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Please stop with anti-sandbox suggestions!

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I keep seeing various suggestions popping up like safe zones, traders, leveling and so on.


Some realistic things cannot be portrayed in a way that they work IRL, hence sometimes you need to tailor something in order to evoke the correct feeling from the player. Nice example is the temperature system. Players cannot feel the cold/rain/whatever, so such system was implemented.

By posting ridiculous suggestions, wich would make the game like Dead Island, you can escort yourselves off the forums. This is not the game you should be playing with limited mind like that.

Thank you. Suggest something that would contribute to the immersion of the mod and make it less of a game and more of a sim instead of turning it in yet another Dead Island/L4D/Killing Floor/Stalker/you name it. I believe that rocket doesnt give two flying fucks about silly suggestions like those, but it started to bother me, and im not even a regular user on the forums. Also, forums would be cleaner.

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I think as long as something fits with the mood of the game it's okay. As long as it doesn't "tame" the world.

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Lol, carebears. Rocket was right to laugh at them. I seem to have been echoing the "make it harder" bit for a few days now.

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+1. This sandbox style survival is a very welcome change from my usual games. I defused enough bombs, got enough medals, levelled in enough MMO's and got enough achievments. This game is tough and always should be.

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I've done just about everything possible in the game. The only things left to do are to mess with other people in the game.

That, by itself, isn't all that fun.

Sure, you get to play in a sandbox. But sandboxes by themselves aren't all that fun when you don't have buckets, shovels, and water to do things with.

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Hello everyone, Arnoldio here, please stop making these so called "fun" suggestions. DayZ is an open world sandbox, and we all know "open world" and "sandbox" mean "perform the same 3 mile long 'survival' check list over and over, from the time you log in to the time you log out."

Thank you for your time and understanding,


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It's still in Alpha. People keep forgeting that.

There will be more stuff to do in the future, even if there's no "missions". Surviving will be extended and there will be more possibilities and more goals. You don't need missions and quests, not at all.

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Don't police suggestions, you control freak. I get what you're saying, that doesn't mean you should attempt to silence even the craziest stuff. Let people have their say, the community can shut suggestions down, it works well that way.

Plus, rocket has his vision, and if any suggestion goes against that, he'll just choose to ignore it unless the community manages to convince him it's the best thing ever.

Also, don't forget that there might be some outspoken suggestion that is anti-sandbox from an isolated perspective, but makes the mod REALLY GREAT.

Fuck the police.

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Only problems:

Tweaking new environment stuff to fit original vision

Lag problems with new patch

Zombies spotting and attacking through walls

Other than that, leave it alone for now. None of this crap. Those things and other bugs, that's it.

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I think as long as something fits with the mood of the game it's okay. As long as it doesn't "tame" the world.

That. Some "gamey" things need to be put in' date=' for the sake of gameplay>realism.

You mean you don't want to see every carebear's idea for penalties for murderers?

Some penalties for murderes need to be introduced, but not like it was until now, with the obvious bandit skin. More subtle penalties that effect the murderers brain and mindset, and so that banditry actually is risky and requires skill. There are other threads that cover it.

Hello everyone' date=' Arnoldio here, please stop making these so called "fun" suggestions. DayZ is an open world sandbox, and we all know "open world" and "sandbox" mean "perform the same 3 mile long 'survival' check list over and over, from the time you log in to the time you log out."

Thank you for your time and understanding,



Well, sory. Go play Dead Island. Zombie fun, leveling, item crafting. Everything is there. Dayz is not supposed to be "fun" really.

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Can we please stop misusing the term carebears. Carebears is internet slang for people that avoid pvp in games that have pvp, and prefer to try and get by without it, usually by hiding in safe places and grinding pve content. The people you are complaining about are the ones whining about dying all the time and wanting the game to be easier. The internet slang for this group is crybabies.

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Arnoldio is that u brah??

Whasup with the big red letters? :D

Man, let it go, we all know this mod will turn into crap as soon as it becomes super popular, that's how the things work in world. Its a rule :)

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I think as long as something fits with the mood of the game it's okay. As long as it doesn't "tame" the world.

That. Some "gamey" things need to be put in' date=' for the sake of gameplay>realism.

You mean you don't want to see every carebear's idea for penalties for murderers?

Some penalties for murderes need to be introduced, but not like it was until now, with the obvious bandit skin. More subtle penalties that effect the murderers brain and mindset, and so that banditry actually is risky and requires skill. There are other threads that cover it.

Hello everyone' date=' Arnoldio here, please stop making these so called "fun" suggestions. DayZ is an open world sandbox, and we all know "open world" and "sandbox" mean "perform the same 3 mile long 'survival' check list over and over, from the time you log in to the time you log out."

Thank you for your time and understanding,



Well, sory. Go play Dead Island. Zombie fun, leveling, item crafting. Everything is there. Dayz is not supposed to be "fun" really.

Haha. This is a thing that someone actually said.

This video game isn't really supposed to be 'fun'!

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Haha. This is a thing that someone actually said.

This video game isn't really supposed to be 'fun'!

I guess it must be broken then. We could fix it by simply shutting down all the servers though.

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we all know this mod will turn into crap as soon as it becomes super popular

Hipster Detected!

Well' date=' sory. Go play Dead Island. Zombie fun, leveling, item crafting. Everything is there. Dayz is not supposed to be "fun" really.


No one would play it if it wasn't "fun". Something being "fun" does not mean it has to have fifty different hats to wear and a cartoon art style.

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No one would play it if it wasn't "fun".

That's a generalization' date=' and judging by the number of people who outwardly [i']hate the gameplay from their comments, it also sounds like an incorrect one. It sounds like lots of people are playing it, and aren't having fun.

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Exactly. It is not a "fun" game. I mean, it is, but it is not. :D It should get you scared and frustrated, but currently provides frustration on a whole other level... its an alpha though.

The "fun" in this game is (or is intended to be) the application of your way of thinking into a different atmosphere than your ordinary life. It should be what you would do in a situation like DayZ not what you want to do. Currently with this flawed system, Survivors are mostly those who "play by the rules" aka doing what they think should be right. That doesnt exclude Bandits. Murderers think that killing is right, but i dont think that many serial killers are playing DayZ, yet it seems like there is lots of them, because kids take this as a game. I take it as an experiment.

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This game should be BRUTAL not FUN. That was the original vision, and I'm glad there's people here besides myself that can appreciate that.

You want the game to be more fun? You want to level your xp and kill boars with no risk and no pvp? GO PLAY WORLD OF FUCKING WARCRAFT WE DONT WANT YOU ANYWAY

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If anything the game is too easy / not brutal enough.

Imagine if instead of 3 noobs for every seasoned Armaverse vet it was 50 players, all in well-organized units running seek-and-destroy raids all over the map. :D

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You want the game to be more fun? You want to level your xp and kill boars with no risk and no pvp? GO PLAY WORLD OF FUCKING WARCRAFT WE DONT WANT YOU ANYWAY

World of warcraft is not fun... what are you even talking about? If you have internet tourettes please don't think me insensitive.

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If anything the game is too easy / not brutal enough.

Imagine if instead of 3 noobs for every seasoned Armaverse vet it was 50 players' date=' all in well-organized units running seek-and-destroy raids all over the map. :D


Yes, you'd certainly be king shit of the constantly resetting, progress limited, vastly empty DayZ-iverse. All hail.

I realize game is in alpha. Suggestions for more shit to do is not "giving into carebears" or whatever sperg terminology passes for insightful around here. It means there are other things to do then knock over people on the beach for their beans.

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Right now I feel like King Shit.

I want to feel afraid like the kiddies in Elektro even when I'm with my merry band of the (deserted) north. ;)

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