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Vicky (DayZ)

Wilderness spawn WTF?!

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All I can say is hang in there. I'm sure the Devs now realize some of the oversight, and they will work to change it. Be patient while they work it out. Until then, can you test more ways to die for us please?

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You're returned to the coast when you log back in...

no you don't my friend is still there trying to die and hes relogged 3 times

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-Prone over a stone

-Break your leg




theres no rocks grass trees nothing

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Fucking piece of shitty buggy game.. a friend of mine just respawned there..... any solution? Removing the "suicide" button was a fucking stupid move!

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It isn't a spawn area, it's a glitch, bud. It's alpha, deal with it.

Yea.. right......... Einstein..

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The positives outweigh the negatives. Seeing people constantly suicide so they can get Balota/Elektro/Cherno is extremely annoying.

Disagree, people finding a spawn in a major city has never annoyed me. I don't think anything could be more annoying than being stuck alive for 40 minutes just waiting to die of dehydration.

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Guys, when you spawn in wilderness theres a bridge just north, jump off it, break bones and bleed to death, i just did it lol

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Idk man...wasting 40 minutes only walking is something I feel that I have a right to be mad at, alpha or no alpha.

You have no right to get mad. It's a modification that you paid nothing for, that so happens to be in alpha. If it doesn't work for you, don't play it, no one is forcing you to play. Until you pay for the mod itself, there is no reason to get mad, and, on top of that, it's in Alpha, shit is still being ironed out.

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You have no right to get mad. It's a modification that you paid nothing for, that so happens to be in alpha. If it doesn't work for you, don't play it, no one is forcing you to play. Until you pay for the mod itself, there is no reason to get mad, and, on top of that, it's in Alpha, shit is still being ironed out.

Uhmm, I did pay the full price to play this game. I haven't played Arma II itself yet, only DayZ. So yeah, I did fork my own money just to play thsi game. And yes, I do have the right. I know its alpha, but walking 40 minutes to die is something that can be easily avoided. Its an easy fix.

Edited by Vicky

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Your not the first one to encounter this and yeah it sucks. I lost my gear and ended up with a new char when I loged in earlier today but I also recieved 3 bandages and one morphine injector..... Now I logged back in and I had my old gear again. This is an Alpha, Rocket knows about the problems and he does an awesome job. We have two choices, play the game and accept the glitches or don't play the game.

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Today i got the same bug and i lost my m107 with lots of ammo...nice...waiting for the standalone version.

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Happened to me yesterday as well .... luckily for me I was fresh spawn after zombies ate my brain. I just went one direction and found a village and map ...etc ... I guess I was lucky.

But yes it's annoying and respawn button is NEEDED.

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Wilderness spawn should be in the lower right corner of the map, which if you run along with the coast to your right for a while you should see a bridge. Just walk to the VERY top of the bridge and jump off. Instant death, new respawn. Repeat until you get something you want. All other spawns mean that you should be able to get mauled by zombies within 5-10 minutes.

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