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US 1345 - Admin Kicking w/o Cause

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Was trying to join US 1345, my ping was in the 80s, so shouldn't have been a problem. Admin was present in the game and kept kicking me when I tried to join for no cause.

Tried multiple times to confirm it wasn't an error, took the following vids as proof:

In this video, Lemisto switches to Admin right before I start to log into the game.

Then in this video, [YOLO]CHAZ is the Admin.

I've got one more video where I actually made it into game, about 30 seconds or so later I was kicked. If needed to take action, I'll be happy to post it.

Edited by -E-Claymore

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Server is locked with 8 people in. Gee, I wonder what they could be after...helicopters maybe?


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Yep these silly fucks need to have their server blacklisted and characters wiped.

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That use to be my server. I refunded it today and it looks like some fags bought it already -_-

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As Ian2buckz pointed out in his stupid thread, the server was nuked. The admins are probably going through the logs and keeping regulars on or something.

They provide you with a free service, how about you give them some time before you start writing up multiple shitty admin abuse threads in the wrong section.

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yup chaz certainly doesnt deserve to have his server, or any for that matter of fact, just another troll that should have no right to own a server.

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