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Graphics glitch?

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It only happens when ever I look in a certain direction. Mainly towards the center of town. It's the town near the coast, East from Bolta Airfield.

I tried setting my Graphics to V high. And it worked for a little while, but then it started up again.

It's in Chernogorsk.

Edited by NightFire661

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I have the same problem. Happened to me in Cherno, and then same again in Balota.

Just looks like huge grey and/or pink walls.

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I've heard that areas with military zed spawns make it go crazy.

This is 100% unconfirmed and just a rumor I came across.

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I've heard that areas with military zed spawns make it go crazy.

This is 100% unconfirmed and just a rumor I came across.

I hear barbed wire does it to, I changed my video memory setting to Default and I haven't had any problems since.

Don't know if it will work for everybody but it worked for me.

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Been happening to just about everyone.

There are confirmed reports from Stary, Berezino, Cherno, Elektro, and any airfields.

Military graphics are bugged, and no fix has been released yet. Expect a full fix within 24 hours.

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It's been happening to everyone today thanks to the new update. Been playing all day with 3 buddies, all 4 of us had the same graphical glitches.

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Exploding polies, one of the military tent models is def one of the offenders. Not sure if there are others.

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stary and NW airfield only places for me ive gone up north ad down south the whole way today

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Glad to find out this is a game issue, thought it was a problem with my computer!

Happened to me at Bolta Airfield

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this is happening to me as well. there's a thread in troubleshooting and i've tried what was suggested. here it is: http://dayzmod.com/f...24-artifacting/

i've tested it on my system and so far, it seems to have resolved the issue. just right click that file and open in notepad, as someone else suggested - no need to install any special software to edit it.

Edited by packet

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A quick solution :

Press : ctrl+shift - (numpad) and type flush

Works like a charm.

Note* Its a figure of speech, charms don't really work :P

Edited by radosm

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Its artifacting from idiots putting down concertina wire, sand bags, and tank traps. Some genius made a sandbag box with some tanktraps in Berezino, which makes it impossible to see inside the town. Not sure why I cannot remove them though, I dont usually have a problem removing them. Shit needs to not return on server restarts.

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this happened to me not 5min ago when i was looting intl airport and saw a guy looting one of the hangars and decided to take him on but he either managed to take cover behind the wall or he alt+f4ed but before i could check it out i got those artifacts popping up as i looked in that direction so decided to cut my losses(was on my way to grab a dmr instead of the m4a1 sd with only one clip that i used while sneaking around in there) as i wouldnt have been able to defend myself if he was still there and decided to try and fight back

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hold shift

press dash on number pad once

type- flush

will fix it for the time being. do the same if you see it again

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hold shift

press dash on number pad once

type- flush

will fix it for the time being. do the same if you see it again

Doesn't work for me. It reloads the graphics but the bug is still there and can't see anything. Restarting game doesn't help. Changing graphics settings doesn't help. The fix here worked for me for a while. http://dayzmod.com/f...24-artifacting/ Then it came back and became unfixable again.

This bug is really annoying. I basically can't go near any cities, military camps or airports.... So I got to stay in the forest all day long. Hope there is a fix for this soon. :(

Edited by Kraegan

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Glad to find out this is a game issue, thought it was a problem with my computer!

Happened to me at Bolta Airfield

Sage you get my beans just for having Nannerpuss.

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Exploding polies, one of the military tent models is def one of the offenders. Not sure if there are others.

I was in the army camp in berzeno and had no issues (and I have been seeing the glitch from a distance before this)

as I moved south through town from the AB I had no problems, but as I circled around to the west and back up north all hell broke loose

it seemed to be centered in town proper, there was a gray texture on the ground almost like a small lake near the row houses in town, and as I moved north back to areas I was in before with no problem I still had the effect. Getting north of the trouble spot resulted in things calming down again.

it seems like it is more of an issue depending on your facing and position.

I tried the left shift + num - and flush, which seemed to make it worse

plus later while flying over cherno from the ocean I saw the same effect there for the first time ever, before this I had only seen it in berzeno

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