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Friendly or bandit? The Wallet.

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I'm not personally bothered with banditry but it seems to be a hot topic, purely because there is a large amount of people who wish to try survive with a high standard of morality. How about giving everyone a wallet along with their starter gear when you spawn. If you have your wallet on you, when people scroll over they can see your name tag. If you drop it, then your tag is disabled.

Murder someone when you're carrying your wallet then your tag is red.

Friendlies can all walk about with green names knowing who's who while safe players and bandits can drop their wallets or have a red name after a murder - as long as they carry their wallet.

Friendlies will be easier to spot and therefore will band together in order not be slaughtered.

For the most part this sort of implementation would only change game play for anyone who wanted to opt in. You could drop or "Destroy" your wallet at the beach and game play would be just like it is now. Because of this I can't really see any reason against something like this, it doesn't really directly damage anyone's game play style.


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Pretty good idea. But this might not work on most servers. Since On Regular and Veteran it seems name tags are disabled.

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I actually quite like the idea but I'm not sure if it would work out with some server setings.

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I actually quite like the idea but I'm not sure if it would work out with some server setings.

Then let the servers change their settings! :D

I LOVE this idea. I think it would be a GREAT addition to the game, however, how would it distinguish a murder as an actual assault or an act of self-defense? Also, would everyone start out as "friendly?" If so, there are always friendlies ready to turn bandit and kill someone for their loot which would defeat the purpose of this addition... How would we counter these issues??

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Well it could be that everyone starts out neutral and that you have to hold onto the wallet for so much time before being considered friendly I guess.

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It's going to be hard to make it separate self-defense to actual murder.

In my opinion, I honestly don't like any kind of tagging at all.

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bad idea since it would in fact impact everyone even if they try to opt out of this.. since they would be seen as a wierd party that didnt show its colors and if noone didnt spot you it would still change other players behaviour alot making it impact you in the end aswell..

and the servers with nametags are crap anyways :) it becomes even more of a deathmatch when people have nametags = information about range/location without even seeing someone and also knowing their name, since then you cant do anything anonymously.

I belive nametags will eventually be removed in the standalone if not earlier, so why even bother making changes to 'em now.

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how about a way to show even if player tags are disabled, something like a player is orange if he's had 15-25 murders in his life, which would give survivors (still green) a better shot at well surviving...

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The issue with measuring murders/banditry is the means of the murder. If someone attacks me and I kill him, I get a murder. I would be red and everyone would kill me. (Thus making them red) I think that's why the whole humanity/camobandit thing was removed. Because it couldn't accurately measure someone's true intentions when murdering someone.

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Nice idea but maybe it should turn green after helping other people and be grey at the beginning :)

But can be exploited as well.

First, help a friend to get green status, than group up with other friendly's, than shoot all friendly's. Simple :(

Edited by Aira

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Forgive me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that If someone shoots you first, hits you, and yet you manage to kill them first. It will not count as a murder.

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