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Swimming causes you to lose all of your inventory

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Well, today, my friend walked through the night and accidentally ran into the water.


Why in seven hells is there a "gameplay feature" like that?

Can someone explain that to me?

There is simply no reason for that

Edited by scofieldr

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This is actually something that has been around for some time.

When you swim you can lose your gear in the water.

Had it happen a few times myself when trying to fill my water canteens back in the first days I played.

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I think that`s a bug and not a feature. I swam with all my gear a couple of times. I even kept my gun and i thought losing your gun if you swim WAS a feature.

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It's a feature not a bug. If you're wearing a hundred or so pounds of gear and you decide to go for swim you will drop some to remain afloat.

It's all about realism. You can't expect to swim with a main rotor assembly in your backpack. ;)

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yeah sure, so if u go swimming with a empty backpack, u will lose it immidiatly? not has NOTHING to do with realism, the water was about 1.8 meter deep and he lost his nightvision he was wearing, things like watch etc.

And it instantly happend, u just cant tell me u believe thats realistic

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PLUS! he lost all his weapon.

So an experienced soldier will loose all his weapons when he touches water? xD srsly, this makes no sense.

This "feature" should be instantly removed

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sorry for giving feedback to improve the gameplay.

WHY - if u want to report some issues - why is there always someone who says: "it is dayz, has to be realistic" or "you are QQ a little to much"

The game can only become better if people reports bugs or nonsense-gameplay-features.

Its the same with the noise u make while going across a street. If i do so in real life, MY NEIGHBOURS DONT HEAR ME WALKING! de fuq

Edited by scofieldr

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sorry for giving feedback to improve the gameplay.

WHY - if u want to report some issues - why is there always someone who says: "it is dayz, has to be realistic" or "you are QQ a little to much"

The game can only become better if people reports bugs or nonsense gameplay features.

Its the same with the noise u make while going across a street. If i do so in real life, MY NEIGHBOURS DONT HEAR ME WALKING! de fuq

You're not improving gameplay, you're complaining about a widely accepted feature.

If you want to swim you risk losing gear, it's that simple.

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I call bullshit. I just swam 1000 meters and didn't drop a damn thing.

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Isn't it also related to your characters fatigue? I believe you can swim longer the less fatigued you are. "instantly" losing your gear could be from you entering water whilst still being extremely fatigued (heavy breathing)

Edited by LostMem0ry

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realism? in this game?

There are mods for Arma 2 that let you dive down, so maybe you could recover with something like that. But that mod is for Arma 2, kinda like dayZ is :)

Edited by internetTAB

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I think that`s a bug and not a feature. I swam with all my gear a couple of times. I even kept my gun and i thought losing your gun if you swim WAS a feature.

It doesn't matter what you think, because you're wrong.

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It's a feature, a feature that can be disabled.

[93958] New: Dropping items while swimming can be disabled with "enableItemsDropping = 0;" in description.ext

On the server I usually play on it's disabled, which I dislike. On servers where it's still enabled, you can swim for about 20-23 seconds, unless you're already depleted all your stamina and will lose all your shit instantly.

Edited by Dallas

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yeah as i said my friend lost all his gear within 1 second so whats your point? i'm lying?

DayZ Community just accepts everything.

Rocket could remove everything that makes fun and most of you would try to defend these changes with some ridiculous arugements like "ITS MORE REALISITC"


who of u is happy if he looses gear while he wants to fill the water in a fucking bottle?!?!?!?

what the fuck is wrong with u guys.

i mean seriusly, who benefits from some guys who cant manage to fill water in a bottle because the engine is just totatly broken and looses all their gear by keep trying it

It is not even slightly realistic to instantly loose everything the moment u enter the water!

It would make maybe a little bit sense if he looses some items from his backpacks when he swims for ten minutes or more, but not the backpack itsself.

Also i dont have to argue with someone who is trying to tell me that it makes sense to loose something like a main rotor assembly because it weights so much.


just stop thinking DayZ is perfect!

Edited by scofieldr
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how far in did he go in water filling a bottle of water? it shouldn't have been too far enough to not be able to look down into the water and be able to get your gear. Just getting your feet wet is far enough. Sounds like he was doing it wrong.

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well this feature should be deleted.

same as the fucking noise u make while walking across the street.

also: are u suggesting i should every time i join a new server go for a swim and see if i loose everything?

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yeah as i said my friend lost all his gear within 1 second so whats your point? i'm lying?

DayZ Community just accepts everything.

Rocket could remove everything that makes fun and most of you what try to defend his point by some ridiculous arugements like "ITS MORE REALISITC"


who of u is happy if he looses gear while he wants to fill the water in a fucking bottle?!?!?!?

what the fuck is wrong with u guys.

i mean seriusly, who benefits from some guys who cant manage to fill water in a bottle because the engine is just totatly broken and looses all their gear by keep trying it

It is not even slightly realistic to instantly loose everything the moment u enter the water!

It would make maybe a little bit sense if he looses some items from his backpacks when he swims for ten minutes or more, but not the backpack itsself.

Also i dont have to argue with someone who is trying to tell me that it makes sense to loose something like a main rotor assembly because it weights so much.


just stop thinking DayZ is perfect!

If you can't fill up a water bottle without going into swimming mode then you need to learn to play a little bit better.. It's also an alpha mod on top of an already buggy engine. The mod isn't going to be perfect and it will probably be bug ridden until it goes stand alone.

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so in order to avoid these bugs im should simply not play the game, it that right.

the whole community should just accept these bugs and dont report them because its a alpha.

Nobody seems to realize that things wont get better if u just accept them.

i dont get it. why is everyone telling me to avoid water or just THE WHOLE GAME.

u guys are just like

"Why complaining about the zombie pathfinding/A.I. , JUST AVOID ZOMBIES.

Just avoid water

Just avoid ledders cause they're buggy to

and dont matter what happens, dont mention these bugs, someone could fix them!"

well i see u wont understand that so just play your game and dont complain about features which makes no sense or which just diminish fun

Edited by scofieldr

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Well, I know that it is a feature of the game that one may lose his gear while swimming, but the guy in OP lost everything. Like watch and NW... this looks strange to me too. I was sure you may lose your back-pack and main weapon but not belt items.

I would probably report it in bug reporting part of forums.

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well this feature should be deleted.

same as the fucking noise u make while walking across the street.

also: are u suggesting i should every time i join a new server go for a swim and see if i loose everything?

1. I just told how it was, I didn't tell you have to love it.

2. And yes you're correct surface sound does play a crucial role in a mod where zombies detects player based on sight and sound. Just stop running everywhere or atleast slow down, when you cross a road. Anyway who the fuck travels by road on foot anyways?!

3. What I did was being stuck on an island, someone stole my boat while I was offline. So after searching the beaches for a boat, I recalled this new feature(being able to disable this feature). I dropped my rifle, ammo, backpack, binoculars and NVGs on the beach. Placed a can of beans in my inventory and took a 60 second swim. When I realized dropitem had been disabled, I pickup my shit and swam from Skalisty Island back to the mainland.

Well, I know that it is a feature of the game that one may lose his gear while swimming, but the guy in OP lost everything.

You don't lose your handgun, you handgun ammo belt or stuff in your toolbelt.

Edited by Dallas

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