survivor for no reason.

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I got ARMA 2 before the steam sale and I'm a fucking beach-camping jerk.

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Also, not everyone that bought arma II on the steam sale is bad. I did, and I play right, and never attack a survivor for no reason.

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I am still fourteen and I am beginning to wonder if you will ever realize that the excuse you are using is old and irrelevant.

Just for the record English is my second language too.

Haha ... You are still fourteen ...

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I use to be friendly and try to help people, but I seemed to die a lot from PKers. So lately I have just been killing everyone expect my friends on site.

However I did try again to be friendly to someone on my current life. I walked up to him and said "I'm not going to shoot I'm just walking to a building". He fired his shotgun in my face and luckly missed so I unloaded a clip of my M1911 in his head and took a AK47 in his backpack. Minutes later I saw someone with a DMR proned in a building drinking a soda and I unloaded a AK47 clip in his face and took his gun. Turns out he had no ammo for it. If I knew that before hand I wouldn't have bothered him, but if you have a weapon out don't expect me to risk my life just because you may not kill me.

Edited by Bobicon

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I use to be friendly and try to help people, but I seemed to die a lot from PKers. So lately I have just been killing everyone expect my friends on site.

Why in the world would you do this?? You are now part of the problem.

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Haha ... You are still fourteen ...


Edited by Kyrator

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Why in the world would you do this?? You are now part of the problem.

No, he isn't. He can get busy living or get busy dying.

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No, he isn't. He can get busy living or get busy dying.

The more people that run around killing survivors for no reason at all, the worse DayZ is going to be.

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The more people that run around killing survivors for no reason at all, the worse DayZ is going to be.

I don't go out of my way to kill someone. If I spot someone and I know there is no chance of them spotting me I will leave them be, but if I know they are going to see me I will take them out because I really don't feel like taking that chance.

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If they're unarmed and running away from me, I'll let them go. I have no reason to kill friendlies as long as they're unarmed and not in my general vicinity.

Yes, I would call myself a friendly.

How can you call yourself friendly? There are enough unarmed players who would gladly attack you if they had any chance of executing a roundhouse kick, believe me. And how can you assume that an armed player is hostile? They can be as friendly as you are yet you put them in the same bag as bandits...that's a bit contradictory isn't it?

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its summer, everything goes to hell when the kids arnt at school.

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The community hasn't changed. The metagame has evolved as people gain experience and realize zombies are actually quite boring.

Just look at youtube videos posted by people who have been playing awhile. They start out playing one way and eventually end up playing quite another. Not because of some imagined change in the community but because of an experienced approach to DayZ.

PvP? Endlessly entertaining. PvE? Almost instantly boring.

Edited by random51

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most kids these days dont have steam, they have origin accounts with EA.

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Yeah, noticed alot of 15 and under playing alot of day-z. Why do kids always ruin everything. I blame their mothers for letting them play M rated games.

I blame their mothers for not having the GOD DAMN COMMON COURTESY TO HAVE AN ABORTION. like all the other crack whores

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most kids these days dont have steam, they have origin accounts with EA.

No they play CoD on their Consoles ... LOLOL Everyone else is so bad except for us because we are so eliteeee ... I can't accept some thinks EA makes some good games lalalala ... everything else except for arma is unrealistic ... DayZ is the truuth ... its an ALPHA ... not a Gameee ... consoles are hillbilly devices and spawn in trailer parks only lalalalala .... i'm the smartes man on the planet and my pc is better than yours ... i got 99 FPS and you bitch ain't 1

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How can you call yourself friendly? There are enough unarmed players who would gladly attack you if they had any chance of executing a roundhouse kick, believe me. And how can you assume that an armed player is hostile? They can be as friendly as you are yet you put them in the same bag as bandits...that's a bit contradictory isn't it?

No, after allowing far to many people the sight of my backside. I have been shot by people calling themselves "Friendlies". If they're friendly and coming near me armed to the teeth. They get shot. If they're armed to the teeth and running away from me, I have no reason to shoot them. But will if I think they're trying to flank my position or go after a friend. I spend my time up north, I'm not a coast junkie who can run back to his body in 5mins. Travel times for me are upward of 20mins+ on some occasions and I'm not going to spend 20+mins getting back. I'll let someone else do the walking.

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Yeah, noticed alot of 15 and under playing alot of day-z. Why do kids always ruin everything. I blame their mothers for letting them play M rated games.

You would wonder how many 20y and older are the real kiddies in the games...

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"Steam-Kiddies" thats a new one for me,most of the people who play steam are British,and few kids in general will have a hard time figureing out how to even setup DayZ so im sure its just adults who act like kids, kinda like the OP , :)

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I blame their mothers for not having the GOD DAMN COMMON COURTESY TO HAVE AN ABORTION. like all the other crack whores


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Who cares? I think you are mad because you payed full price.

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It's a matter of maturity, not age. Not every person under 15 is like that.

Thank you.

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Yeah, noticed alot of 15 and under playing alot of day-z. Why do kids always ruin everything. I blame their mothers for letting them play M rated games.

Kids dont ruin nothing people that whine and complain do

Kids make the game wayyyyyyy much better cause when they whine its sooo hilarious and when you troll and fuck with them i cant explain but its gooood

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