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Considering Survival

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Like my "1st Person vs 3rd Person" thread, I'm going to ask two more fairly general questions; those being:

1.) Do you prefer to find a server with the least amount of players possible? Or do you jump into a server that has 20-max players? Also, please elaborate on why you choose either, or both.


I personally have been going for servers with the least population possible, whether it be that I want to scavenge for loot with the least amount of people scavenging along with me, or just the fear of the unknown (hence the title). Another thing is that I fear that the two or three other people on the map might JUST so happen to be in the same area as myself.


2.) When you see a dead player body, do you spend time searching the outlying area (whether it be a building or an open area, etc.) first before looting it? Do you sit back for a while in a place you deem safe to see if anyone is around? Do you run in, nab what you can and then bolt? Or finally, do you just get the hell out of there?


I personally freak the heck out when I see another player's body, whether there be two other players in the server or ten. My heart tends to beat faster, and my first reaction is to see if there is a safe place that I can sit in while scouting the area, but knowing my luck, the person that had killed the man on the floor is probably sitting in that spot I deemed safe, waiting for someone to go and search the dead body.


3.) --The 'Standard' Question-- Do you shoot another player on sight? If you do or don't, please explain why. Is it the guilt that you killed someone who was working just as hard as you were to get where they are? Are you not confident in your abilities to withstand a firefight? Do you fear the possibility of another player that might be accompanying the player you've spotted? Are you concerned with the noise of a gunshot?


I believe reactions are very situational. I for one have only killed two men in the two weeks that I've played. One man was killed because I was walking down the stairs of the ACT tower located at the Balota Airstrip and he scared the bejeesus out of me, crouch-walking up the stairs with an M24 in hand. This was the first time that I had seen an actual LIVING player (all the other players were a bunch of dead survivor bodies), and was incredibly nervous about the situation, hearing so much about "shoot or be shot". I regret it now, because the poor man didn't even have ammunition on him, and I reacted too quickly (ironic, considering it was a 'reaction'). The second man's death was due to my fear of dying, and the need for self-preservation. Same place, the Balota Airstrip, but this time, there was much, much more gunfire when I logged in next. The man was standing next to the door of the ACT tower, shooting in the direction of the airstrip. Fearing that he would turn and shoot at me, I shot him a few times in the body and he went down. Karma got me good, for when I was looting his body, a crazy axe-man came out of the bush and slashed me a few times with his hatchet (I had only heard the sound of feet crunching grass before it was too late).


Have fun below! I'd really enjoy seeing what you guys have to say.


Edited by BuddyMcFriend

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1. I tend to play on the same server as my teammates, which is also the server I help fund. It's small, so there's not usually many players on even when full. When I'm looking for action, I'll hop into a larger server, especially when I'm looking to end my life.

2. I assess where I'm at--if they're dead inside a building, what is visible from where they died? I check rooftops. If they're dead in the street, I'll still check rooftops but I'll also check hillsides. Danger is always near, so I'm usually very cautious upon approach. I'll sit and wait a few minutes and then go in to loot if it looks like it's worth my time.

3. It truly depends on the situation. I've KOS'd from sheer reaction--someone logged behind a teammate. I've opened up lines of communication and established temporary partnerships. I've returned fire in defense. I've given someone the chance to stop firing at me and I've stopped firing at someone when they themselves communicated. I've lulled people into a sense of friendship while my teammates moved into position to kill them. Each encounter is a different story and a different outcome. Some ended in death, some ended in friendship, some ended at an impasse and each party walked away. I don't honestly have the gut for senseless killing, but if my squad is in danger, or I just witnessed you murder another player, I have no qualms pulling the trigger.

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1.) Do you prefer to find a server with the least amount of players possible? Or do you jump into a server that has 20-max players? Also, please elaborate on why you choose either, or both.


I always pick the lowest population servers I can. After reading constantly about all the player killing in this game, I initially just crawled around everywhere, and never fired my guns. Then I was on a low population server with a friend, and we started actually killing zombies. It was so much more fun being about to freely kill the zombies, and not really have to worry too much about other players. So after that point I started just joining the lowest population server I could, and killing zombies, and having a blast while surviving.


2.) When you see a dead player body, do you spend time searching the outlying area (whether it be a building or an open area, etc.) first before looting it? Do you sit back for a while in a place you deem safe to see if anyone is around? Do you run in, nab what you can and then bolt? Or finally, do you just get the hell out of there?


Due to the facts that I play on low population servers, am not very good at fps games in general, have no combat training, and know that I will die eventually anyways I tend to just run up to the body, loot it, and bolt. I am not great out checking the outlying area, and I don’t really have the patience to wait in a “safe spot” to see if anyone else happens to be there.


3.) --The 'Standard' Question-- Do you shoot another player on sight? If you do or don't, please explain why. Is it the guilt that you killed someone who was working just as hard as you were to get where they are? Are you not confident in your abilities to withstand a firefight? Do you fear the possibility of another player that might be accompanying the player you've spotted? Are you concerned with the noise of a gunshot?


My current view on this varies. If I get the drop on someone I will make sure I have a good shot, am hidden from them, and then tell them to announce their presence. If they fail to do so in a timely manner, I will kill them. If they are friendly I will leave them be, watch them carefully as I do what I was doing, and then get out asap. If we both just run into each other, I will scream friendly and run for cover. If they are friendly I sigh a breathe of relief, and do the above. If they are hostile, well I’m usually dead. If not I run and hide until they leave.

Now my reasons for the above are from experience. I am not much of a kill on sight person, I am just to nice, and don't have the gut for senseless killing as someone above put it. Also when I was new to the game I killed a man that said he was friendly. I waited for him to turn away and shot him. I felt so guilty and upset I just knew I could never do it again. So my policy became shoot after warning, or get out.

Edited by RoseDeSang

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If they are friendly I sigh a breathe of relief, and do the above. If they are hostile, well I’m usually dead.

Haha, that actually gave me a good laugh.

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1. I never jump in servers with less than 20 people, or more than 30 people so that its balanced.

2. I just search around the area for a minute or 2 then search the body and move on.

3. I always shoot players on sight who have guns, axes i just mind my own business. I am not worried because im always prone whenever i shoot someone and i know how to get rid of zombie.

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Zombies are actually much more receptive to gunshots now.. Which is a bit terrifying when you're in the smallest of the residential homes, bleeding, with 5 zombies lumbering into the room and 7 more skulking past the windows in the heavy rain..

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