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Bring back the respawn button

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I understand that the game is supposed to kick your ass and be un fair and anti game etc etc... But Rocket I really believe, especially in an alpha environment where there are tons of bugs and collision issues that the respawn needs to be enabled. Ive had multiple friends get glitched into walls or spawn in glitched areas with no way to kill themselves except for starvation. It really breaks the game for them, I honestly dont see a problem with respawning on the coast until youre in a city or with your friends either, since there is no other way to group up yet.

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To me gathering with your friends IS a part of the game actually, it's hard, it takes time, you have to go in dangerous places, gather some supplies for the long run coming up...

And if you play without the MAP of the dayzdb, you'll find yourself looking for any big structures that can be a gathering point. It's a full journey and if you don't like it, then you don't get this is a survival game, not a "going rambo with 15friends and rape everything around" game.

For everything else like bugs, with people being stuck & on, ok, you have a point, this should be enabled for them.

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it negatively impacts server performance a lot. suck it up!

uhm than what are people who still spawn in the wilderness or spawn inside a building supposed to do? ive been trying to get my friend to play but he doesnt want to because hes stuck in the wilderness and has been trying to die for hours of game time and its been like 3 days since it spawned him there.... how about we put a character youve been working on for a week or two inside a glitched wall and let you sit there and die of natural causes oh im sure you'll just "suck it up"
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uhm than what are people who still spawn in the wilderness or spawn inside a building supposed to do? ive been trying to get my friend to play but he doesnt want to because hes stuck in the wilderness and has been trying to die for hours of game time and its been like 3 days since it spawned him there.... how about we put a character youve been working on for a week or two inside a glitched wall and let you sit there and die of natural causes oh im sure you'll just "suck it up"

I'm sorry that people are being stuck in the debug wilderness or inside a building they can't get out of, that really sucks. However the respawn button was taken out due to how badly it hurt the servers whenever someone used it. It had to actually pause the server so that it could figure out where to spawn that person, so times it by 50 people and you have a lot of bad server performance.

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To be honest server performance should be the last of rocket and the dev teams concerns, they have to fix the bugs like spawning in debug or in buildings before they make the mod fluffy for the server hosts... i think people who play the game would rather wait a few seconds of server lag to pop a respawn if spawn in debug or a wall in other words Players>Server hosts

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DarkKilla has been killed.

DarkKilla has been killed.

DarkKilla has been killed.

DarkKilla has been killed.

DarkKilla has been killed.

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Agreed. In Alpha, the game needs to have a fail safe for the glitches the game has.

When the game enters into its Beta stage, I wouldn't mind so much not having the respawn option.

Perhaps, and it could work. Have a delay between respawns to avoid the people just trying to get an edge in starting the game.

Edited by Bramacgar
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in the new patch you should no longer spawn in debug areas.. and if you don't want to spawn in a wall then don't log out in a building

Edited by moriak

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It's not my favorite feature, but at this stage in the game's development, technical concerns like server overload can be expected to take precedence over gameplay concerns, at least for a while.

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I spawned in debug plain today for the first time. I logged out and back in and I was in the water and swam to shore.

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Leave respawn out. Better for the server. And you can still meet up with friends. Not having it doesn't stop that. But it does stop it from being super easy to respawn over and over til you get your favorite spawn, or to spawn as close as possible to where you got killed. Not having it adds more punishment to death and makes it even less trivial. Good decision on removing it.

Edited by H4YW1R3

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I had a spawn in the debug forest after the removal, you know what happened? The server automatically placed me on the coast.

But i'll tell you the fix that i tell everyone i play with, if you spawn in the debug forest, DON'T FUCKING MOVE seriously, if you don't move and abort and reconnect, you'll be reset to the coast. Otherwise it's your own damn fault, moving after loading in saves your location, don't move and you'll be fine.

Getting stuck, that's to bad, i have never spawned stuck before, i always log out in a clear area, normally prone under a pine tree, not touching it, but enough to give me cover during the friendly fire phase of loading.

I'd much rather have to run from Kamenka to Berezino, than to deal with long load times and server problems than have the ability to respawn over and over.

Let's face it, how many people actually used the respawn button for legitimate reasons? Not many people i'm sure, since the debug/stuck spawns are rare.

And who wants to see.

"Name" was Killed.

"Name" was Killed.

"Name" was Killed.

"Name" was Killed.

Over and over. If you have an issue, find a high place and jump off, or get zombies to eat you. Just learn to travel by landmarks and your friend finding issue will go away. You and your friends should meet half way anyway, saves a lot of time.

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Kamenka? Respawn.

Kamenka? Respawn.

Kamyshovo? Respawn.

Balota? Respawn.

Krutoy Cap? Respawn.

Chernogorsk? THIS GAME IS EPIC.

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If it wasn't for hunger and thirst I would be screwed. I'm stuck in the debug plains thanks to a hacker and I have no way out. I'm just waiting to die. It's not very fun.

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I wound up in the wasteland without my weapons. I exited the server and rejoined and then had all my stuff.

Some grouping feature was hinted at and the removal of repeated suicides seems to have increased the performance on the server I play on. I'm happy enough.

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in the new patch you should no longer spawn in debug areas.. and if you don't want to spawn in a wall then don't log out in a building

you can still spawn in debug areas and there are quite a few ways to get "stuck" in day z without logging

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I would say enable respawn after maybe 20 minutes of a characters life. That way if they spawn and they're stuck, they only have to wait 20 minutes instead of waiting to starve to death.

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Disabling the respawn button but allowing a respawn if legs are broken pretty much negate the button being turned off.

If someone wants to respawn to another spot, they can just jump off something to break their legs and then hit the respawn button.

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Disabling the respawn button but allowing a respawn if legs are broken pretty much negate the button being turned off.

If someone wants to respawn to another spot, they can just jump off something to break their legs and then hit the respawn button.

Thanks for pointing this out. I'm going to post in the suggestions forum with my new idea:

If you die in the first 5-10 minutes from anything other than a player, you get the same spawn point.

"Problem" solved.

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Disabling the respawn button but allowing a respawn if legs are broken pretty much negate the button being turned off.

If someone wants to respawn to another spot, they can just jump off something to break their legs and then hit the respawn button.

unless theres nothing to jump off of.. like in wilderness

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Walk the coast if you spawn in the Wilderness,

Its part of the game, get over it.

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it negatively impacts server performance a lot. suck it up!

so by your logic so does dying and respawning

I see the same people getting killed every 2 minutes because they dick around in electro or cherno or get sniped on the beach

guess we should eliminate death so the game runs better

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