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Inventory Not Saving on Logout

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I had an issue where i logged in played for hours got good stuff and logged out. I logged back in and lost all items and appeared where I had been the day before with starting items, all other items dissapeared. I shrugged it off. and tried again. Hours later i logged and lost everything again. Tried a third time and said screw it.

32ms or less ping

Rearanged my inv many times dropping items and getting new ones etc...

Had the idea that it was a problem with my character. Purposely killed myself and the issue went away. All gear started saving again. And I stopped telelporting back to the spot I had logged off 2 days ago.


Edited by Devren

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Oh boy. This "backpack ate my gun" issue is one big pain in the ass. So far it has cost my current survivor a M4A1, a M4A1 CCO, two MP5SD6s, a Bizon, a M14 AIM and two DMRs.

This thread mentions a bug that might have been part of the problem:

[FIXED] First object in the database not being loaded.

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My inv resets EVERY server I go to and it spawns me on the beach as well. All day today. Doesn't matter what server. Doesn't matter what ping. My internet is not lagging.

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This happens due to the hive not saving your gear on logging out. More likely because you have lag (high ping) on the server and the server is a third party between the client (you) and the Hive (database) which holds and saves your current character data. The lag is an important factor because it also lags the save command when activated because just think if you have lag when using actions on the server and world then its going to take time for the server to access your character data, gather new information then send to the Hive and update. Its all in correspondence in each other.

A few tips when on a server.

  • Check the server ping, if its high then wait around 5 - 7 minutes before leaving the server to lower the risk of your gear not saving. If its low wait around 2 - 4 minutes before leaving.
  • Mess around with your gear, press G, click on a few items, if you can swap them around between your active inventory and backpack. This is just to invoke the save operation between the Client, Server and Hive.

After that you should be safe to disconnect just remember higher ping, higher time, lower ping, lower time and do an action to invoke the save command on the server to Hive connection.

Hope I helped,


This wasn't the case for me as I mentioned in a post above. I lost stuff that I had for 30 minutes (actually the bulk of it was an hour and more old). I lost my torch... the one that's there from the start. That can't be explained by save issues. I can't imagine a server running so slow it lost something I had for 2 hours.

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Just lost my backpack, primary weapon.... What the fuck... Also 4 tents disappeared. Waiting for that beta

Update: Respawned 200m away from where I logged off. Went to where I was, found my dead body with everything there... wtf... Picked my stuff up.

Edited by AllYoYens

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when they're fix it?

i think this game increase the bored to every day.

my character was zele and i had as50 ammo 3 mags and 5.56 3 mags after i logout and login new server i had 5.56 6 mags and not my 12x99 ammo and my character was some airstrip.

i'm very confused and boring fucked bugs

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for me it is so that it stores valuables 4 but all I'm backpack, or if I find a backpack he does not save

So he collects backpacks for me not when I log in again I dennormalen backpack

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Oh I also wanted to write I shoot someone yesterday that was suddenly not an extra measure

I got ear as I have ConAction losing but I just have seen the player (walke)

So i Haven't shoot him i shoot with Head Shoot but nothing happens

I've logg yout also my wappon loost ..... somehow he has the saved my pistol then I can shoot him first so very strange

Edited by Zoidberg

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I get the backpack glitch a lot. On logging out and logging back in, the items in my backpack will change, or partially reset or revert. Only one or two items appear, and they're always items i had before, such as cans of beans i had eaten, sometimes two or three hours before logging out. The reappearance of older items means there won't be ten slots in my backpack for the weapon i have stashed there, which vanishes. At least this is what I beleive is happening. There will then be 7 or 8 slots free.

It might be a hive sync issue i guess, but if so it's a specific, partial one. The items in my hand are never messed with, only the backpack inventory is changed.

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I lost 2 M107s to day off server hoppers after looting them and leaving a bit later they were gone i got to keep the NV and GPS they had though.

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Funny how it will save the **** out of your character the split second you die or take any damage.... but when you pickup any weapons or gear it takes 15 minutes before it saves that.

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Last night a buddy and I found our very first helicopter crash site. We underestimated how dangerous it was, which cost us our lives. My buddy logged out (it was late) and I made the 2 hour trek from my spawn to the crash. Amazingly, it was still there. I found an MP5SD in a nearby deer stand, and with it was able to clear a path to the helicopter.

While my body had disappeared, my friend's hadn't, so I grabbed his most valued possessions. I also filled my Alice pack with an FN FAL for him and a ASW for me, an amazing score. I can't begin to describe my excitement and relief. I ran off to hide and mark the position on the map for the other players, as I had been forced to leave behind a second FN FAL, and about 20 minutes after looting the heli, logged out.

This afternoon I log back in, and everything seems OK. I still have the MP5SD in my hands, my main inventory is filled with FN FAL and STANAG clips for the new weapons, and a couple Morphines and Blood Bags--Everything I hadn't dropped to carry the new guns. But opening my pack, I don't have the guns. I have everything that was in it prior to looting the crash. No FAL, No ASW.

Damnit DayZ.

Edit: Actually, my main inventory is missing his Camo Clothes. Shiiiiiiit.

Edited by louist

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Today I lost my M107, M4SD, toolbelt, rangefinder, coyote backpack and NVGs.

Found an M107 and Coyote Backpack again, thrilled. Went for dinner, logged in again and I'm 700m from where I was with a Remington. What?

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It's definitely an annoying bug, and until it is fixed there is really no guarantee of keeping your items on logout. However, there are a few steps that can help you keep your items:

(Paraphrased, source: A comment on YouTube from one of Sacriel's videos, I apologize as I don't remember the name of the user to give credit to)

The reason you lose your items is because the hive never got to save it to your character.

An easy way to ensure your gear saves to your character is to do something to change your debug monitor- this includes (is not limited to):

  • Killing a couple zombies
  • Eating food if your blood is low
  • Basically anything to change the debug monitor.
  • It's also a good idea to pick up another item should the game decide to delete the most recent item you picked up after you log out.

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first: everyone who keeps logging out directly after finding stuff may consider waiting a couple of minutes before doing so.

second: everyone, who says only the above mentioned behavior is the problem, please read through the complete thread. many people having this bug lose their gear even if they play hours! with it before logging out.

and i wanted to add another thing. just a few days ago, i wanted to try, if it works for me again, so i decided to go for a walk through cherno. i killed two players and met another one in the fire-station. as i was followed by zombies and had no time to write something i just tried to shoot him. after i emptied half a mp4sd mag into his body and the other half into his head, he just thought it would be the right time to shoot me with his makarov.... nice one.

as i just didn't care, because it is not so hard to find new gear, i just spawned again. after about half an hour i had new medium gear and tried again to get something out of a firestation. this time in electro. as i entered the firestation i just got shot by sombody. ok, so i had to get new gear again. but stop. after loading the new character i didn't have to choose between male or female, i spawned right on top of my 30 seconds old corpse. with all the gear i just had before dying. with the loot of my corpse i had double the gear.

just wondering what it was i continued playing one or two hours and paused for a while. after logging back on, i again had nothing but some starter gear.

this is a bug. nobody can tell me i have to wait over two hours to let my gear save.

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Bumping this, just had the same problem.. After weeks of playing I had finally found my first AS50 with a lot of mags, I played several hours more the the character, logging in and out many times with everything working. Then, today, I logged in again, and I found myself swimming in the ocean just outside of cherno, many kilometers from where I logged out. And all my items were gone except the tools and weapons (which are useless without the ammo).

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having some issues with vehicle inventory, we loaded up the 200 slot truck with med supplies. saved it at our camp. the server restarted about 2 hours later. and everything in the truck is missing, we had people at the camp in and out without touching the truck.

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I was just playing on US 39 for a few hours. I went to log out to help my wife bring in groceries and when I logged back in my character was in a different spot (close to where I logged but not the same spot). All my guns and backpack were gone. All my ammo and inventory items were there however. I logged off and logged into another server thinking that server was just bugged and found myself randomly in the woods north with all my guns and backpack still missing. Originally I was near a helicopter crash site outside of the NW airfield.

This is mildly frustrating needless to say.

Edited by Xeno =tgt=

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Well fucking A. Played for another 2 hours and got a 80 second timeout from server 39. Log back in to find my fucking guns gone again! At least my alice pack was kind enough to be sitting on the ground next to me, which doesn't mean much since all that was in there was fucking food. Blah blah blah alpha blah blah. I still cannot help but be pissed. Lost an M4a1 Holo which was the first time I actually got this gun and was fucking loving it until...

Location this time was Yvbor

Server 39

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