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I'm a bandit and I don't have a soul... (Killings)

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Hey! So it's come about that some people "don't" like being bandits or are sorry for the acts of which undergo before they became a bandit.

I personally love it and thrive in it, I convince survivors I am trying to "become" an ordinary survivor which is a complete lie then when they aren't looking I shoot them in the back of the head...

By far my best kill with assistance of my friend...

My friend met up with a guy in Cherno Hotel, he too was a bandit and basically told the survivor he was intent on becoming "good"... Anywho, my friend lured him to the hospital and eventually managed to get him to stop for what was supposed to be a "blood transfusion", little did he know my friend was positioning him for an "unknown" sniper (Me). Eventually we got him in position and BAM! I shot and killed him... Then my friend began to type requests for assistance saying that he was getting shot. Fortunately for myself and my friend two guys, one with an ak-74 the other with an akm were interested in helping. He too got them in position, I shot one while my friend killed the other.

Yea', we got hated on, but who cares... We got their stuff :)

Thought i'd share it.

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Getting a friend to play the innocent and arranging meetups to ambush are what I live for :)

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I love these kinds of tactics. Me and a few friends have done this before, we usually do it when were retrieving people from the shoreline after they've died and it's never failed to be entertaining.

Another good one for veteran servers, kill a beaner by the shoreline, drop a flare on their body then find a concealed spot that you can watch from. Start spamming chat with requests for assistance on that location, say you're currently unconcious from low blood and you need help. Stay alert and watch for people either coming to "your" aid or to finish you off, kill them as they approach. It usually isn't good for repeat performances but it can be a laugh.

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I use my survivor friend in Cherno to lure people to their demise, we get a good laugh out of it, and they learn a valuable lesson sooner rather than later. Everybody wins!

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And thats life in DayZ for you.

I personally think bandits are less whiny then survivors when it comes to murder.

We accept that we're facing battle which might go bad for us.

All the gear in the world doesn't make you any harder to kill (play an RPG for that).

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