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DE 144 server locked

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Rly, I'm getting sick and tired of constant admin abuse... server just restarted with a pw on it.

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O, 1h later the server admin is still playing alone in there, he's probably looking for the helicopter.


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here the restart timestamp out of my serverlogs:

Current time: 2012/07/28 01:05:35

Current time: 2012/07/28 01:25:02

Current time: 2012/07/28 01:39:25

Current time: 2012/07/28 01:58:24

Current time: 2012/07/28 02:12:01

the server was passworded for installing the patch and was shutdown 5 times till i found the mistake. i ll try to give u a comfortable server to play and u ***** only think oh this admin is searching the goddamn chopper. as far as i know the chopper spawntime is tomorrow. next time i dont lock the server for an update but than an other guy like u came and call for abuse cause the server crash every 10 minutes.

so stfu. i m really pissed. dodo go ahead search for an other server or u have a reason for openning an admin abuse threat.

sry for my bad english.

a very pissed blackberet

Edited by BlackBeret

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Dont password the Server easy Solution. Write something down in the Serverdescription something like "Iam updating many restarts blabla". Anyways....

Follow the goddam Rules...... :)

Edited by Vakaria
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it was round about 1 hour. useally i need 3 minutes to update the server.

update the server and the client, start the locked server, connect, spawn, disconnect, shutdown, restart it without lock = 3 minutes till the first serverstart.

i m a qualified IT specialist in real and i ll never give a service to one of my clients, which is not tested and no rule ll change it. a serverlock for 3 minutes is no admin abuse. and here the server was only online for 5 - 10 minutes for joining.

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it was round about 1 hour. useally i need 3 minutes to update the server.

update the server and the client, start the locked server, connect, spawn, disconnect, shutdown, restart it without lock = 3 minutes till the first serverstart.

i m a qualified IT specialist in real and i ll never give a service to one of my clients, which is not tested and no rule ll change it. a serverlock for 3 minutes is no admin abuse. and here the server was only online for 5 - 10 minutes for joining.

But u see what happens when u Password a Server. Some random Guy sees that and starting a Thread in the Forum....and u are might in trouble...! better save then sorry :)

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Locking servers are against the rules and you know this, now I don't mind when it's done for testing and I understand that and will take this opportunity to apologize for this post however you should have posted a msg that such and such would be done for x/y reason. It's just that this is the 5th server that our group has chosen as our "home" one due to server admin abuse so we're kinda paranoid atm, like the last server we played in we stole the admins car and drove off, 2 min later the server reboots and when we finally log in we hear both our cars drive off. I believe that we were just unlucky in the past however and we're glad that we've finally found a stable "fair" server.

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I did everytime i restard the server i give messages 2 minutes, 1 minutes and if its a restart or an shutdown for maintenance.

sry for my first reply but i was that pissed

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You did, but you never mentioned the server is going to be pwd'd.

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Dont password the Server easy Solution. Write something down in the Serverdescription something like "Iam updating many restarts blabla". Anyways....

Follow the goddam Rules...... :)

First off I'm siding with a fellow server admin, read this post: http://dayzmod.com/f...u-need-to-know/

2 - Understand what powers admins have. We can:

- Lock the server

- Restart the server

- Password the server

- Restart the mission in-game

- Kick or ban players

As the server admins WE are paying the costs of server hosting, and we have ever god damn right to password protect our server as we are making changes (ie updating) and testing out to make sure the server is ready to go. There have been times I've password protected my server for the exact reason this server admin mentioned, so I don't have to listen to the bitching of players that keep joining just for the server to be restarted again. If a server you play on restarts, comes back up password protected, I'd say 95% of the time the admin is updating and testing to maintain a GOOD server. Wanna complain about something? Complain about the servers that don't update, never restart, or have been password protected for WEEKS.

Edited by melted349
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Oh right my bad, let me AGAIN refer to this post: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/22386-admin-abuse-what-you-need-to-know/

And you know what, let me just highlight the points I"m talking about since you're too lazy to go and read it yourself

1 - Before you make any accusations here, make sure you know what powers admins have, and make sure you've got some kind of evidence to back it up. No evidence? Don't even bother making a thread. Your word alone is not enough evidence to prove anything. Making posts saying 'A tank fell on my head on EU13. Blacklist plz' isn't going to get you anywhere.

2 - Understand what powers admins have. We can:

- Lock the server

- Restart the server

- Password the server

- Restart the mission in-game

- Kick or ban players

We cannot:

- Spawn in weapons and vehicles

- Remotely kill players

- Crash your game

- Roll back our servers to previous 'saves'

- Spawn nukes on top of players

- Teleport

If anything of the last list happens to you, don't rush to make a thread claiming admin abuse. It's probably a hacker. It pisses me off no end when people make threads here blaming admins for things that are clearly done by hackers.

Clarifiction, the above is what an admin is able to do and not do as admin. An admin is able to lock a server for example and while it's generally not allowed, there may be valid reasons to do so - maintenance or temporary protection against heavy connection spam for example. -- DayZ Pallidum

3 - Do not presume to tell admins how they should run their servers. Running a server isn't all moonlight and roses. If you don't like a rule a certain admin imposes on his server, such as imposing a ping limit of 220, then take it up with the devs and get back to the admin with their response. Do NOT make a thread about it and then claim it's not in the rules so you can't do it.

4 - Stop quoting the rules for every goddamned thing. The rules also don't state that we're allowed to ban hackers, nor does it state that we're ever allowed to take the servers down for maintenance, nor any other thing admins do on a regular basis. We're tired of using logical arguments to back up our actions, just to be hit in the face with 'herp its not in da rulez so blacklist plz.'

5 - Understand why people are hosting servers for this mod, for you, for free. We're not doing it for our own well-being. We're doing it as a free service to the DayZ community. Stop giving admins flak about every single tiny little thing. Many of us have pretty hectic or stressful jobs/university/college outside of running the server. We don't want to add server-woes to our ever-increasing list of stressors.

6 - Stop breaking rules on servers and then when confronted about it tell us you're going to get our servers blacklisted. That's akin to the customer at the store being in the wrong and not getting his way, then telling the employees 'I'm going to tell all my friends about this.'

There are many abusive admins out there, that much is true. However, the majority of us are not. We're hosting servers for your enjoyment. The majority of threads on admin abuse in these forums come from misinformed/ignorant players who have no idea what running a server entails and assumes the simplest thing that goes wrong is a clear case of admin abuse.

If you suspect admin abuse, gather evidence, take it up with the admin in question, find out what his side of the story is and after that, if you're still sure it's a case of admin abuse, post about it here. Don't rush to the forums like Little Bobby Tattletale on his way to tell mommy that Benny stole a cookie. Make sure you understand what happened before you start flinging accusations.

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you don't get it.

it says you can, not that you are allowed to.

that post is to distinguish admin abuse from hacks.

just write a notice like server restarting in 5 minutes to do "blablablah"

god you should be banned yourself :D

']such as imposing a ping limit of 220

"testing the servers stability" is nothing such as imposing a ping limit of 220

"An admin is able to lock a server for example and while it's generally not allowed, there may be valid reasons to do so - maintenance or temporary protection against heavy connection spam for example."

if you do it regularly as you just stated above, you don't have a valid reason because in most of the cases there is another way such as stated by myself above. If you don't like the fact that you should always try not to use the password protection function, play another fucked up sandbox game and cancel your server subscription.

Edited by zava

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Seriously as a player I side with the admins. Sure they could make it more well known for people that it will have a PW, but it was a very short duration of time. The admin apologized--the OP apologized. This thread is solved if you ask me.

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it was round about 1 hour. useally i need 3 minutes to update the server.

update the server and the client, start the locked server, connect, spawn, disconnect, shutdown, restart it without lock = 3 minutes till the first serverstart.

i m a qualified IT specialist in real and i ll never give a service to one of my clients, which is not tested and no rule ll change it. a serverlock for 3 minutes is no admin abuse. and here the server was only online for 5 - 10 minutes for joining.

If you dont like it, get your own server and pay for it or play on another server.

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As an admin I don't support the locking of servers.

I'm sorry to see a dispute like this, but it's simply far too open to abuse. As admins you KNOW that people will interpret this is as admin abuse, yet you do it anyway. Regardless of the intentions (I respect that you are "testing") pass-wording a server is against policy. Ask yourself why and it's pretty obvious.

The OP hit the nail on the head.

1) I hour with the admin constantly connected

2) There was no real reason to password protect

It's great to see some admins speaking up, however locking your server is against the rules for good reason. The exception was for places like AusARMA.org that has a very brief locking to prevent mass server lag (10-20 seconds when several players join) You are not allowed to lock your server under the pretense of "testing", it's simply too open to abuse.

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I locked it because I was performing updates stop making something out of nothing you dirty little trolls

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If you dont like it, get your own server and pay for it or play on another server.

sry m8, it is my server

1) I hour with the admin constantly connected

2) There was no real reason to password protect

1) In this hour with me "constantly connected" the server was restarted 5 times. the server was only a few minutes online

2) Sure is testing a real reason (for me) and

If you dont like it, get your own server and pay for it or play on another server.


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you don't get it.

it says you can, not that you are allowed to.

that post is to distinguish admin abuse from hacks.

just write a notice like server restarting in 5 minutes to do "blablablah"

god you should be banned yourself :D

']such as imposing a ping limit of 220

"testing the servers stability" is nothing such as imposing a ping limit of 220

"An admin is able to lock a server for example and while it's generally not allowed, there may be valid reasons to do so - maintenance or temporary protection against heavy connection spam for example."

if you do it regularly as you just stated above, you don't have a valid reason because in most of the cases there is another way such as stated by myself above. If you don't like the fact that you should always try not to use the password protection function, play another fucked up sandbox game and cancel your server subscription.

Sorry this shit head still pisses me off. Even PM'd me to tell me more about something he knows nothing about. But I mean I guess obviously I must be in the wrong. Maybe next time instead of locking the server, I'll just kick/ban players as they join my server while I'm testing it. That's seems more of fair solution anyway right? Besides, chances are they aren't running Fraps, won't get a screenshot, so no proof for them, never happened. Or hell, it's not like it's hard to script kiddie my own server, I'll just thunderdome the shit out of everyone as they join, why not? Hell I don't even really need to do that, next time I'll just take a vehicle, loaded with hacked weapons, drive it to Cherno and leave it for all to grab. Of course they'll be BattlEye banned, but w/e. Not my account, not my problem right?

Yeah actually, PWing the server temporarily to clean up after a script kiddie / cheaters, pretty reasonable. So unless you run a server yourself, or perhaps can provide a better solution for cleaning up after a script kiddie, then STFU. Don't like it? Report it, report it until you're blue in the face. I'll defend any my actions I take on my server and those of other admins that are doing it for the same reasons. We try and provide good, stable, clean servers for players and all players want to do is whine like 10 year old children because in one set of rules it states servers cannot be PW protected. Guess what, that rule was targeted towards permanent PW protected servers. Rule of logic you troll

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Sorry this shit head still pisses me off. Even PM'd me to tell me more about something he knows nothing about. But I mean I guess obviously I must be in the wrong. Maybe next time instead of locking the server, I'll just kick/ban players as they join my server while I'm testing it. That's seems more of fair solution anyway right? Besides, chances are they aren't running Fraps, won't get a screenshot, so no proof for them, never happened. Or hell, it's not like it's hard to script kiddie my own server, I'll just thunderdome the shit out of everyone as they join, why not? Hell I don't even really need to do that, next time I'll just take a vehicle, loaded with hacked weapons, drive it to Cherno and leave it for all to grab. Of course they'll be BattlEye banned, but w/e. Not my account, not my problem right?

Yeah actually, PWing the server temporarily to clean up after a script kiddie / cheaters, pretty reasonable. So unless you run a server yourself, or perhaps can provide a better solution for cleaning up after a script kiddie, then STFU. Don't like it? Report it, report it until you're blue in the face. I'll defend any my actions I take on my server and those of other admins that are doing it for the same reasons. We try and provide good, stable, clean servers for players and all players want to do is whine like 10 year old children because in one set of rules it states servers cannot be PW protected. Guess what, that rule was targeted towards permanent PW protected servers. Rule of logic you troll

This one really deserved my beans!

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