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its freaking barb wire and sand bags....deal with it or fix it DEVS! Screw the choppers! What good is choppers if your cant even play the game!

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What fixed it for me!

My graphics drivers were up to date...so i reinstalled the current one and BAM FIXED...

so even if they r up to date try reinstalling them...worked for me

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Has been happening to me quite often. In fact, I just got sniped at the airstrip because I was wandering aimlessly.

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THis is really annoying.

I had this bug at allmost all military places. Notrh west airfield barracks gie this lag, firetationa and Flight control tower too.

And stary sobor tents.

And Balota Flight control tower too gave me this.

Lots of other places.

Edited by Zapekk

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Has been happening to me quite often. In fact, I just got sniped at the airstrip because I was wandering aimlessly.

what server were you on? 231? if so i killed you lolz! I was just liek you but then in reinstalled my graphics drivers and BAM fixed...

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I'm confirming the lag too. Definitely zombie soldiers and barbed wire.. maybe mil tent meshing too? .. but I definitely get this at all mil bases and airbases

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This is artifacting. When in game to flush video memory hold Shift and numpad minus (-) and then let go of them at the same time. Immediately type "flush" (without quotes of course), no window to type anything will pop up, but when you type it in you will get a black screen with receiving for a little bit and that flushes video memory. Arma 2 is the only game I've ever seen artifacting in, but my friend who also gets a lot of artifacting says that turning on vertical sync sometimes helps, though that's mostly for screen tearing. Yesterday I had to flush twice, the first time I tried it didn't really work so I waited a bit and kept moving on and tried again when we next stopped. Generally though artifacting is when a texture or model gets corrupted and one or a few pixels are way away from where they should be, so the model and textures do their job and texture in the item as normal.

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All it took for me...Yes they were already up to date, but i reinstalled them any ways and BAM fixed....

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its freaking barb wire and sand bags....deal with it or fix it DEVS! Screw the choppers! What good is choppers if your cant even play the game!

where are u getting your info? I have had this bug for awhile and it was definantely not caused by barb wire or sandbags so please enlighten me on where you are getting your info.

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i updated to catalyst 12.6 and i changed the scene complexity variable, it only fixed the problem untill i quit and reloaded the game then the problem was back again.

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yes its the static dead military zombies. they spawn around broken humvees, and some other military places, if you run to the point of the glitches you will also find this end result, they need to do a hotfix for this. it is the only way

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Hope hotfix this patch is terible and ready for trashcan:D

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I'm having the same issue. I think first time I saw it I was running and it was just a few triangles nearby Balota control tower but this time I'm getting it around military hospital and far hangars at Balota airfield (but not aroud the control tower and nearby hangars), Stary Sobor military camp and NW airfield and closer I'm the bigger it is, but when I look into the skyes it disappear

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Getting lots of artifacting in the same areas that people are having issues. Aside from that, a sudden loss of FPS. Then again, this game does look like pure garbage and runs about the same.

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Exactly the same thing here but it is not just at the military locations. I just respawned at cherno and i am getting it there too.

because cherno has military tents, thus military zombies spawned ;)

Edited by Ganjastar

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There has been a lot of miscommunication/confusion in this thread.

First off, yes, barbed wire fences have been causing this issue for some people over the last few weeks. HOWEVER, that is NOT the current 'serious issue'.

The current serious issue, as of, is the dead soldiers that are statically placed in various locations (they are NOT dead zombies, or zombies at all for that matter, just permanently/statically dead soldiers). These guys are EVERYWHERE, including starry tents, NWAF, cherno hotel (right at the base), etc. THIS is the current issue making it unplayable.

The current suggested fixes are:

Reinstall your video card drivers, regardless if they're current.

Hold shift, hold 'minus' on numpad, let go of shift, let go of minus, type flush.

Restart game client and/or computer

Some config change relating to complexity (see previous posts)

Set your ingame resolution and 3d resolution to your maximum monitor resolution on both.

Out of these, only the last one worked best for me, and it was only temporary.

Now stop saying it is or isn't something if you don't know what the actual discussion is!

Edit: Yay for realizing I had not actually registered, even though I swear I did.

Edited by Xerati
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There has been a lot of miscommunication/confusion in this thread.

First off, yes, barbed wire fences have been causing this issue for some people over the last few weeks. HOWEVER, that is NOT the current 'serious issue'.

The current serious issue, as of, is the dead soldiers that are statically placed in various locations (they are NOT dead zombies, or zombies at all for that matter, just permanently/statically dead soldiers). These guys are EVERYWHERE, including starry tents, NWAF, cherno hotel (right at the base), etc. THIS is the current issue making it unplayable.

The current suggested fixes are:

Reinstall your video card drivers, regardless if they're current.

Hold shift, hold 'minus' on numpad, let go of shift, let go of minus, type flush.

Restart game client and/or computer

Some config change relating to complexity (see previous posts)

Set your ingame resolution and 3d resolution to your maximum monitor resolution on both.

Out of these, only the last one worked best for me, and it was only temporary.

Now stop saying it is or isn't something if you don't know what the actual discussion is!

Edit: Yay for realizing I had not actually registered, even though I swear I did.

good job taking what everyone has said in this post and making a summary. we needed to hear it again bro

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^ same issue.. get the pitchfork out lads


Found a temp fix for me changing vid settings. turned vsync off and made object and terrain ect on low settings. no more crazy shape shit.

hope it works for other people, works for me.

Edited by Viles

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I already have my settings on that and I get this issue. I thought it was just my shit viddy card. Maybe it stopped because you changed your settings and something got re-initialiased, rather than because you changed your settings to a specific configuration.

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This just happened to me now. I was playing fine with NO artifacts until a message popped out saying " No Entry for /CFGWeapons" or something along those lines. Then BOOOM: artifacts everywhere.

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Happened to me once in a great while two patches ago, stopped for a whole patch, then this current one i'm getting it practically constantly, along with 3 other people I play with. I hope this gets fixed soon.

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My buddy and I has continuously encountered this bug in Berezino, making it nearly impossible to explore the place. It happens on all servers and restarting the game does not fix the issue. Berezino does have a military camp, which is where we found the source of the problem to be.

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This happens every time i get close of Soldiers Corpses .-. its funny some times cuz In this glitch i can see his big face like he was smilling for me .-. in fact that is kinda creepy but anyway...

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Could we please get a staff response on this :(

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