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Char death when logging onto server, immediate respawn in a debug area?

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This has happened twice now, once last night and now tonight. So this occured both in &

Logged out in safety on flat ground near trees and then when logging back in, immediately after "waiting for character to create" the scoreboard appears, followed by a "you are dead" , then the report of being killed in the bottom corner.

Immediately after I am spawned in a flat area with no trees or objects......

Is this an issue that others have encountered?

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I have had this happen to me a few times on, not on as of yet. Hopefully this will get fixed soon as it seems to be a bug.

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Very wierd thing happened this time.

When I respawned the first time I logged out to write this post. I tried to find another server to start again but none of them would let me join. Went back into the server history and rejoined the one that i was killed on and it seemed to load twice, this time respawning my character with full gear but in a totally different location....Seemed like a starting spawn point

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They have implemented a "fail-safe" feature so if you spawn in the debug zone, you will respawn near the coast with all your previous gear, the next time you join a server.

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it happend to me alot , in previous patch server killed me several times ( and today killed me again ( , is it something wrong with my game or what ? i dont want to lose my gear because server is moody :/

Edited by Couragee

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