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Pandemic Mercenary Squad - | Bandit Clan | Military Structured | <Recruitment Open> |

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(SNIP - copyright related)

Pandemic Mercenary Squad (PMS) is a new era of DayZ clans. You could label us as "bandits" but we are more of survivors that understand what it takes to survive in Chernarus. We were once just like you, spending days on end gathering gear and supplies just to be killed by some bandit and loose everything. We quickly realized what we had to do. It was time for us to emerge from the shadows! Grow in numbers! Pillage the cities! And Crush all that stand in our way! Become a Pandemic Mercenary and help us set fire to the world!


We are a strong military structured clan. That being said we follow a squad system. Within our squads we have a wide range of different rolls which you can choose what one you want to do when you apply to the clan. These rolls include medics / snipers / assault teams / force recon / and of course the squad leader. The squad leader makes all the decisions for the squad; where they go, what they attack, what they do, ect.

We are't to picky when it comes to timezones and countries, we have members that play at all hours of the day. So where ever you are in the world there will always be someone for you to play with.

In terms of communication we use a voice over IP client called mumble. Upon being accepted into our ranks you will receive the information to connect to our mumble server. We also have a website and forums where you can talk with other members, get updates on what we are doing, see what missions we have, ect. You can check out our website here



If you like what you have read so far then it only gets better from here. Head on over to our site and apply to the clan. Once you do that introduce yourself on the forums and come join us on mumble and talk to us. We are a pretty laid back group who like to play DayZ and have fun. So if your like us then you'll fit in just fine.

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I like the intro.

See you in the cities. Hehehehe

Lol I'm glad you like it.

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So Pandemic Legio.... erm, Pandemic Mercenary Squad eh? Interesting.

You guys have any planned hot dro.... erm, raids planned?

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We are getting a decent amount of applications.

Just want to remind everyone, the more detail you put into your application the more likely you are to be accepted.

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We are getting a good amount of applications coming in,

I look forward to playing with all the new mercenaries!

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Sent in my application, eagerly awaiting a reply.

Welcome to the clan man, you were accepted :)

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Like it. Like perpetual motion squad? Lawl. Putting in an app right now

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This does sound fun, but it smells of green tomatoes.

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This does sound fun, but it smells of green tomatoes.

Whats wrong with green tomatoes?

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You really shouldn't steal logos like that :(.

Everyone i would be weary of this site; they likely just want to steal your passwords/info.

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DayZ hat off.

Pandemic Legion hat on.

As a representative of Pandemic Legion - http://www.pandemic-legion.com - I want to state that this clan has NO affiliation to us whatsoever, and is in fact using our copyrighted logo without permission. It is my strong recommendation that this clan refrain from using our logo.

Edited by Pallidum

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You really shouldn't steal logos like that :(.

Everyone i would be weary of this site; they likely just want to steal your passwords/info.

You must be a lil bit retarded if you think that. But what ever I'm not going to waste my time and argue with you.

(Thanks for the free thread bump <3)

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DayZ hat off.

Pandemic Legion hat on.

As a representative of Pandemic Legion - http://www.pandemic-legion.com - I want to state that this clan has NO affiliation to us whatsoever, and is in fact using our copyrighted logo without permission. It is my strong recommendation that this clan refrain from using our logo.

I'm not sure what pandemic legion is but from the looks of your site it's not dayz related.

And as for the render of the virus I got that from googling the word "pandemic"

So yes we don't have any affiliation with pandemic legion, just a friendly dayz clan, we mean no harm.

Edited by Vexdayz

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Locking this thread as we've been notified by the gaming group with rights to this logo and related uses.

I'd ask you not to recreate this thread again (please do not reference to pandemic legion or the logo "pandemic" (copyrighted).

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