[email protected] 28 Posted July 31, 2012 I have 2 copies of arma 2, on 2 steam accounts, on 2 computers. It has become invaluble to my crew as the "whipping boy" who hauls shit 10 k's autorunning on foot, picks us up from the coast in vehicles, carries the food, drink and ammo for us. I can leave him in an overwatch position while we are all off scavenging.It only cost me $15 during the steam sales, already earned its keep. Of course it helps when you have a good enough second pc/laptop though, as i tried to swap copies of arma 2 on the one machine and hit resistance.It adds another level of challenge controlling 2 people at the same time. Current challenge is trying to fly a chopper with the main and then gun with the second dude.The way in which you use that is blatant exploitation. Good job posting it all over hope both your accounts get banned. Using as offline storage impossible to raid. Using to kill people that kill you? Yeah, that is how this game was meant to be played. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
GexAlmighty 54 Posted July 31, 2012 Very much agree, the devs need to get on this as a high priority Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drogur (DayZ) 169 Posted July 31, 2012 The character is connected to your CD key.....one character per key.... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
C0LDKILL (DayZ) 34 Posted July 31, 2012 This could also prevent server hoppinng. http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/53945-preventing-server-hopping/ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ade 16 Posted August 1, 2012 Look people, I know that buying a second Combined Operations gives you a second account but I already told you this in my first post: It's not the solution I'm looking for. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted August 4, 2012 (edited) It's not the experience level I'm talking about, it's just that all my friends don't know each other. I feel awkward if I bring friends I only know by the internet to play with my real life friends.then meet them using your existing charrunning is part of the game, get goingLook people, I know that buying a second Combined Operations gives you a second account but I already told you this in my first post: It's not the solution I'm looking for.its the only solution you will get before this game goes standalone. and noone knows how things will work out on standalone.Good job posting it all over hope both your accounts get banned.its not against the rules, you won't get banned for multiboxing. storing stuff in a character is fully legit.i mean, you have 36 inventory slots, thats not even a tent. and currently you can't even be sure if your stuff is stillthere on next login. so if anyone pays 20 bucks just to have 36 more 'secure' slots, have my beans.and multiboxing is not a big problem either. he has to monitor two accounts, he can't have eyes on both at the same time.an overwatch position which is not actively monitored full time is not really something i would want to have in my team.before anyone complains about imbalance and rich people having the advantage:it really is NO problem to succeed in this game without multiboxing, it doesn't suffice for an excuse if you get screwed.i have multiple characters, but not to store stuff, and not to multibox.its simply one for teamplay, one for soloplay, one for just screwing around. Edited August 4, 2012 by Azrail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted August 4, 2012 (edited) *posts merged* Edited August 4, 2012 by Azrail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ade 16 Posted August 4, 2012 then meet them using your existing charrunning is part of the game, get goingNo, that's crazy. I'm not gonna spend my whole day running back and forth in DayZ. That's going to take way too long, I don't have time for that. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted August 4, 2012 As previous threads on this exact same topic(search function is your friend) have brought up. There are way too many ways to exploit this, and the benefits would never outweight the downsides.The options you have at your disposal are:1. Buy another CD key(you already said no to this)2. Run between groups(you already said no to this)3. Play on a Sanctuary server. Sanctuary servers are on a different database, therefore the character stored on them is different from your own. So if you were to play with one group on Sanctuary servers, and play with another group on the normal HIVE servers, you would have your solution.Luckily Rocket has enough foresight to see how most changes would result, and thus goes about them in a more intelligent way than most of the community would. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ade 16 Posted August 4, 2012 3. Play on a Sanctuary server. Sanctuary servers are on a different database, therefore the character stored on them is different from your own. So if you were to play with one group on Sanctuary servers, and play with another group on the normal HIVE servers, you would have your solution.Aren't those servers kind of empty? And I thought they weren't allowed either. Anyway, I think my friends wouldn't be too happy about having to play on another server different server, having to abandon the better ones or alternate between the two which would possibly create more problems for me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted August 4, 2012 Aren't those servers kind of empty? And I thought they weren't allowed either. Anyway, I think my friends wouldn't be too happy about having to play on another server different server, having to abandon the better ones or alternate between the two which would possibly create more problems for me.Judging by your post you don't know what a sanctuary server is.Normal dayz servers run on a database called the "HIVE". That is where all of your character information is sored, using your game ID.Sanctuary servers use their own database, separate from the HIVE. There you have a completely different character with completely different information.Now, I'll answer your questions.No, Sanctuary servers are just as populated as normal Dayz servers.There is no way to allow or disallow Sanctuary servers, they are on a separate database.Just play with one group of friends on the Sanctuary servers, and the other group of friends on the HIVE servers. Doesn't require any switching until you want to access your other character; and if your friends get mad about having to switch between two servers, then I'd hate to see how mad they get about playing the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ade 16 Posted August 4, 2012 Judging by your post you don't know what a sanctuary server is.Normal dayz servers run on a database called the "HIVE". That is where all of your character information is sored, using your game ID.Sanctuary servers use their own database, separate from the HIVE. There you have a completely different character with completely different information.I already knew what they were, I have visited a server which created a new character for me. But I would actually like a solution which would allow multiple characters on the "normal" servers. There must be some kind of solution for all the exploits. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted August 4, 2012 I already knew what they were, I have visited a server which created a new character for me. But I would actually like a solution which would allow multiple characters on the "normal" servers. There must be some kind of solution for all the exploits.There isn't any way that wouldn't require a large amount of resources to upgrade the HIVE, or making it so that characters aren't persistant between servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Forseti (DayZ) 5 Posted August 4, 2012 except that people would abuse this by having characters logged in multiple hotspots, hopping between them to find players to kill or clans would have 1 or more fully equipped characters logged near their base that they switch to if it came to their attention it was being looted by someoneQuite simple to counter this. One character per server, any servers join by said character are unable to join any server that a different profile have joined in either's lifetime. This way you dont get perma-barred from some servers with certain alts. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Badjr 44 Posted August 4, 2012 Quite simple to counter this. One character per server, any servers join by said character are unable to join any server that a different profile have joined in either's lifetime. This way you dont get perma-barred from some servers with certain alts.I take it you'll be paying for the Hive and Server upgrades that will allow them to store all of the extra character data this would generate? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Azrail (DayZ) 211 Posted August 4, 2012 (edited) No, that's crazy. I'm not gonna spend my whole day running back and forth in DayZ. That's going to take way too long, I don't have time for that.too bad!maybe dayz is just not your game!dayz is time consuming, it is supposed to be. deal with it.or go play arma2. there you can spawn with your friends and hang out in cherno all day without touching your lazy ass main char.it takes about 1 hour to run across the whole map corner to corner,and most of the time i need less then 30 minutes to get everywhere to meet up with people.if your friends are not worth it to pay a few bucks more,or to spend 1 hour of your time to get to play with them,must be a real honor to be your friend!i'm leaving this troll cave now. Edited August 4, 2012 by Azrail Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sinvex 38 Posted August 4, 2012 I have a fully kitted out character (NVG's, DMR, Ghille, M4 SD etc,) but I want to use another one to play with newbies in my clan that have just started DayZ, or are on the coast.So yes.+1So go to the coast and use your axe instead of your ubergun. problem solved. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Stonemoney 3 Posted August 7, 2012 I like this idea and was thinking about this before seeing this thread. Some of the exploits named here that come with the ability of having an additional character could be prevented by possibly making it so that you cannot log out of one character and then log back into the same server with a different character. You would be forced to join a different server. This way people will not be able to scout around with a new character for the geared one to come in and clean house. Or the reverse; clear an area with the good character in order to gear a second. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RapturJesus 90 Posted August 7, 2012 No.Character A gets hit and is bleeding. Needs morphine but has none. Log outs. Character B spawns at Cherno and raids the hospital for meds. Runs to character As spawn and drop the meds. Logs out. Character A logs in and takes what he needs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lemon65 2 Posted August 7, 2012 I think i agree and disagree ....... part of me say that it does go against DayZ cause you only get one life and also people will have a bandit and then a good survivor, but I agree cause there are some times that I play alone and then with my friends so having two accounts would be amazing ! :thumbsup: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tigerbeetweenie 51 Posted January 1, 2013 I'm going to give this a no for now. This isn't some MMORPG. You should have one life and that's it. If you want to store your crap, use tents. At least that way other people have a fair chance of looting your stuff. This is way too exploitable and it kinds of takes away a lot of the feel in the game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
colekern 1364 Posted January 1, 2013 I just wanna see shared computer support. Multiple accounts, even if you have to pay for extras. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Quartermaine 34 Posted January 1, 2013 I don't want it because it will be so blatantly exploitable. No doubt the standalone will support multiple characters, even if just for the reason OP stated at some point. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Feral (DayZ) 622 Posted January 1, 2013 (edited) Most of our clan has multiple accounts, i have 3 arma accounts, one is a bandit, i play him when my bandit clan are on and i feel like being a bastard, my main character is a private hive hero/survivor, i use him for those days when i'm feeling a bit more like being a nice guy, doing random good deeds and trying to live off the land. My 3rd is just a random spare I use for clan infiltration, trying out new maps and for occasional dual boxing.Dual boxing, or the art of playing 2 games at once with 2 pc's running simultaneously is very sweet. means i can have 2 players on the same map at the same time, really useful for giving yourself blood, having extra eyes on a target and having a spare 'don't care if he dies' character to draw enemy fire and go in search of supplies. Also dual boxing is awesome for setting up solo ambushes, find a spot from which to attack and conceal your main toon then watch approaches with your secondary, even use him to bait and draw in unsuspecting prey, one quick 45 degree spin of the chair and I am back in postion to launch my assault, great fun.Clan infiltration is so sweet, put my spare into an enemy clan, play with em a while to build up the trust and bide my time,and when an opportune moment presents itself (my new freinds have just fixed a heli or the top protagonists are all on together and heading to a known location) i feed live intel to my clan mates who are moving into position, usually taking my sleeping main in a vehicle. Once everything is set i begin assassinating my new 'buddies' with my suicide spare (satchel charges were made for this) then switch back to my main and join the assault, always sweet especially if there are grudges to settle.It takes a little getting used to, you need 2 headsets for comms which can get confusing, lot's of muting mics and switching set to avoid detection but that's all part of the fun imo. Edited January 1, 2013 by wabbit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elrico 2 Posted January 1, 2013 Someone else probably said it but maybe you should use a private hive for one group of friends and the official (or another private server) for your other friends. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites