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Is the ALT F4 in gunfight allowed ?

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Hello everyone,

I had no idea where to post my question so i am here. I am playing for a week on the same save, i met some good peoples here. Server's owner, a team, always alt f4 when they are hitted by a shot, it's impossible to kill them expect with a one shot weapon like AS50, M107 or a Lee Enfield. Is this legal ? I mean, when we shot them, they disco, go on another server, ask their mates to connect and treat them then back on another location. Can i report them for this ?

Sorry for my english ^^.

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Watch now child you are entering the realm of hypocrisy.....in this realm there are no rules...that is emphasized without limit....but just watch this thread get posts saying "no it is not allowed"....yep...humanity

Edited by Slyguy65
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rocket has began to address this issue. while technically there is nothing to say its not allowed at the moment its really lame and a pretty pussy approach to being engaged by other players, take your deaths like a man

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It is considered bad form. And will be prevented/punished in the future.

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god forbid human genocide in a game trying to be real and authentic to zombie lore and realism be viewed with love and glory, while trying to LIVE and SURVIVE and even COOPERATING sometimes (the hate for carebears is an example) is considered going against the mod and its "vision"....the hypocrisy is so strong i might get an tumor.

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It is considered bad form. And will be prevented/punished in the future.

Yep trying to LIVE will be PUNISHED but KILLING mindlessly and for the fuck of it will be encouraged.....in a game that was meant to focus on SURVIVAL and ZOMBIES...this mod has already strayed far from what it set out to be IMO...but hey fuck logic right?

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FYI i don't ALT F4 i just cannot stand hypocrites....which is why i tend to just hate most people...but hey who cares right....people

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Actually it is an exploit, but since the devs haven't found a way to punish it, people still do it and will do it as long as possible.

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tell them they have small dicks for alf+f4, some of them with big egos might stop ^^

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..it's impossible to kill them expect with a one shot weapon like AS50, M107 or a Lee Enfield.

Once I saw a guy who managed to logout after i shot him with my as50.

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Yep trying to LIVE will be PUNISHED but KILLING mindlessly and for the fuck of it will be encouraged.....in a game that was meant to focus on SURVIVAL and ZOMBIES...this mod has already strayed far from what it set out to be IMO...but hey fuck logic right?

Actually this game isn't meant to focus on survival and zombies, Rocket's intention in creating this mod was:

This isn't really a game. Maybe a real game, from a studio, will come from the concept. For me, this is art. My intention was to generate real human emotions: high on the list was frustration, being pissed off, and a general distaste for some elements of society and what happens when the shit really goes down.

If you're fed up, frustrated, maybe even angry then I've done my job. I don't want money, fame, power from it. I've achieved precisely the effect I wanted even if you never play the game again, and hopefully made people think about a few things along the way.

From: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/108-coop-server/page__st__20#entry6115

Also, what game would ever consider abusing the logout system to prevent death from your own tactical stupidity a viable option for survival?

I'm sure hacking to make sure every other player on the map is another viable option for survival for you?

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Hello everyone,

I had no idea where to post my question so i am here. I am playing for a week on the same save, i met some good peoples here. Server's owner, a team, always alt f4 when they are hitted by a shot, it's impossible to kill them expect with a one shot weapon like AS50, M107 or a Lee Enfield. Is this legal ? I mean, when we shot them, they disco, go on another server, ask their mates to connect and treat them then back on another location. Can i report them for this ?

Sorry for my english ^^.

it's doable and not really a punishable offense. . but your kinda scum if you do it. . . I mean how many people have you killed and so you think it's legit not to allow others the ability to get you. I'm tired of having a good maneuver only to have someone alt f4 on me then come back and shoot me in the back. . . yeah you win . . but not really. When I get killed by bi^%& tactics I write it off as I won because I've got the upper hand in the end . . I play with skill. . . and once rocket fixes these issues they'll have no skills gained. cept how to close a window quickly. . ooh really nice skill to have. moma must be proud. . That's my rant. The way I look at it once alt F4 gets pulled out, same with the ability to close a window. . . lots of noobs gonna die.

Edited by schalart

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I started a new character after dying and spawned up near elektro, within 3 minutes of my spawn I heard a loud .50cal AS50 shot from the nearby hills, realising that he might have a backback with a spare weapon in, I went to find him. As I found the sniper, who was murdering noobs in elektro, I sneaked up behind him and opened his bag up. This guy had an M4A3 CCO SD in his bag, so I took it out and proceeded to shoot 15 rounds into him. As I was in bag-looting range, there was no way I could've missed. After he takes 12 or so rounds I hear his bones break, and see him get knocked out, but I had no murders and no bandits killed. So I put 3 more rounds into him to finish him off. Then his bleeding, broken, almost dead body disappeared in front of my eyes. As I was frozen, astounded by the cowardice of this bandit, i receive a single .50cal bullet to the head, and die. I simply cannot believe this bulls**t, the idea that someone can physically alt f4 after so many bullets to his ass. I still don't know how I died (other than being sniped) - whether it was his competition that killed me, or a hidden friend of the bandit, who failed to see me sneak up on them.


So basically, its really incredibly annoying that the bandits who prey on noobs in cities, are so scared of losing their gear and murders that they cheat the game to survive.

- DarkFocus

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I usually ban anyone if he disconnects during a gunfight while his life was in danger. It is a stupid exploit and should be treated as such.

Difficult thing is, sometimes a person really has to log out due to IRL circumstances (phone call/door bell etc), so I'm just banning for a couple of hours until the next server restart, to avoid a person could come back in the same game. It weeds out most lame persons on our server at least.

[edit]People like this I mean:

Edited by Bravo-Two-Zero

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Once I saw a guy who managed to logout after i shot him with my as50.

Quick fingers eh? OOO I GOT SHOT AVASGIAGHG32-2-T328742OBMB ESC ALT F4!!!! *Key Punch Spam Noises*

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I usually ban anyone if he disconnects during a gunfight while his life was in danger. It is a stupid exploit and should be treated as such.

Difficult thing is, sometimes a person really has to log out due to IRL circumstances (phone call/door bell etc), so I'm just banning for a couple of hours until the next server restart, to avoid a person could come back in the same game. It weeds out most lame persons on our server at least.

[edit]People like this I mean:


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I started a new character after dying and spawned up near elektro, within 3 minutes of my spawn I heard a loud .50cal AS50 shot from the nearby hills, realising that he might have a backback with a spare weapon in, I went to find him. As I found the sniper, who was murdering noobs in elektro, I sneaked up behind him and opened his bag up. This guy had an M4A3 CCO SD in his bag, so I took it out and proceeded to shoot 15 rounds into him. As I was in bag-looting range, there was no way I could've missed. After he takes 12 or so rounds I hear his bones break, and see him get knocked out, but I had no murders and no bandits killed. So I put 3 more rounds into him to finish him off. Then his bleeding, broken, almost dead body disappeared in front of my eyes. As I was frozen, astounded by the cowardice of this bandit, i receive a single .50cal bullet to the head, and die. I simply cannot believe this bulls**t, the idea that someone can physically alt f4 after so many bullets to his ass. I still don't know how I died (other than being sniped) - whether it was his competition that killed me, or a hidden friend of the bandit, who failed to see me sneak up on them.


So basically, its really incredibly annoying that the bandits who prey on noobs in cities, are so scared of losing their gear and murders that they cheat the game to survive.

- DarkFocus

Exact same thing has happened to me, but i used my AK i got from the fire station instead. The sniper was not self-aware at all.Firing 4-5 rounds to kill a single player. Really a dick move, but without any punishment, they are going to do it. When they do get punished they will probably quit the game imo.

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I understand what Slyguy15 is saying, all these holier-then-thou people on the forums are acting like they are better then everyone else when the truth is, they do it too, whether they got the balls to admit it or not. I think the problem lies in the fact that people logout for different reasons, and combat is a hostile encounter between two willing participants. Otherwise it's just murder. Now if someone wants to fight, and then they proceed to lose the encounter but still live and then logout, that is poor sportsmanship, and exploiting. But what if someone does not want anything to do with combat at the moment or at all? What if they were just looting in peace, not even killing the zombies around the area just letting them do their zombie thing, and some a-hole and his buddies happen to find him and unload there clips into the place, still manage to not even hit the player, and the player logs out anyways because that's exactly what he was going to do after he was finished looting the place no matter what. There are people out there that just don't want to kill other players period, and I don't think they should lined up against the same wall and shot with the players who puss out in a firefight and log. I'm talking about the people who don't even fire a bullet in response, because they don't want to. Do we live in a world where the guy who want's to kill demand's trump a guy's who doesn't?

P.S. I think that guy who didn't want anything to do with a fight, should reserve the right to logout exactly where he was going to if he hadn't been shot at, because his gametime was up for that evening, rather then having to run 2 miles away to avoid the players and zombies which are now also chasing him, to do the exact samething, because the player who wanted to kill him's right's trump his own rights. His playtime was done, he was going to logout either way whether it was in the supermarket he intended, or the woods 10 minutes later.

Edited by Foxd1e

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I understand what Slyguy15 is saying, all these holier-then-thou people on the forums are acting like they are better then everyone else when the truth is, they do it too, whether they got the balls to admit it or not. I think the problem lies in the fact that people logout for different reasons, and combat is a hostile encounter between two willing participants. Now if someone wants to fight, and then they proceed to lose the encounter but still live and then logout, that is poor sportsmanship, and exploiting. But what is someone does not want anything to do with combat at the moment or at all? What if they were just looting in peace, not even killing the zombies around the area just letting them do their zombie thing, and some a-hole and his buddies happen to find him and unload there clips into the place, still manage to not even hit the player, and the player logs out anyways because that's exactly what he was going to do after he was finished looting the place no matter what. There are people out there that just don't want to kill other players period, and I don't think they should lined up against the same wall and shot with the players who puss out in a firefight and log. I'm talking about the people who don't even fire a bullet in response, because they don't want to. Do we live in a world where the guy who want's to kill demand's trump a guy's who doesn't?

PvP is a part of the game. If you are playing the game, you had better expect a player to wander out of the bushes behind you with the intent to kill you. If you want to play a game where you go around and sneak past zombies for loot, you are playing the wrong game.

Death is a part of the game, if you can't deal with the idea of losing everything you've gotten then you should go back to playing COD

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PvP is a part of the game. If you are playing the game, you had better expect a player to wander out of the bushes behind you with the intent to kill you. If you want to play a game where you go around and sneak past zombies for loot, you are playing the wrong game.

Death is a part of the game, if you can't deal with the idea of losing everything you've gotten then you should go back to playing COD

That was probably the dumbest reply I have ever gotten to anything ever.

So now since you decided to empty a clip at me, and now miss the entire clip, and i was planning to logout, but now I can't because I am playing at your leisure and cannot log until you deem it necessary? Should I just walk outside standing up firing my weapon into the air to give you a better target as well?

I am gonna start using fraps and I am going to remember your name, and I am going to fire oneshot at you when I see you, and then proceed to fire one shot at you for the next 4 hours. Because you can't log off now until I kill you.

Edited by Foxd1e

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Let me try to improve on that then :P.

You're assuming that there is a thing such as an innocent player in Dayz. Wrong assumption, start over.

When a man got to DC, he just DC's. Only not while under fire, as you are then only saving your life with an exploit which is yet to be fixed in the foreseeable future (next update most likely, as current update is keeping statistics of disconnecting players to come up with the most effective solution, with avoiding as many false-positives as possible.

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Let me try to improve on that then :P.

You're assuming that there is a thing such as an innocent player in Dayz. Wrong assumption, start over.

When a man got to DC, he just DC's. Only not while under fire, as you are then only saving your life with an exploit which is yet to be fixed in the foreseeable future (next update most likely, as current update is keeping statistics of disconnecting players to come up with the most effective solution, with avoiding as many false-positives as possible.

Bravo-Two-Zero you just joined the club, I am now going to remember your name and do the exact same thing, you better not log, even if an airplane landed outside your house, because you are going to be on camera, and since I fired a bullet towards your direction you are now playing at my leisure.

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