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So...what's the point?? A noob's observation.

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I just recently loaded this thing out of curiosity to give it a whirl. After browsing the WiKi I loaded a game and spent about an hour avoiding Zombies and conducted a futile searching supplies. Never did come across any of the others and from what I've read about scavenging , bandits etc. wasn't too sure I wanted to at this stage of the game.

All in all I'm thinking that's an hour of my life I'll never get back. :P

ArmA2 CO games have objectives to complete , usually involve a fair amount of team work and survival is paramount on some servers as there's no respawn.

So I ask , other than accumulating supplies and avoiding or killing zombies , what's the point of the game?

Eliminate all the zombies ??

Drive them back into the cemetery?

Form/join factions and rebuild civilization?

or just..simply survival.

Don't know, maybe this simply isn't a game that will appeal to me personally though so many others seem to be enjoying it.

Ah well , can't please all the people all the time can ya? :blush:

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There's not clear point other than "Survive"

How you chose to survive is up to you.

Welcome to Chernarus.

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Welcome to your very first sandbox game :)

Rules of the sandbox are:

1. Play however you like with the tools that are given

2. Some people always piss in the sand, avoid them or join them

3. Make your own end game.

Have fun :)

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Be happy, you're still alive (But not for too long)

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I like tricking people into thinking they are safe around me then and only then when they turn their back i shoot them.

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An hour won't give you the satisfaction that is deserved. Once you have several hours in and have felt the fear,anxiety,rush, the heart pounding excitement and all the other feelings of this amazing game, then and only then will you know the purpose. It is truly one of those games with amazing highs and horrible lows. w00t!

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