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graphical glitch, boob and lip?

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Did you even look at what it looks like? The pics? A fucking tit I tell you!

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Yeah, I'm wondering how this shit got into the game.. I read about it people call it the barbed wire glitch and i get it by military camps and airfields..

Even tried changing settings and stuff in my video options, still stays like this. Also tried to restart my computer but that didn't work, my drivers are up to date aswell..

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Did you even look at what it looks like? The pics? A fucking tit I tell you!

Holy shit you're right! WTF? That is definitely a titty.

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...They're finger textures... but ok. and it happens if you Alt-Tab too often. the process corrupts and this is your result.

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Did you even look at what it looks like? The pics? A fucking tit I tell you!

Hey i pay good money for tits in my face...wtf!

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This is from another thread and apparently it works.

Hold left Shift and press minus on the keypad twice, then type flush. Seems it flushes the video memory and cures some slowdowns and this problem so I hear. :o

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Hmm, D4rk3nd, is there any way to fix this´?

There are 100's of possible fixes for graphical artifacts like that.. but it could also be a programming error. Doubtful though.

Computer = math.

Every frame of a game = result of a string of math problems.

I've only seen this error on my friends laptop, where it looks like his vram is dying.

So if you look at it that way... Dying ram or Vram adds a few wrong numbers to the math, resulting in the wrong solution.

Artifacts imply instability, but instability does not necessarily imply damage.

Anything that causes instability can cause artifacts; memory or GPU being too hot, not getting enough voltage, or being damaged/degraded, etc.

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There are 100's of possible fixes for graphical artifacts like that.. but it could also be a programming error. Doubtful though.

Computer = math.

Every frame of a game = result of a string of math problems.

I've only seen this error on my friends laptop, where it looks like his vram is dying.

So if you look at it that way... Dying ram or Vram adds a few wrong numbers to the math, resulting in the wrong solution.

no -.-

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Its a game bug which would be very hard to correct, Ive got a pretty good pc so I know its not that, and my friends also, Ive noticed it happens alot when your quite high up or zooming while stood close to some sort of fence or metal bars.

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Cannot play at all. Ever since latest mod patch.

Rocket will fix it. His amazing!

Edited by Thall

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