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I've been having the same problem but only in those few places. I've noticed it in Berezino on separate occasions ( and and recently in Stary Sobor but ONLY when i was close to or looking at the military tents. In berezino, it was the entire city to some extent but you could not even approach the hospital (with the military camp next to it).

Just confirming that the anomalies happen in Berezino. They start showing up if you zoom your view, use scope or binoculars toward the hospital side of city from 500 meters distance, and start to show without zooming in once close to around 200-300 meters.


EDIT. Just thought to add my system specs in case they're relevant.

Intel Core 2 Duo E7300 cpu

Asus P5Q SE mobo

Radeon HD 5830 gpu

4GB DDR2 800MHz ram

Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit

Playing with and beta 95417

Edited by samzala

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Game is almost unplayable. NWAF and any other high value is impossible to get to cause of this. Are these threads here for people just to complain or are we going to get a solution?

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

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i can also confirm this, the graphical issues seems to be coming from a stack of garbage or something inside one of the hangars and one of the outside of it, also the graphical issues occur in cherno whilst looking at the direction to the center of the town / church.

this makes is very hard / unplayable to be in theese areas since if a player spots you from that direction you can't see them cause of the graphical issues.

the same with zeds.

pls fix this, and btw this started to occur when i updated to :/

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This is how it looks like when you are trying to run at Balota airport, i also have this weird Fire bug behind me, everything seems to be in fire?

GTX 560Ti

Also got this one near Stary Sobor military camp at night

Edited by Pekonimaisteri

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When I played just now I had no artefacts at all strangely enough as I haven't done anything. I started playing to see if anything suggested here would work when I, to my surprise, noticed that I had no artefacts. This was at Stary Sobor and NW Airfield.

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Well here i made a video.

looks like it's coming out of the tents and bodies, not much from the wire.

footage from stary zabor and N.W airfield

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

Sorry but I refuse to risk a global ban by editing a file like that.

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1. Download NFOpad (Your going to need it to open and edit a file)

2. Right click "edit with NFOpad" - Mydocuments/ArmA2/"yourname".ArmA2OAProfile

3. Once you have open the file scroll all the way down until you see "sceneComplexity="

4. Change the value after the "=" to "100000" (ex. sceneComplexity=100000)

Worked for me so far. No artifacts. Good luck.

Ye, that works for some people but for some it doesn't do anything.

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had this issue with graphical artifact allong with others i play with, i can say i dont think its the new DAYZ patch, we started getting them after a update on our server to the latest beta (about 2/3 days before the latest dayz patch i think it could possibly be something that was changed in that beta and the subsiquent official arma 2oa patch.for me it mainly appears on certain buildings metlal objects ie: tank traps,wire fencing and crossbows....

to get rid of it i goto my graphic settings/advanced and turn vertical sinc on then change it back after a little while of playing .( seems to work for my friends allso)

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Video of it.

Seems to happen at Cherno for me, also Stary and Green Mountain gets it BAD. Anywhere with dead military zombies.

(can anyone else not copy & paste onto these forums? i had to type that manually).

Edited by paulthebob

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Same thing happens to me, pisses me off a lot. Everytime i see the texture bug out i'm reminded that it caused my death, making me lose my L85A5 ADW, M4A1 CCO and M9 SD + Ghillie suit. Stupid cherno!

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This is how it looks like when you are trying to run at Balota airport, i also have this weird Fire bug behind me, everything seems to be in fire?

GTX 560Ti

Also got this one near Stary Sobor military camp at night

The fire is because someone crashed a heli (or other hacked air vehicle) somewhere in that direction.

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I also experienced similar graphical problems at the Balota, another issue that I experienced was the game turning from day to night and back again over the space of about 15 seconds, I currently have 6k blood owing to the Zed's I had trouble killing with the crap going on over my screen but it also occurred at 8k blood and I've had no experience with this sort of thing happening when I've had <= blood prior to

Also it should be known the sound of flies when near a dead body is not playing correctly and that the ability to take your backpack no longer works and sometimes where you try to examine gear it will display a message about the player and how they died of unknown causes (in this case it was myself and I did die to unknown causes jumping over some barbed wire whilst going through a doorway lol).

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Didn't affect tents for me it's usually caused by buildings in towns and i get white /grey/black textures issue started with 1.6.2 Arma patch but wasn't that common now with the new it grew to the point of unplayble.

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I got some kind of troubles with the graphics too:


Any fix, or nothing yet? really annoying ;)

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All sorts of things cause it. I cannot look at the hostpital in berezino without using the "fix" every 15-20 min.

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SAME Issue. It's.... god i dont know. I died becouse of this at the airport. I have this bug at Chernogorsk, Balota and NW Airfield. PvP it's impossible to do, i cant aim my nose almost.

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