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Well that's nice...

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Well I learned the hard way that I should just murder every single player I ever encounter. I finally got some gear after wandering the game searching empty houses for 4 hours. Picked up a hatchet and a shotgun. I was in a barn when another player ran in bleeding with an entire horde chasing him. I took out the horde and we teamed up for about 15 minutes until he found a hatchet and then buried it into my skull. My new policy is I don't care how friendly they seem, they're going to die.

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This is the cycle.

New player comes --> Friendly, wants to team up --> Gets killed by bandit --> Turns into bandit --> Shoots new players on sight --> New player turns into bandit --> Infinite Loop

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This is the cycle.

New player comes --> Friendly, wants to team up --> Gets killed by bandit --> Turns into bandit --> Shoots new players on sight --> New player turns into bandit --> Infinite Loop

This, so hard.

Allow me to slather you in my beans

Edited by zython

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Go right ahead. If I got any valuable stuff with me, I will kill anyone on my way (except for unarmed players).

But on the other hand, if I have just spawned and only have basic gear with me, I usually try to team up with people and talk to them because I really don't have anything to loose if they kill me.

But yeah, this is what all new players will encounter at some point. You just can't trust other players in DayZ. Not easily at least.

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The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Except with zombies that are blind as bats and made of glass, that are easy to escape with any bushes or corners to run around, and with a hatchet, basically are barely a threat anymore, why team up anymore? Becomes easier to just kill each other before the other turns on you. Just my personal opinion. Love the game as is, but you want people to team up more and not just kill on sight? Give people a real reason to stick together. Make zombies a real threat in this game, not just a side hazard for new players. It is called DayZ for a reason. Z. Zombie. Except zombies here are a side show, footnote in the book that is DayZ. Which in my opinion is dumb.

Again love the game, just love for an improvement on the zombie mechanic. Make people wanna team up more.

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This is the cycle.

New player comes --> Friendly, wants to team up --> Gets killed by bandit --> Turns into bandit --> Shoots new players on sight --> New player turns into bandit --> Infinite Loop

True story.

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This just happened to me. I gathered up a pistol and some supplies. This guy kept following me. I couldn't understand what he was saying and I told him repeatedly to fix his mic or type what he wanted. He just kept yelling gibberish and wouldn't stop following me. I fired a warning shot and he persisted screaming what the hell. Eventually I said screw it and unloaded a clip into him but it didn't do anything. He just started yelling louder and following until I disconnected.

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Well I learned the hard way that I should just murder every single player I ever encounter. I finally got some gear after wandering the game searching empty houses for 4 hours. Picked up a hatchet and a shotgun. I was in a barn when another player ran in bleeding with an entire horde chasing him. I took out the horde and we teamed up for about 15 minutes until he found a hatchet and then buried it into my skull. My new policy is I don't care how friendly they seem, they're going to die.

Sounds like you made some serious mistakes so don't blame just him. You should always keep an eye on your new friend. If you have to look away do it quickly. Keep them at a safe distance and pay attention to everything they pick up. You should have had enough time to react to his sudden blood lust.

I've been killed by so called "friendly" players before too. It sucks but since then I've learned to treat them like a friendly dog that's foaming at the mouth. Cool to have around for a while but it's likely sick in the head.

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