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Daimyo21 (DayZ)

Abort Game Breaker

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We all know we can abort to avoid inevitable death if pinned down in a building or surrounded etc.

We all know that this eventually will be addressed but here is some exploits that I've witnessed and read about in another post.

Right now the server resets food and water when u rejoin quickly. Thats fine.. I believe when your wounded/break a leg etc.. if you rejoin or alt-f4, the server will save your character but the server will not sync you with your previously bleeding state or wounded self.

Also reading another interesting post on this topic. Players would abort out, and rejoin an empty or fairly empty server to reposition themselves and then log in to the server that they were ambushed in, only to now log-ambush the people that had the upper hand.

In my personal experience, I ambushed some ambushers who were grouped up in a dark moonlit forest. I shot the first 2, putting them in a wounded state, only to see 2 disconnects in chat and no bodies left behind. Not a big deal.. but definitely takes away from the game and im sure that im not the first to experience this and im sure id do it myself knowing others get away with it to. (its a competitive game)

There needs to be a different way to log off.. Being in a sitting state and typing /logoff and then you wait 30 seconds. If you alt-f4 or abort, your character stays in game for 30-60 seconds. If you have been shot, your character stays in the server for 2 minutes+, ensuring that you bleed out and die if you dont quickly rejoin and bandage.

These things will be tricky to implement, but are a must as this can and will be one of the ultimate game breakers if it continues.

rocket im sure has this as a priority. However, the real challenge might come from differentiating real disconnects due to poor connections/server overload etc.. vs people just aborting. Im sure he can still do it with some creative coding. But wont be easy trying to predict player behavior.

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Theres a huge thread called Quit Quit Quit or something on the front page, about exactly the same thing. Normally I hate the 'Use the search box' brigade, but really, you could have just looked on the page XD

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