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Extra features for Server Hosts

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B.E.C Extended is a nice thing that Greg(UK4) recommended to me and it's been very useful.


With it, you're able to do multiple things. For one, you can log the console and such.

For two, it can warn people who speak in other characters other than ASCII. (I have mine set to 3 warnings) And then if the player doesn't listen to the warnings, it'll eventually kick them. My server has a ENGLISH ONLY rule in the MOTD, so that enforces it for me for non-ASCII things.

It can also filter out bad names and bad words for you. It can filter out non-ASCII names.

But it's also got a bunch of other features. You can set the MOTD on a interval to advertise such information every so often. So you may want to put your community address every so often. (I wouldn't think the Devs would have an issue with this).

And now with the latest update, you can "!say Hello" and it'll speak as if you was using RCON Chat to speak as a Admin. (A good use of this would be if people are using the microphone globally and you don't want them to, "!say Please refrain from using the VON globally")

Players can see what admins are online with !ainf

If you want to give admins limited access, they could use !res to restart the server and such without direct Desktop Control.

http://ibattle.org/install-and-configure/ for more information

Example of my Config.cfg


Ip =

Port = 2302

Password = xxxx

BePath = C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\arma 2 operation arrowhead\cfgdayz\BattlEye

LogDir = dayz_1

Admins = Admins.xml

Commands = Commands.xml


AsciiNickOnly = True

AsciiChatOnly = True

IgnoreChars = £æøå

NickFilterFile = BadNames.txt

WordFilterFile = BadWords.txt

Warnings = 3

Color = 1f

Timeout = 40

ServerExeName = Expansion\arma2oaserver.exe

KickLobbyIdlers = 300

FloodControl = 5

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I'll be using this when I switch EU5 over to the new box tomorrow. The capabilities surpass the current RCon usage, the to be able to add different levels of admin is a bonus.

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Okay' date=' ya, that isn't part of this tool. Just a modification to use the MOTD in the standard server setup. Thanks though :)


Ah yeah. There was me thinking it was part of B.E.C. I ain't tested it myself (MOTD), so if you try it, tell me how well it works please

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Okay' date=' ya, that isn't part of this tool. Just a modification to use the MOTD in the standard server setup. Thanks though :)


Ah yeah. There was me thinking it was part of B.E.C. I ain't tested it myself (MOTD), so if you try it, tell me how well it works please

Just added it to my server... Just made the interval 30s on the motd and then put 10 min breaks inbetween each message block. We'll see how it does.

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So basically you've done


motd[] = {

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",



Even if that works, I have nothing to advertise, it sucks :)

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So basically you've done


motd[] = {

""' date='"","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",




Even if that works, I have nothing to advertise, it sucks :)

Ya, but like 60 times haha so that it runs for ~10 hours. I guess I really don't need that much, because it shows it to individual players, so if it only advertises for the first hour it's probably fine.

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So basically you've done


motd[] = {

""' date='"","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",




Even if that works, I have nothing to advertise, it sucks :)

Ya, but like 60 times haha so that it runs for ~10 hours. I guess I really don't need that much, because it shows it to individual players, so if it only advertises for the first hour it's probably fine.

thats easy...

btw the upper thing is wrong...

here with break inside.


motd[] = {

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", //30 mins break

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", //30 mins break

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", //30 mins break

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","","", //30 mins break

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",

"", //30 sec pause

"Join us at foobar.com",


2 hrs with this

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Oh, I know how to do it.. It's already done, I was just joking that I had stupidly set it for like 10 hours because I forgot that the MOTD is per user, and not based on server startup.

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BEC is made by Nux, anything nux makes is awesome!

But please be careful for any kicking actions. We do not condone the kicking of players due to language problems. Kicking a disruptive player (one who continues on side chat voice, say) can be kicked. But auto-kicking for text is not okay at all, especially if it is targeted at a specific language (such as Russian).

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Along with that, you'd like us to turn off the auto-kick/warn for non-ascii chars? (As you know, russian chars are non-ascii)

And do you support lobby limits? I've got mine set to 10 now. So when there's 10 people in the lobby, it will lock it until a slot is free. This reduces being flooded

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So, basically we can't kick people - my intention was to set it up as a warning mechanism only, to inform people to do their best to speak in the majorities language, I've got my warnings set to 10, then a kick (which is unavoidable due to how the app is made i guess).

I've found through reading my server logs a disturbing trend for the majority of my players to gang up on non-english speak individuals, it's disgusting behaviour and many people have been kicked for taking it too far.

It goes like this:

Rus22: ­áOûþ┌6!!!

DaveENG: Wtf mate english

IgnorantCockENG: Yeah, get out ruskie

Rus22: sorry, i not english

AnotherDickENG: Fuck off

Rus22: ­ûþ┌áþ┌Oûþ┌!!

Entireserver: Racism racism racism ad nauseum.

I've implemented the warnings to show players that "you don't have to worry, they are trying and have been asked to try"

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