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Worst Weapon In Dayz

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What does everyone think is the worst weapon in dayz. Personally I think its the Crossbow. Horrible iron sites, ammo takes up a slot each and low damage.


I'm really surprised with the weapons people are hating on. So I've decided to conducted a survey on what the most hated weapon is. To vote go here: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/BY2M9BD

Edited by BuzzBurridge

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Tin can.

Tin cans are thee deadliest weapon in the game. I CAN KILL YOU WITH A CAN. See what I mean? Shit is badass.

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My least favorite is the double barreled shotgun. Piece of garbage. I'd take a hatchet over it anyday.

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M9 SD!This weapon has too much hype! who cares if its silent! Im referring to the DayZ M9 SD. The things a pea shooter, it takes 4 - 5 rounds for our average player to successfully take down the zed. Scavenging for ammo for this piece is a pain. Just makes me laugh when i see it in pvp. Though this is just all my opinion. Worst Item of All? = M9SD

Edited by Buddha

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Crossbow at least pretends to have a niche. Crowbar has to take the cake. I wouldn't say tin cans 'cause I hear you can take a building down with one if you're persistent.

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crossbows do way good dmg u can 1 hit a zombie in the foot with it and make no sound and it use's less slots then other guns cuz all you need is 3 bolts i would say the crowbar on a side note the axe is way OP u can kill like 60 zombies with it alone and come out alive

Edited by outgoff

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crowbar or lee enfield. the sound off the lee enfield is too ridiculous to use. only useful for homocide.

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crowbar or lee enfield. the sound off the lee enfield is too ridiculous to use. only useful for homocide.

Also considering the Enfield does half the damage it used to. You're better off with the much quicker and much more silent Winchester.

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I would say the basic FAL. I found one at a crash site, did a back flip IRL. Used up the two mags... became sad. Sadness turned into depression... which lead to alcoholism... which lead to me running over my tent with a bike. FU FAL!!!!

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M9 SD!This weapon has too much hype! who cares if its silent! Im referring to the DayZ M9 SD. The things a pea shooter, it takes 4 - 5 rounds for our average player to successfully take down the zed. Scavenging for ammo for this piece is a pain. Just makes me laugh when i see it in pvp. Though this is just all my opinion. Worst Item of All? = M9SD

While i agree its kinda crappy, especialy aiming with it, having a silenced sidearm weapon opens up alot of options for a primary weapon.

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While i agree its kinda crappy, especialy aiming with it, having a silenced sidearm weapon opens up alot of options for a primary weapon.

The m9SD is quite frankly garbage now. You'd be better off with a hatchet. The m9sd's damage is quite near negligable.

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The m9SD is quite frankly garbage now. You'd be better off with a hatchet. The m9sd's damage is quite near negligable.

M9SD is great. learn to aim for the head

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