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My rant on why DayZ is getting worse

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You must have no patience or you cannot comprehend how to sneak past zombies or evade them.

I stopped reading your whinge when you said you ALT F4 so Zombies despawn, so you can loot. Trying to justify it with your lack of patience and the difficulty you're having with the game.

Perhaps this mod isn't for you. I get the impression you just want to start with the best gear and go from there. L4D seems to be more your playstyle.

They should fix the brightness and gamma exploit so night actually means something, not just bad visuals. You should have to use flares, torches, chemlights and night vision goggles to see.

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(...) who are you to criticise?

Who are you to criticize? That is a tu quoque argument and a logical fallacy.

Rocket has, as an individual come up with a game design that is so popular that (...)

So Rocket is great. What has that got to do with the original argument? That is at best a straw man argument, and thus a logical fallacy.

normally we don't even get to see these things because a smaller group of developers and their friends are playing this.

Again a straw man argument, and it is moot because those lucky few who does get to play with the secret developers, also get a say in how their games looks and behaves. You're basically saying don't criticize it because Rocket is great and we wouldn't have gotten this chance otherwise.

Contrary to you, I believe criticism is vital to making the game better. But what I think is really not the point either. What the OP thinks is, and the fact that you from the beginning of this thread has simply brushed him off with one logical fallacy after another just started to annoy me, so that's why I'm now calling you out for it.

I would say if I had to bet on who has a better idea on what is required to make a game successful out of the two of you, even without knowing who you are. I would bet on Rocket, any day of the week.

You can bet all you want. It still takes two to tango. The fact is, without feedback Rocket would be nowhere, and the game would only be relevant to himself.

Fortunately, Rocket is truly great - not because he's "God" - but because he takes constructive criticism seriously and reads forums posts like these for many hours a day. At least that's what he's said and written multiple times. That is my bet.

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I do believe the game is getting harder and in my opinion you should start with some way to protect yourself (maybe fists) and I think its odd that i can find a windshield or a tire more likely than finding a cigar box or batteries but I still think Rocket has something planned that will blow our faces right off. I hope rocket can prove me right

Where in the world did you find a cigar box and batteries?

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So, constantly telling me something that isn't even related to the core of this thread is not pigheadedness? I'm the one who is pigheaded? I don't know why I even bother replying to you since you clearly also did not take the trouble of reading through everything to get at least comprehend what's going on. God, most people, even if they where twice as smart they would still be almost as sharp as a bowling ball.

AHAHAHAHA! that's rich, the last five or so replies you have made have in some form or another been you bitching about how you can't play the game, when I said at the start, that I acknowledged you didn't need want help, I was trying to make this game a little more fun for you by giving you some simple advice about how to make the game easier for you, considering you can't seem to hendle the incredibly complex tutorials anywhere else, but fine if you want to insist that I'm off topic, maybe you should keep on topic, about how you think the games getting worse because it's getting harder... OH WAIT! That is what we've been talking about, an easy game getting too hard for you to play... interesting. Tell me again how, me telling you how to get better at the game isn't related to this post, because IMO, if you stop being so darn stubborn about how hard the game is, give it another chance and rather than acting like some whiny CoD boy who runs everywhere in video games because he's too impatient, you would understand, this game isn't getting worse, it's becoming more challenging and keeping the people who play the game on their toes.

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The point of the game is not SPEED. It is hours of tedious work to get even a single weapon, and the point of the game IS NOT TO USE THAT WEAPON, it's to covet the weapon until you absolutely HAVE to pull the trigger.

YES! It is a great feeling finding a gun, It's great just knowing you have it and it's better knowing you can generally survive without it... Then, when S*&t really hits the fan, you can be damned sure you won't be going down without a fight.

Not just finding you're tenth lee enfield and being mad because you already have one and you really want a sniper rifle and an AK to run around killing zombies because you're bored and then when you aggro every zombie in town and run out of ammo, just logging out to repeat the looting process for ammo and start again. If you play like that, you ruin the game for the guys who are trying to survive and be stealthy when you aggro every zombie and the guy that was making a quick dash across the road gets seen by all the zombies now running past him in the direction of the shots.

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@Kebman thats what pm's are for...

humans with dead muscle that run faster than you do

They are not dead, they are infected living humans

This clearly shows your capability of understanding what I said, I said dead muscle, not dead humans. But still, EVEN if what i meant was "dead zombies" instead of "Infected zombies", what's the difference at that level? I'm the kid? Do you even think? Biologically it is still wrong, they might feel no pain, they could have even lost their touch but it is impossible for their muscles to keep working for so much time and with so much use and demand, their body also body begins to dehydrate, muscles and other organs begin to fail. Also losing your reasoning and relying only on your primitive instincts does not mean you become stronger in any way, not instantly. Unless catching the infection makes fat people stop being fat, old people young and weak people get ripped like they never been before! Damn what a product.

Maybe this has somthing to do with your english?? I don't understand what you mean by dead muscle, if the person is alive how are their muscles dead? I am telling you that the Z's in this game are living people and not reanimated rotting corpses so there is a major difference. Just as it is impossible for their muscles to keep working all the time, its impossible for your player characters muscles to keep working all the time. As they are alive and all jacked out because of the infection they should be able to push their body beyond the limits of your player character. There is a substance that allows people to become stronger/faster instantly it's called adrenaline.

To make it simple what I'm trying to say to you is you do not have a physical advantage over the Z's, if anything your character would be at a physical disadvantage. If you disagree with this or think this should be changed then you want to make the game easier.

An obstacle you have to overcome? So I bet you never had the experience of being in a in a building, with no weapon whatsoever, and a zombie respawned right in front of the only stairs you can use to to exit it. Good luck on making that 3 meter jump without breaking your legs.

I've had many experiances like this, these are the experiances that make DayZ. You have to make a decision that your life depends apon and in the back of your mind you know that your already dead. I don't think its out of the ordinary that someone could suffer a leg injury that hampers there mobility by jumping from a hieght of 9m, a twisted ankle is just as much a death sentance as a compound fracture. Either one and your mobility is limited and that means you can't run/walk.

Man, I know these are bugs and that this is an alpha, but if you read my post again you see that my suggestion to this and other issues is giving a weapon at start. And why do people immediately consider that when I say "a weapon" I mean "a bazooka, armor, a guillie suit, infinite lives". NO, I do not want to turn this into a generic MMO in any way. A starting "weapon" means a simple way for you to defend yourself in these irregular buggy situations. It could be a freaking spoon.

What would the point be if you were given a spoon? You would die in those encounters just as you do now, so saying you want a spoon is a lie. You want something that will make the early game easier plain and simple, I understand "easier" is relative but it still means not as hard.

Besides the fact that I and many other think everything in the game should be made harder, if the ealry portion of the game were made easier it would have an even greater negative effect. It would mean death isn't as big of a deal, and death should be the biggest deal there is in this game. Don't throw up off topic measures about tents/hording etc, that would be off topic right...

A starting weapon reduces the penalty for death so I am against it.

I have figured it out. You are as smart as bait. I'm trying to help some of the current problems in the mod and, as you clearly still did not understand what I meant, you keep on discussing things that baffle readers from the suggestion, which actually has the objective to reduce the amount of people who use alt-f4 as an alternative.

I responded to each section of your post, just as I did in this post. Your post took a negative postion against 1) losing starting weapon, 2) Aggro range, 3) bleeding, 4) Running Speed, 5)Losing the ability to AltF4 (Cheat), 6) Night, and yes did say that all of these would somehow be fixed through a starting weapon.

Cheaters will always cheat either you are or aren't one period end of story. As your suggestion would have no effect on the above, and because these aren't issues onto themselves I refuted the validity of your arguement rather than your suggestion.

And without making derogetory remarks other than calling you a cheater, but you exposed yourself and apparently don't view AltF4 as cheating so I didn't think you would be offended.

Edited by xXI Mr Two IXx
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come on, i'll give the OP my beanspoon so he can fend of other players on the coast line & feel powerfull.

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+1 with OP, you have most it covered :)

And no, I am not a whiney cheater, whatever, I can take care of myself in the game very well, have coyote backpack, other stuff, and even found a heli, but I still have to go around and avoid all the bugs and weird shit of the game all the time, and that just isn't as fun as just being able to play it in a realistic manner, as it should be!

Edited by Hulahuga
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Also, you shouldn't be able to run away from them.

yes, but then their zig-zagging and lagging should be fixed so i can hit them.

Also their respawning around you feels retarderded, unrealistic and cheap.

I don't mind if there were 3 or 4x more zombies, but just let me kill them and don't respawn them for some time.

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Your opinion since the beggining is basically: " You don't like the mod then you don't play it or you make your own " - Does your suggestion help at anything? Does your suggestion even make sense? I mean, It's the perfect one, you can basically copy and paste that in every single new suggestion thread that it will work. But then doesn't it turn "suggestions" into something obsolete?

Those "five hours I spend writting a suggestion" actually show a simple temporary fix to the problems in the core mechanics of the game. How many times do I have to say this again?

Second time you said my suggestion makes no sense but it does. It you complain so much, yes people do, but if you contsant rant because you do, since you double post in this thread (not a clear reason, but could), then leave it be. Make your own game and make it how you want it, that was my suggestion, and yet you say it makes no sense, it does make sense if you even read it. I'm telling you to make a game to the ways that you want the game to be, not to the ways this game is because clearly this game has several faults that you clearly do not value and would very much like if they are gone, but since it's not your game, and you can only suggestion, my suggestion was to make a game yourself to the way you want it, and you say it makes no sense. It does, yet you say it doesn't, guess the people who rants is always right these days (sarcasm).

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Bugs are bugs and that is why there is testing, some things can not be fixed in the mod state or are not worth the time to try and fix/cover up. If it takes 3 hours to fix in source but could take days or weeks to fix as a mod you don't even touch it, because its being counterproductive with something that is going to go full release.

If that is counter productive with something that is going to go full release, have you then truly been working on a total conversion mod or something equivalent to DayZ with all of your guts for making a good mod ?

Yes testing is to eliminate bugs, and if it takes 5 days to do it, then it takes five days. Should it be counter-productive to fix it, you rather try to avoid implementing it - That is a design decision of the developers - but you wouldn't want to buy a car featuring 4 tires, if you realized you only got 4 rims.

The mod is released in Alpha state, it provokes complains as the players expect that they will see updates coming along. However they got no word of what to expect that will be changed and what won't. Therefore those complains goes on in hope to retrieve a response.

There is also a long time between the 5 days it might take to fix a big issue and something that is going to go "full release" So yes you fix it or you let it be, and thereof the community will respond respectively.

It is very legitimate that Jimykx provides his opinion to the mod and it is up the the developers to decide if they think he is right or not. Jimykx asked for suggestions, not for hypocrites: whether you think that he is crying and being a noob, is totally unrelated to the topic and is best kept for yourself. Providing arguments against his words and suggesting different play-styles is way better than flaming, otherwise you aren't bringing anything useful.

Edited by eliasr
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Maybe this has somthing to do with your english?? I don't understand what you mean by dead muscle, if the person is alive how are their muscles dead?

If you can't understand the difference there, then that is a good explanation to why you don't understand the whole suggestion post. Then why sould I even bother?But I'll do the hard work for you.

The guys is infected so he's a zombie, but sick people also need to eat and drink. If they have malnutrition, if they are dehydrated then their cells will start to die, muscle cells in this case. Their body won't work well so how can they run like that, see and hear so good for so much time? specially the old people in the villages.

I am telling you that the Z's in this game are living people and not reanimated rotting corpses so there is a major difference. Just as it is impossible for their muscles to keep working all the time, its impossible for your player characters muscles to keep working all the time. As they are alive and all jacked out because of the infection they should be able to push their body beyond the limits of your player character. There is a substance that allows people to become stronger/faster instantly it's called adrenaline.

Damn, do you even live in the same world I do? Your stupidity tells me otherwise.Adrenaline makes you go beyond your limits, it is not an infinite source of superman juice. You talk like you can have infinite rushes of adrenaline, you talk like you understand a lot of biology when you clearly don't. I could tell you how a lot of this hormone can cause infarcts, how there is allways a crash and exhaustion when you use those big ammounts, HOW YOUR HEARING CAN COMPLETELY GO AWAY, HOW YOUR PERIPHERAL VISION IS DECREASED AND DISTORTED. But you are clueless so why should i bother. With every argument you use you contradict yourself more and more. When I talk about a subject, when I take my time to write a sugggestion I KNOW what I'm talking about, I research and I know and I am fully aware that the decisions I make are the best I can find, contrarly to you and most of the people crapping around in this thread.

Let me also appropriate this moment to thanks the users who took the time to criticize some of my statements and to actually show their VALID opinions, without fallacies, to make me understand why they also have a correct view. They actually contributed to the development of this thread and to the own good of the mod.

To make it simple what I'm trying to say to you is you do not have a physical advantage over the Z's, if anything your character would be at a physical disadvantage. If you disagree with this or think this should be changed then you want to make the game easier.

I'll make it simple, when in life or death situations your body also releases Adrenaline. If that's what you are talking about.

Good luck on making that 3 meter jump without breaking your legs.

I've had many experiances like this, these are the experiances that make DayZ. You have to make a decision that your life depends apon and in the back of your mind you know that your already dead. I don't think its out of the ordinary that someone could suffer a leg injury that hampers there mobility by jumping from a hieght of 9m, a twisted ankle is just as much a death sentance as a compound fracture. Either one and your mobility is limited and that means you can't run/walk.

The decision of jumping 3 meters and having a chance of breaking or not your leg? You either want to be blinded by the fact that the mod as flaws and you take those flaws as "How it would happen in real life" or you are clearly out of valid arguments and you have to thawrt what is being discussed to aid on your side, which you are constantly doing and, every post, only makes you look more and more stupid.

What would the point be if you were given a spoon? You would die in those encounters just as you do now, so saying you want a spoon is a lie.

You assume I would die Even though it was clearly stated in my main thread and other posts I do it so that I won't die because of the stupid buggy agroes and spawns.

You want something that will make the early game easier plain and simple, I understand "easier" is relative but it still means not as hard.

You hardly believe all I want is the devs to make the game easier because I can't play it, YOU THINK I want them to give me armor, a bazooka, cammo , food and an aimbot as soon as I start becau

Besides the fact that I and many other think everything in the game should be made harder, if the ealry portion of the game were made easier it would have an even greater negative effect. It would mean death isn't as big of a deal, and death should be the biggest deal there is in this game. Don't throw up off topic measures about tents/hording etc, that would be off topic right...

A starting weapon reduces the penalty for death so I am against it.

You still haven't clearly understood my point. How giving players a starting way to be offensive would reduce death penalty? If you started with a way to push a zombie to the ground so that you could gain some ground running away from him that would make your life more valuable and make you want to die less? In the thread I suggested a melee weapon because that's what the game currently supports. If everyone starts with a stick people won't be killing each other more just because they want two sticks because they already god damn started with one.

But Damn, you want to increase the penalty for death, you want to make it harder? Then why should rocket bother about the deathmatchers? Why should you even start with bandages and painkillers? Why don't you start surrounded by zombies already? Why isn't there a hord of zombies spawning on you at every few seconds.

I responded to each section of your post, just as I did in this post. Your post took a negative postion against 1) losing starting weapon, 2) Aggro range, 3) bleeding, 4) Running Speed, 5)Losing the ability to AltF4 (Cheat), 6) Night, and yes did say that all of these would somehow be fixed through a starting weapon.

Cheaters will always cheat either you are or aren't one period end of story. As your suggestion would have no effect on the above, and because these aren't issues onto themselves I refuted the validity of your arguement rather than your suggestion.

And without making derogetory remarks other than calling you a cheater, but you exposed yourself and apparently don't view AltF4 as cheating so I didn't think you would be offended.

I said I would stop using alt-f4 in the beggining if the game would stop having aggro and spawn flaws. I also said others would stop doing it because I believe there are more people with common sense and that like to play the game the way it was meant to be played.Just look at how much people agree with the original post. If you think otherwise, that everyone , all of the people who do this are and will allway be cheaters then you either really want to incriminate them or the one who is a thread in here is you. Now, going back on topic, if these mechanic issues are hard to fix now, then why not give temporarly a player a way to get rid of the only zombie that he aggrowed so that he doesn't has to log off. Once again, I suggested a melee weapon because it's what's closer to having nearly nothing.

Edited by jimykx
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I stopped reading your whinge when you said you ALT F4 so Zombies ....

I stopped reading when you said you stopped reading.

Seriously, why should I bother when you clearly don't? You don't care as much as you don't understand the whole suggestion.

First of all I wonder why you need a gun to deal with zombies? Yeah sure a melee weapon can be useful but I never use a gun on a zombie if it's not absolutely necessary. The noise attracts way to much attention from both zombies and players so it's not worth it and it is rather easy to lose them without a fight anyway (this needs to be buffed aka make it harder to fight/get rid of zombies). Well I believe the alt+F4 solution also will come with a logout timer, you will basically stay in game X amount of seconds after you exit the game. One DC in a combat will obviously not get you banned but if that happens repetitively you should get punished for it, no one just happen to DC every time you get into a fire fight.

Why you assume that I need a gun to deal with zombies? I need an offensive way. Being offensive does not necessarily mean you need a gun

I'm telling you to make a game to the ways that you want the game to be, not to the ways this game is because clearly this game has several faults that you clearly do not value and would very much like if they are gone, but since it's not your game, and you can only suggestion,

I'm telling you you clearly did not understand anything about the post. You take it a I am only telling the mod sucks which I clearly don't. IF you had a clue you would know i'm trying to improve on the game's issues and not trying to make it a worse game for everyone who loves and plays it like me.

Edited by jimykx
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If that is counter productive with something that is going to go full release, have you then truly been working on a total conversion mod or something equivalent to DayZ with all of your guts for making a good mod ?

Yes testing is to eliminate bugs, and if it takes 5 days to do it, then it takes five days. Should it be counter-productive to fix it, you rather try to avoid implementing it - That is a design decision of the developers - but you wouldn't want to buy a car featuring 4 tires, if you realized you only got 4 rims.

The mod is released in Alpha state, it provokes complains as the players expect that they will see updates coming along. However they got no word of to expect what will be changed and what won't. Therefore those complains goes on in hope to retrieve a response.

There is also a long time between the 5 days it might take to fix a big issue and something that is going to go "full release" So yes you touch it or you let it be, and thereof the community will respond respectively.

It is very legitimate that Jimykx provides his opinion to the mod and it is up the the developers to decide if they think he is right or not. Jimykx asked for suggestions, not for hypocrites: whether you think that he is crying and being a noob, is totally unrelated to the topic and is best kept for yourself. Providing arguments against his words and suggesting different play-styles is way better flaming, otherwise you aren't bringing anything usefull.

Your answer is very well suitable for many posters in this thread. I might as well start copy and pasting it. Thanks for understanding me, I might be being a little paranoid and negative by saying this but it's the few people like you that make me still care.

3 posts in a row? Crap, I might as well be flamed for this one. The truth is there seems to be no way to delete your own posts, and what I wanted to do was to add this quote to my previous post.

Edited by jimykx
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Damn, do you even live in the same world I do? Your stupidity tells me otherwise.Adrenaline makes you go beyond your limits, it is not an infinite source of superman juice. You talk like you can have infinite rushes of adrenaline, you talk like you understand a lot of biology when you clearly don't. I could tell you how a lot of this hormone can cause infarcts, how there is always a crash and exhaustion when you use those big amounts, HOW YOUR HEARING CAN COMPLETELY GO AWAY, HOW YOUR PERIPHERAL VISION IS DECREASED AND DISTORTED. But you are clueless so why should i bother. With every argument you use you contradict yourself more and more. When I talk about a subject, when I take my time to write a suggestion I know what I'm talking about, I research and I know and I am fully aware that the decisions I make are the best I can find, contrary to you and most of the people crapping around in this thread.

Jimmykx your attitude and personal attacks doesn't improve the behaviour in this topic. Your argument of the biological effects are all valid, but for a game with an fictional infection, zombies = superman is also valid.

You are able to lose zombies, though it isn't always easy. Should the zombies contain equivalent data as a player, it might cause so much traffic that the game wouldn't be able to handle 300 zombies as you sometimes see on 50 "active players" servers. Clearly it is possible to argument that the zombies should not contain all that data, and therefore wouldn't handle food/drinking and other things which affects "exhaustion".

Personally I don't mind the difficulty of the zombies, however the negligence of walls and doors and their laggy-super-sprint mode really annoys me. Cause even those "low-level" industrial building highest loot rate is usually a hatchet, and they take a zombie out on 1 chop and makes almost no noise; so getting some protection against them isn't the biggest problem, it's rather the bugs concerning them which are.

On top of that, those respawns of the zombies are the worst problem.

Balancing the difficulty is a difficult process, and it usually doesn't get right the first time. And two large groups with different opinions to the difficulty level, does not make it easier. I discover that some of these difficulties is related to the zombie bugs, and that is one of the reasons that I think that alpha releases should be handled more carefully, as feedback in this phase is sometimes "better" if the feedback is aware of the goals for the mod and have technical insider knowledge.

(Please notice that I'm not offended and don't want to indicate that DayZ released in its current state is "wrong"; That is a decision Rocket made and it probably suits him well. I just wanted to point out that this topic mentions regulations of the difficulty and I notice that many of the arguments are considered bugs. Applying that there might actually not be anything incorrect with the current difficulty and changing the difficulty based on "our" feedback could make the difficulty incorrect after the bugs are fixed).

Recently there have been a huge debate that many games focus on being so realistic that they aren't fun to play anymore, applying the importance that games does not have to be realistic. How the developers ideology is regarding realistic vs unrealistic will affect the gameplay. Argumenting that zombies may be a superman-mutated rat in a zombie dress which was caused by a beach ball that caused a Russian nuke launch which were multifunctional; and instead of killing everyone people were transformed into rats with superman genes, and they chose to use the former human skin as a disguise to eat more human flesh - O.o fuck that is weird.

Edited by eliasr
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If you can't understand the difference there, then that is a good explanation to why you don't understand the whole suggestion post. Then why sould I even bother?But I'll do the hard work for you.

The guys is infected so he's a zombie, but sick people also need to eat and drink. If they have malnutrition, if they are dehydrated then their cells will start to die, muscle cells in this case. Their body won't work well so how can they run like that, see and hear so good for so much time? specially the old people in the villages.

Damn, do you even live in the same world I do? Your stupidity tells me otherwise.Adrenaline makes you go beyond your limits, it is not an infinite source of superman juice. You talk like you can have infinite rushes of adrenaline, you talk like you understand a lot of biology when you clearly don't. I could tell you how a lot of this hormone can cause infarcts, how there is allways a crash and exhaustion when you use those big ammounts, HOW YOUR HEARING CAN COMPLETELY GO AWAY, HOW YOUR PERIPHERAL VISION IS DECREASED AND DISTORTED. But you are clueless so why should i bother. With every argument you use you contradict yourself more and more. When I talk about a subject, when I take my time to write a sugggestion I KNOW what I'm talking about, I research and I know and I am fully aware that the decisions I make are the best I can find, contrarly to you and most of the people crapping around in this thread.

Let me also appropriate this moment to thanks the users who took the time to criticize some of my statements and to actually show their VALID opinions, without fallacies, to make me understand why they also have a correct view. They actually contributed to the development of this thread and to the own good of the mod.

I'll make it simple, when in life or death situations your body also releases Adrenaline. If that's what you are talking about.

Just like to point out a couple of things. While the other person was wrong about the effects and duration of adrenaline, the infection may have other ways of creating a relentless zombie. Take this for example:

Muscles need ATP to function and provide force to move the body. Since ATP usually comes by through respiration we generally have a limited supply due to a limit on our ability to intake oxygen. Now if the infection were localised around the entire body, its not impossible that the virus produces a large amount of ATP directly at the muscle site, providing the muscles with essentially unlimited amounts of ATP. Obviously there would be a larger scientific reason and wherabouts of where the virus/bacterium gets the base products, but thats all beyond me. Now since the muscles have as much ATP as they need, and the infection probably prevents growth, the body no longer needs either food nor oxygen. The virus provides the energy needed so the original ingredients aren't needed anymore. Thus you have an unrelenting infected that can run at full pace for a very long time. It would also explain the degeneration of skin, hearing, and sight as these functions need certain nutrients to maintain and since the virus is not maintinging them, at least to the full extent, they slowly get worse.

The thing is, even with unlimited or lots of ATP, the infected would still be limited on the actual muscular-skeltal structure of its host. A fat farmer isn't going to run like Usain Bolt, regardless of how much energy he has. That and the fact that the infection probably can't mimic the control we have over our body perfectly, so they'd probably be slightly slower then a normal person at sprinting as they don't have the control which we learnt over many years. Running fast isn't just being fit, it's knowing how to run and its a complex skill. Obviously, there will be infected that run faster then you, but they would be in the minority.

I've only played this game for a while but, currently, the infected are avoidable. I just prone and crawl to the destination. It's tedious, but I've crawled through Electro with a broken leg to find morphine without alerting a single infected. Only after I got up and crouch run did I get a couple following me. It would be nice, to speed the pace of the game up a tiny bit if crouch running didn't alert zombies so easily, if only to relieve the hideous boredom of constantly crawling. Losing zombies is also easy, running through multiple bushes until they stop following you. Please don't remove that.

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Getting up a steep hill is also a good way, unfortunately the hill just northeast of cherno isn't steep enough.... at other times i just get sniped.

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I'm telling you you clearly did not understand anything about the post. You take it a I am only telling the mod sucks which I clearly don't. IF you had a clue you would know i'm trying to improve on the game's issues and not trying to make it a worse game for everyone who loves and plays it like me.

You clearly don't understand then, I do. I read the post, I told you before, you are neglecting to see it through your hate. Yes, you kinda are saying the mod sucks by listing the faults that are pointed towards YOU because clearly you can't play the game right. The only suggestions you're making is trying to make the game better for you (maybe others) but mostly for you because of your faults at the game, and that's what your posts shows, and you keep saying I don't understand the post/didn't read it, I did, I said it posts before, yet you still can't get that through your thick skull appearently. Hmm...

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My main problem in this game are not the zombies, has the OP said before, once you have a weapon the zombies are not the problem anymore (and if the game doesn't feel luck bugging like a prick)

The thing in the game that pisses me off are the brain dead players that only care about shooting other players instead of trying to get the best of them, by that i mean create a gang or whatever you like to call it to provide better and more efficient equipment, and maybe after that be a bastard and kill that guy to have all for your own..again i feel this game about a zombie outbreak not a game to extinguish human race.

Of course due the game nature of open world and action, we'll always deal with different kind of people and that will affect the way we play but..i f*cking hate it

You are able to lose zombies, though it isn't always easy. Should the zombies contain equivalent data as a player, it might cause so much traffic that the game wouldn't be able to handle 300 zombies as you sometimes see on 50 "active players" servers. Clearly it is possible to argument that the zombies should not contain all that data, and therefore wouldn't handle food/drinking and other things which affects "exhaustion".

I believe that there is more ways to deal with those values, for instance: if you give a zed a life time like 30 min and it will only be extended if he hit/kill a player. And about aggro you could give a value of time/distance that will make him run less faster over time/distance.

I'm not expert in Zed Biology, never had that class before, but i believe that are NOT in ANY way superior to any healthy human..

Balancing the difficulty is a difficult process, and it usually doesn't get right the first time. And two large groups with different opinions to the difficulty level, does not make it easier. I discover that some of these difficulties is related to the zombie bugs, and that is one of the reasons that I think that alpha releases should be handled more carefully, as feedback in this phase is sometimes "better" if the feedback is aware of the goals for the mod and have technical insider knowledge.

(Please notice that I'm not offended and don't want to indicate that DayZ released in its current state is "wrong"; That is a decision Rocket made and it probably suits him well. I just wanted to point out that this topic mentions regulations of the difficulty and I notice that many of the arguments are considered bugs. Applying that there might actually not be anything incorrect with the current difficulty and changing the difficulty based on "our" feedback could make the difficulty incorrect after the bugs are fixed).

I totally agree, difficulty in this game are the bugs, beside dealing with brain dead players and i believe that these late modifications are not focused to fix those, like zed behavior and zig-zag jagger moves, and instead they are changing minor issues in a LOT of things instead focusing on one specific matter at the time, but that's just me..i'm not the developer. Arma 2 is not the best engine around to create this mod as well...

Edited by emagut

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You clearly don't understand then, I do. I read the post, I told you before, you are neglecting to see it through your hate. Yes, you kinda are saying the mod sucks by listing the faults that are pointed towards YOU because clearly you can't play the game right. The only suggestions you're making is trying to make the game better for you (maybe others) but mostly for you because of your faults at the game, and that's what your posts shows, and you keep saying I don't understand the post/didn't read it, I did, I said it posts before, yet you still can't get that through your thick skull appearently. Hmm...

This is a suggestion part of the forum right? so what he did? you agree? you care? wanna contribute? (after thinking about these 5 questions try to get a conclusion and be productive)

Edited by emagut

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Before reading and commenting: -My English is definitely not perfect but I will give my best.

- I'm not looking for a tutorial on how to play this game so don't tell me "You need to sneak and head to the barns first"

-This is the suggestions forum tab and this is MY opinion,I'm trying to improve the game so don't give me the excuse : "uuh but the game is still in alpha"

-I'm not saying the game is too hard or too easy. I'm mentioning the issues that could be fixed to make it a better and more solid experience overall

-Reading through the whole post actually gives you a valid reason to reply, assuming you understood my point of view and where I want to get.

With every update the game gets I lose a little bit of interest in the mod because it gets progressively worse.

First, new players lost any kind of self defense they had when they spawned. Thanks to this you are worthless and you have no method of protecting yourself against zombies or more powerful players. You can't push zombies, you can't even punch them like you would in real life. Damn, at least let us start with a melee weapon. A freaking spoon, I don't care.

Second, it appears to me that now you are much more likely to aggro zombies. It has happened about countless time when I'm prone and suddenly see a zombie running, coming from like the other corner of the map and sprinting directly at me. Or I'm scavenging a small wooden house and suddenly a zombie spawns on top of me. How is this possible? Ow, and did I already mentioned that I had no way of defending myself?

Then comes the bleeding. A zombie hits you once and you start bleeding like there is no tomorrow. Really? Bleeding from scratches should not be so aggressive and drastic ( but Honestly the bleeding is not what affects me the most).

Fourth comes the running away from zombies. Do I have to say the obvious? It's almost impossible unless you take them indoors.

In the end you end up dying from thirst or hunger because you spent all of the time running away from a zombie that you could not kill, or trying to avoid them.

My final issue comes with the fact that it seems to be easier to find windshields, tires and engines in small villages than it is to find food.

After this specific patch ( I had to create this thread. Why? Because of the "[NEW] Hive now tracks login/logout (to assist in analysis for an ALT+F4 solution)"

YES, I use it. NOT IN PVP. But in PVE. Why? Because I got tired of spending hours walking and avoiding zombies, finding only crap loot and aggrowing that only zombie that I have no way to kill and that I will end up dieing to. So, to catch my first weapon I adopted the tactic of sprinting to a place where I can find loot, logout to loose the aggro, login and loot it.

Do I have to mention again why am I forced to do this?

I'm tired of losing hours going all splinter cell, entering a building, notice it has only cans and when I want to leave it a zombie spawned right in front of the only stairs I can use and I still have no way of being agressive.

Honestly, I truly believe that the next patch will make you start with only a stick and give you the option: "stick it up your ass and enjoy" or something like that. Because that's where the mod is heading.

If the game wasn't hard enough because of the lag and bugs, now you can't even have your own problems because it will penalize if you disconnect for any reason and when you come back short while you will be stunned for a couple of minutes just to avoid from other players to jump from servers to pick loot were they start. What about switch and/or add some basic game mechanics so people don't try to exploit the mod? Me and my clan were having a lot of fun for the last week until it was all f*d up again..

Instead of changing the mechanics to avoid exploits, why don't you add basic things that MAKE the players NOT feel the need to exploit? I believe adding a melee weapon to starting characters would solve half of these issues.

Seriously, I love this mod. It's one of my favorite game modifications but I think it lacks some sense in it's features right now. Instead of immediately preventing players to do something you do not want them to do: alt-f4 to avoid being killed by zombies, or increase brightness to see better at night why don't you try to actually investigate why that is happening and fix it from the root?

Let me do the hard work for you. Players increase gamma and brightness because you can't see anything at night. I enjoy this but honestly, In real life I live in a small village where there is very little light pollution, and in the night you can see much better than what you see in the game (which is pretty much pitch black). Not to mention when there is full moon, you can see almost as well as if it was day. I'm not telling you you should be able to see much better at night because I understand perfectly the important component of fear etc the night brings, and I do not want to make the different light sources obsolete, but why not lighten up the night just a little small bit?

- After reading my whole opinion you might also want to read:

- tempestfeir post on the second page of this thread.

- Xeroph jayp.uncensored TheProphecy Colditz posts on the third page of the thread.

I agree with you on most things but... aggroing zombies while prone from half way across the map? Really? No I can't say I've had this problem myself. Running away from zombies, well what do you expect? They are faster than you after all. Zombies following you up stairs? Shocking. I'm just saying for these things it seems a bit silly, Other than that I get where you are coming from.

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I think it's legit to try and explain why some things will not be fixed or at least should not be fixed in a POC mod. I work in development, (not game development) and I have done many POC's, its how you prove something to people up the chain that don't believe in a conceptual idea. Its thrown together with enough to show it works and enough shine to convince people its going to be successfull (These people often have no idea of how things actually work). You don't build on the POC to create the final version, it is never set up to the actual scale that a final version is and never has sufficient infrastructure behind it. (Sound like anything)

If you can't understand the difference there, then that is a good explanation to why you don't understand the whole suggestion post. Then why sould I even bother?But I'll do the hard work for you.

The guys is infected so he's a zombie, but sick people also need to eat and drink. If they have malnutrition, if they are dehydrated then their cells will start to die, muscle cells in this case. Their body won't work well so how can they run like that, see and hear so good for so much time? specially the old people in the villages.

They do eat and drink, they eat players and drink their blood....

I am a huge fan of realism but I can suspend that enough that I don't need to see the Z's eating/drinking to accept that they are alive and in decent shape, ie not on the brink of death from malnutrition.

I don't understand why you say for so much time, the initial outbreak could have been a day or months ago we don't know...

Damn, do you even live in the same world I do? Your stupidity tells me otherwise.Adrenaline makes you go beyond your limits, it is not an infinite source of superman juice. You talk like you can have infinite rushes of adrenaline, you talk like you understand a lot of biology when you clearly don't. I could tell you how a lot of this hormone can cause infarcts, how there is allways a crash and exhaustion when you use those big ammounts, HOW YOUR HEARING CAN COMPLETELY GO AWAY, HOW YOUR PERIPHERAL VISION IS DECREASED AND DISTORTED. But you are clueless so why should i bother. With every argument you use you contradict yourself more and more. When I talk about a subject, when I take my time to write a sugggestion I KNOW what I'm talking about, I research and I know and I am fully aware that the decisions I make are the best I can find, contrarly to you and most of the people crapping around in this thread.

I'll make it simple, when in life or death situations your body also releases Adrenaline. If that's what you are talking about.

I didn't say infinite, you have again tried to argue something completely different rather than concede that I'm correct. THEY ARE LIVING PEOPLE.

Yes your player character would also get an adrenaline boost, but he/she also feels pain, fear, and has a sense of self preservation, this gives the advantage to the infected.

The infected while not aggro'd do not appear to be using up many calories let alone adrenaline, so I don't think you have to suspend reality that much to belive they would be/go into jacked more when they aggro. I don't mean the crazy pathing/run they do I simply mean that I don't think it is a given that your character is faster/strong than they are.

I also look at what Rocket has actually said about them and how he envisions them. Look at the post below.

The decision of jumping 3 meters and having a chance of breaking or not your leg? You either want to be blinded by the fact that the mod as flaws and you take those flaws as "How it would happen in real life" or you are clearly out of valid arguments and you have to thawrt what is being discussed to aid on your side, which you are constantly doing and, every post, only makes you look more and more stupid.

I don't think it’s stupid to understand that in game a broken leg really represents any type of leg injury that would not allow you to walk/run. Should they have added a twisted ankle mechanic or maybe some additional animations/icons etc. That would be a complete waste of time, the game can still be authentic with one mechanic, and I think its very authentic that you could sustain a leg injury jumping from a height of 9m, especially if onto a hard surface.

I do think it’s stupid to waste time exploiting a simple mechanic in order to "win" at a game rather than actually enjoy the experiences that your meant to have by playing the game.

You assume I would die Even though it was clearly stated in my main thread and other posts I do it so that I won't die because of the stupid buggy agroes and spawns.

Are you really saying you would not die/take enough injuries that you may as well be dead if you were armed only with a spoon??? Or are you again trying to provide justification for cheating???

You hardly believe all I want is the devs to make the game easier because I can't play it, YOU THINK I want them to give me armor, a bazooka, cammo , food and an aimbot as soon as I start becau

No I just recognize that one concession to the difficulty is one to many, its what has ruined countless other games, that first suggestion/whine/bitchfest/complaint about the difficulty that a dev caved into.

You still haven't clearly understood my point. How giving players a starting way to be offensive would reduce death penalty? If you started with a way to push a zombie to the ground so that you could gain some ground running away from him that would make your life more valuable and make you want to die less? In the thread I suggested a melee weapon because that's what the game currently supports. If everyone starts with a stick people won't be killing each other more just because they want two sticks because they already god damn started with one.

But Damn, you want to increase the penalty for death, you want to make it harder? Then why should rocket bother about the deathmatchers? Why should you even start with bandages and painkillers? Why don't you start surrounded by zombies already? Why isn't there a hord of zombies spawning on you at every few seconds.

Making your life as new spawn easier makes it suck less when you die because you are then a new spawn. I don't understand how you don't get this? Not only should you fear death, but you should fear having to go back to that starting point because you know how crappy it is.

Yes make it harder, he shouldn't bother about the death matchers as this too will solve itself at the appropriate time in development, take away all starting equipment, as long as they don't attack while you spawn in I'm cool with being in the middle of the horde. Z's should spawn on you especially in towns/cities/high loot areas... wait that is where they spawn initially and in turn spawn on you. These are locations that are infested and the engine can not support this so it instead insta spawns zombies to represent what it can't actually simulate due to engine limitations....

I said I would stop using alt-f4 in the beginning if the game would stop having aggro and spawn flaws. I also said others would stop doing it because I believe there are more people with common sense and that like to play the game the way it was meant to be played. Just look at how much people agree with the original post. If you think otherwise, that everyone , all of the people who do this are and will allway be cheaters then you either really want to incriminate them or the one who is a thread in here is you. Now, going back on topic, if these mechanic issues are hard to fix now, then why not give temporarly a player a way to get rid of the only zombie that he aggro’d so that he doesn't has to log off. Once again, I suggested a melee weapon because it's what's closer to having nearly nothing.

So you will stop using AltF4 when you stop aggro'ing zombies to you.... Do you count yourself out of the category of "people with common sense that like to play the game the way its meant to be played"? I hope so because you are, and its likely so are most of the people that gave you their beans.

When their lives are on the line I do think people will always be cheaters, liars, cut throats, and any other derogatory label you want to throw out there. If the option is out there to avoid pain (In this case the suck of death in a perma death game) then people will always take it. Do you really think every aggro is a bug or everyone shooting you is a hacker? This isn't the case but people always justify altF4 because of these reasons, because they can justify it to themselves, so thats what they do. Its the same with duping, if someone else is going to hack it in wtf does it matter if its duped, and this is the cycle DayZ is in. If anything these are the issues I think should be addressed by the dev's, but I understand that it would most likely be counterproductive so I'm not going to make countless threads qq'n about it.

As for the melee weapon see above, no concessions.....

Edited by xXI Mr Two IXx
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They are not classic zombies, they are infected people. I have new animations, a whole bunch of stuff to add. But that will come later.

The zombies in this aren't zombies. They are infected people.

Personally I prefer 28 days/months later as I find this more terrifying and believable, hence why it is like this in game.

As I said in an interview, I have a lifecycle developed for the infected people that will result in some of them being slower than others (malnutritioned) but that would be the exception rather than rule.

So the infected:

- Cannot feel pain

- Lacks all reasoning other than basal instinct

- Has no human emotions

- Has only the desire to attack

I can understand the folks who want the zombies slowed down for gameplay reasons.

But what completely dumbfounds me, is why do people steadfastly believe that in "real life" they would be able to outrun a person in such a state?

I'm genuinely curious, as such a notion seems absurd to me. Removing alot of the human thoughts from the brain, such as fear, pain, self preservation - would make someone extremely hard to get away from.

Edited by xXI Mr Two IXx

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Defanitly take your time and don't go near any big cities like electro of cherno if you can't not aggrieved zombies. Spawn in and just run inland to small villages with good loot. BTW it's not that hard to get a gun even a makarov can one shot a zombie if you have good aim and the ammo is so common. So just take it quietly and carefully. Dude a hatchet is SOOOO easy to find we're ever you spawn you are like a 10 min run max from a place with will have a hatchet or a gun.

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