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I'm a role-play bandit. I survive by killing others for supplies instead of endangering myself going into towns. If I encounter another survivor and they call friendly in a scenario where it would be -EV for me to fire upon them, I leave them alone.

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Big Game Bandit: Forget killing survivors with CZ's and Makarovs, Give me the big fish carrying silenced M4's and night-vision.

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Basic bandit. Our bandit group, Bunny Hop Brigade, are EXTREMELY stealthy players. The chance of you seeing us before we see you is extremely low, and so we usually have the jump. We wait for the right moment, and a clear shot, before making a move. We've been alive for a long time now, lots of medical supplies, tons of food, I have a silenced MP5 that lets us move through zombies really quickly (has 6 mags, also 6 M9 SD mags -- same caliber so it loads in)

Technically we should be dead by now, we've gotten very lucky more than a few times now - it will only be a matter of time, we can feel it, especially with the risks we take. Most people don't yet realize that the main form of protection is in fact having the first shot, not a better weapon, not more ammo. Stealth and patience prevails, my bandit chums.

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When alone, a mix between an "Oops" and "Basic" Bandit; I know if I don't shoot them first, they're gonna shoot me.

When with friends, Asshole/COD/Fucked up/Troll/NW bandit, depending on where I am at the time.

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I guess I'm more of an "advanced" bandit, I don't hesitate to kill others, but only if I see that they have gear I want (or if they've got a nice pack or decent gun, it's safe to assume they might have other things I could use too).

Survival at any cost.

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Well, Im not sure what kind I am but I will leave that to you :). Im a dedicated Sniper/Spotter and have always been from Joint Operations days. I work with others sometimes 3 in the ame manner (Sniper/Spotter minded) and comunicate over TS.

I will kill someone just for their food or rifle. I dont fuss about with the Zombies just hunt others and overwatch towns waiting for the time to strike.

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Survivalist: Once spawned, heading straight up North or possibly checking key locations of interest like Cherno Apts before they leave.

Constantly searching for food and water in small towns way up north. Equipping them self with high tier weaponry like M24s and M15 ACOG. Then, setting up a base of operation and Hunting way up North.

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Being a bandit it myself and watching peoples play styles. I've noticed there are more and more types of bandits going around. But what are you!

Asshole bandit:

A bandit who just runs up and down the coast with heavy weapons killing new spawned people just for the hell of it.

COD Bandit:

A bandit who just grabs a weapon and just runs around main citys' date=' not caring about zombies and just killing players.

Opps Bandit:

A bandit who pretty much was forced to kill another player in self defence and becomes a bandit.

Basic bandit:

A bandit who will kill anyone on sight no matter who or where it is. Looting there ass afterwards.

Fucked up bandit:

A bandit who will do fucked up and twisted things to other people in order to make there death and slow and painful one.

Troll bandit:

A bandit who will trick people into thinking an area is safe after shooting them, saying they heard the shots and they'll help, only to get them out into the open to finish them off.

NW bandit:

A bandit who will just sit at NW airfield all day every day once getting some better gear, killing everyone they dare nears the area.

Got any more?


Ace Bandit: A bandit that has gone above the rest and only get's a thrill from going up north with his rifle and scope

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Fucked up bandit


Basic bandit.

I just started as a bandit but I once was in Elektro and saw a bandit looting another bandit so I shot him in the knees and attracted a horde of zombies, I quickly dashed over to the bandit and out of the city, I turn around to see him being eaten alive.

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I am purely opportunistic. I will work with survivors if it will benefit me, I will shoot other Bandits and Survivors if I think they threaten me.

I spend most of my time trying to avoid people and survive though I do love a decent engagement.

I am trying to perfect robbing people and leaving them alive afterwards. Tell them you have them sighted, lie as much as you like about a buddy who also has a shot, make your target drop their weapon and step back from it and to drop all their food and any other item that takes your fancy.

Pick it up and back away from them, then disappear into the wilderness. Your target will run for his gun but by the time he has picked it up and it's gone through the animation of unholstering it (and often reloading it if he dropped all his ammo too) you will be well away.

If you are worried about the survivors vengeance you can put a round or two in them until they fall unconscious and then leg it.

It's very intense and rewarding if you pull it off. Just make sure your target is alone or you have eyes on the entire group before attempting it. I wouldn't try it on anything larger than a pair.

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I am the fear of the north :D

I hunt ine the area between stary and NWairfield,the special thing about my kills is that i kill most of the time groups of players using M67 grenade,it avoids me zombies :D

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I am a mix between a basic and a troll bandit I enjoy luring people into places and just finishing them off with a cz round to the chest. I want to try being a fucked up bandit making their death miserable seems fun.

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I shot 5 people in short time just in rage when I was a survivor and my group was fucked after some great time playing. Fluffy gloves went off and now I aim to be a bandit but there's no real use of shooting people that just got makarovs(maybe when your bandit face looks too happy maybe...). I dont kill people for a can of beans. I hunt animals for food. In cherno there's nothing much to do tho, because everyone kills everyone there.

Only problem is that the camo is out of place. During night its perfect when out in the open, but in the woods a bandit is kinda fucked if engaged.

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