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G36 with silencer?

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So I got shot at NW airfield and I respawned to cherno, my mates ran back to cherno from north. I managed to spot 3 guys at the highest roof of cherno and thats when shit got intense. They killed me once but I found a Lee Enfield and managed to kill 2 of them, my mate got the third one with AKM. We went to loot them, found 2x As50, ghilies and NVGs. But then one of them had G36 wirh him, is it legit or not? posting with phone so sorry for typos.

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All G36cs and ammunition to accompany it that you find is hacked in. I don't recommend using it at all - in fact, I recommend destroying it, so nobody suspects you for a hacker.

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I didnt take it, just saw it with some g36 sd mags too. Just took as50 and new backpack and ran away 9001km/h

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Just found some ammo for a silenced G36 on the body of someone who seemed to be invisble and was running around killing everyone. Definitely hackers. Thought I would put my share in.

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Is everyone sure that it is hacked into the game? I just "borrowed" someones V3S and there was a G36 sd in the back. I haven't touched but myself but, it is still in the truck. Strange thing is my friend also found one in a truck a few days ago and another on a corpse. Has it been added into the game without us being told about it maybe? Is there a forum admin or development team memeber that would know more about this. That could maybe give us the definitive on the subject.

Edited by Mungaloid

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