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Ghillie Suit / Backpack (Bug)

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I can also confirm this bug, lost my Coyote pack which had my M107 and ammo in it after equiping my ghillie suit. It just replaced my pack with the starting pack and my stuff was not on the ground, just vanished into server abyss.

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Has anybody died while wearing the suit? I died from a random zombie and when I went back I couldn't find my body, but I heard the flies buzzing around. I felt like I was literally on top of my body from the sound intensity of the buzzing. Somebody may have hid my body, but I just want to see if anybody experienced this?When I hid a body before, I could still "study" the body, but I couldn't look through the inventory. I couldn't even study my body. No icons appeared.

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Has anyone else been teleported to the debug plains by equipping a ghillie suit? I just did. I put all my stuff down to make sure it wasn't deleted or whatever first. So then I got teleported to the abyss and all my stuff is probably despawning as I type this. I aborted and I am waiting to rejoin. Hopefully I will be back where I was and I will be able to pick up my kit again.

i have teleported into the middle of the ocean when i put one on

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can confirm the bug.

though when my brother put on camo his backpack was not removed, when i put on my camo my alice pack was completely removed and i had no backpack at all. 15 minutes before that i changed my backpack btw.

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This happened to me with "Civilian Clothing" last night. About 10 mins into a game, I got really lucky and found 3 dead bodies in the Cherno supermarket. I helped myself to some cool loot including an ALICE pack and, an item on a Ghillie clad cadaver, a package of "Civilian Clothing".

Once in the safety of the woods, I tried on the clothing. Suddenly, I was swimming in water then, after a few seconds, everything was back to normal except my ALICE pack had been replaced by the default pack. I was running the latest version of DayZ and ARMA Beta.

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I equipped a Camo Suit and all kills and headshots were reset to ZERO. Running with last patches.

that happened to me to

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i had this same bug. i picked up camo clothing, had a czech backpack and when i put on the camo clothing i ended up with the original a coyote patrol pack

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Just happened to me... The Alice pack I had just found vanished :( and replaced with the spawn coyote (Ghillie suit)

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I can confirm this bug Had alice pack and after putting on ghillie suit the alicepack changed into a coyote.

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Finally had an issue with camo clothing, lost a coyote pack full of gear. I had no isue with camo clothing until now, this has to have been my fourth or fifth time. Better safe than sorry guys, take your pack off everytime.

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Placing your bag pack in a safe location, like a tent, vehicle or loot spawn and changing attire into the Ghillie suit will prevent this bug from happening. After wearing the Ghillie suit pick your back pack up and continue playing.

Hope I helped and happy gaming,


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I did this, you will dupe your bag. I had coyote backpack and found a ghillie suit, i dropped it and put on the ghillie. Then i had a new coyote backpack on me but my old one was still on the ground. My friend got the new coyote bag.

Same here, lost a coyote backpack yesterday due to a similar bug with camo suit. Today i try to put my czech backpack on the ground before putting up ghillie. I end up with 2 bags instead of one.

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Earlier today, i found a Helicopter Crash site, and i found a lot of good guns and a camo suite. I had an Alice pack, so i put the M107 in that. Then i Equipped the camo suite, and i lost the alice pack, and my M107. (I also lost my Bandit kills and zombie kills, but i got those back right after re-loging. :'(

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today, teleported into an ocean AGAIN but this time from camo, not seaweed suit. lost a DMR sniper rifle and my 1911 and my binocs. still have the rest of my gear. and it got it all legit too. go this is stupid

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Can also confirm this with the ghillie suit.

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Similar thing happened to me with camo. Went from an alice pack to a basic one. Today I found a ghillie suit and fearing for my alice pack and its contents I removed my backpack before putting it on and after I put it on I discover I'm wearing an empty alice pack. My alice pack was still on the ground so I switched it. yey, for now

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I can confirm this with the newest beta patch Build_95819. Happened to me today while playing on FI 1, also reseted my kills/headshots.

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