PerfectExceeder 0 Posted May 23, 2012 Date/Time: 22/05/2012What happened: I had an M1014 with around 90 slugs (not in the bakcpack), as i saw i Remmington with flaslight i wanted to try that out. As you pick up a new weapon the game automatically removes the old one and the ammo, normaly is should drop your old weapon on the ground. Unfortunately the weapon dropped disappeared into thin air and also all my ammo for that gun, which stupidly is the same for both weapons. Please make it so that if you drop your weapon, that it does not automatically drop all the ammo you have for it, especially when the ammo is the same for both weapons.Where you were: NW AirfieldWhat you were doing: Looting weapons in Baracks*Current installed version:*Server(s) you were on: Don't know, sorry*Your system specs: i7 Q2670, 8GB Ram, Nvidia GT540M 1GB*Timeline of events before/after error: after the error i was pissed from losing all the ammo, also i ran into the "can't pick up backpack glitch which is pretty annoying. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gray1107 (DayZ) 0 Posted May 23, 2012 Same:-What happened:If you move a gun into your pack and there isn't enough room the weapon and it's ammo will vanish.Where you were:Anywhere.What you were doing:Using my pack.*Current installed version:*Server(s) you were on:All servers. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
extrem0 0 Posted May 23, 2012 Same:-What happened:If you move a gun into your pack and there isn't enough room the weapon and it's ammo will vanish.Where you were:Anywhere.What you were doing:Using my pack.*Current installed version:*Server(s) you were on:All servers.Confirm. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Sgt.Spam 42 Posted May 23, 2012 I too have had this happen to me on a number of occasions. It's pretty fucking annoying, especially when I've just collected enough ammo for one of the two weapons in question.I've had my secondary weapon and ALL ammo accompanying it deleted when I've collected a new primary weapon. This has also occurred when collecting a new secondary weapon with one already equipped. It's not on the ground, in a bag or anyplace where it can be recovered. It just vanishes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
punisher_1 3 Posted May 23, 2012 Had the same issue with the Winchester 1866. Picked up the ammo in the barn from two other locations and then picked up the rifle.The rifle was empty so I went to reload.The three packs of ammo dissapered out of my pack. I dropped the rifle and that dissapered. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxya 0 Posted May 26, 2012 What happened:Lost weapon while looting. I opened gear interface to put a riffle from deer tower floor into backpack. Instead of it the riffle disappeared. Then I put my M24 onto the floor and the same had happend.Where you were:In deer towerWhat you were doing:Looting stuff*Current installed version:*Server(s) you were on:NY1What happened:I found AKM laying on the floor in a building and opened the gear on that. After few seconds while I was thincking my primary weapon and its ammo were replaced by the AKM and desapeared. I didn't touch buttons, mouse and keyboard. Because of this I got angry, I killed a man, and now I am a bandit. Sad story =(Where you were:power plant at Electro3-floor buildingWhat you were doing:Looting stuff*Current installed version:*Server(s) you were on:EU12 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nibeous 0 Posted May 27, 2012 I have the same problem, except it is not only the gun you are dropping that the ammo dropps for also, any time you drop a weapon, ALL the ammo in your inventory for that slot (I.E. dropping primary weapon, all primary ammo drops and same for secondary) and you have to pick up anything you were trying to save againa simple, way around it would be, before you pick up the new gun, go to gear on the new weapon you want, and drop your old weapon in that stack, and then pick up the new one. What should happen is, you will drop the m1013 you have and any ammo for it, and any other gun's ammo you have in your primary inventory, pick up the Mp5 and you will grab any MP5 ammo there, and nothign should despawnedit: this happens on any server, at any place from what i have noticed, may just be a coding problem Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_MF 0 Posted June 13, 2012 What happened:I had found an L85A2 CWS at a chopper, held on to it for several days and each night when i logged off I would put it in my backpack. I always checked it was there before lifting my other primary off the ground. I then go and hide and wait a minute or two to ensure my location is static and hidden just in case. While doing that I look at my stuff, checking i have food and drinks etc....and look at my prize possession again.I then log out.Same routine last night but today, the server is updated to beat 93701 so I update the beta patch as normal and i log in for two very strange things to happened that seem like very suspicious coincidences given that no one should have access to my gear while I'm logged off and the server I always play on has always been UTC -9 which it states very clearly in the server list description.My L85A2 is gone from my backpack having been replaced by a makarov. No makarov rounds were present in my pack but my Stanag rounds for the L85 were still there, which, had i switched the weapon out back into the jeep by accident, the Stanag rounds would have went back with it.Now, I'm not saying this is more than a coincidence...(that's why I'm posting this as a bug)...but the server today (I logged off last night at 10:30 UTC realtime in daylight on the server) still states -9 UTC in the description yet is now UTC -14 on the watch in game meaning today is complete darkness on the server...shame i don't have my L85 with night vision any longer.Where you were:Wilderness where we store vehicles lying under a treeWhat you were doing:Was logged off*Current installed version:1.7 + beta*Server(s) you were on:EU 39 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
[email protected] 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Date/Time:13/06/2012, ~23:10 GMTWhat happened:Logged out with L85A2 CWS and G17 (both with ammo) in inventory. Logged in with the L85A2 missing, and a makarov with no ammo in the pistol slot. Dropping the makarov makes the G17 reappear, and also drops all L85 STANAG mags. Another player picking up the makarov will have their pistol disppear entirely. Details belowWhere you were:~100m north of the Balota airfield, over the road. ~045 125 coordinatesWhat you were doing:Logging in*Current installed version:DayZ 1.7, ArmA 2 OA beta build 93616*Server(s) you were on:Some UK one at first, then others. Can't remember*Your system specs:-*Timeline of events before/after error:Friend found an L85A2 CWS and STANAG magazines next to a (glitched and standing with idle animations) dead body, beside the communications tower in Balota airfield. I took an M4 CCO SD and M9SD, with ammo, off the dead body. We exited by the broken fence and move north ~100m over the road, then logged out.Next day we log in to some DayZ UK server (not DayZ zombie RPG UK), and it is very dark, and my friend can't aim down his sight or see what's in his hands, so we join another server where it is daytime. My inventory is fine, but my friend's G17 is on screen and unusable (can't fire or aim down sight), and he has lost his L85A2 and his G17 (which had ammo) in the inventory. Instead of the G17, there is a makarov in the pistol slot with no ammo. [Now I think we switch server]He dropped the makarov and it fell on the floor, along with all the STANAG magazines he had (game thinks the makarov is an L85A2?). After dropping the makarov, the G17 was usable to fire and aim down the sight with. He then picked up the makarov, and his G17 and magazines fell on the floor as expected from a pistol. Then he picked up the G17 and the makarov fell on the floor again, and he picked up the mags. Then I picked up the makarov and my M9SD and mags disappear completely (they don't fall on the floor). Then I dropped the makarov and he picked it up, and his G17 and mags disappeared completely. Then he dropped it and we changed server. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
neo31 0 Posted June 14, 2012 Date/Time:14/06/2012, +- 9:30AM GMT+1What happened:Logged out with L85A2 and M9 (both with ammo) in inventory. Logged in with the L85A2 missing, and a makarov with no ammo in the pistol slot. Dropping the makarov makes the M9 reappear, and also drops all L85 STANAG mags.Where you were:Next to the barracks in NW airfieldWhat you were doing:Logging in*Current installed version:DayZ 1.7, ArmA 2 OA beta build 87580*Server(s) you were on:Chicago 38 first, i logged off there and this morning i joined FR4. I tried to reconnect and join different servers, it's same everywhere...*Your system specs:-*Timeline of events before/after error:Day before i was just looting barracks in NW airfield and logged off under nearby tree. After logging next morning i found out that my L85A2 is gone and i have makarov with no ammo instead of it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Savage_MF 0 Posted June 15, 2012 I had suspected this is someone stealing the stuff from us in the debug forest as they can easily take it from your backpack but if this is your main weapon which you have in your main inventory slot then unless they kill you in the debug forest then they can't take it or replace it and why would they bother replacing it with a makarov.Still chaffs. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yenene 0 Posted June 15, 2012 What happened:Logged out with L85A2 and M9 (both with ammo) in inventory. Logged in with the L85A2 missing, and a makarov with no ammo in the pistol slot. Dropping the makarov makes the M9 reappear, and also drops all L85 STANAG mags.Where you were:Next to the NW airfieldWhat you were doing:Logging in*Current installed version:DayZ 1.7, ArmA 2 OA beta build 87580*Server(s) you were on:Virginia 13 first, i logged off there and i joined FR7 the next day. I tried to reconnect and join different servers, it's same everywhere...*Your system specs:-*Timeline of events before/after error:Day before i killed a guy looting from an helicrash at NW airfield, took his gun and logged off under nearby tree. After logging next day, I played normally and logged out again. The day after I found out that my L85A2 is gone and i have makarov with no ammo instead of it... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
paintface 4 Posted June 18, 2012 i can confirm the bug reports, this still happens even though one of the recent arma beta patches was supposed to fix it. Switching weapons from the floor to inventory will drop any weapon you carry + ammo of any kind from your inventory without being able to retreive or find it on the floor Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
andb52 12 Posted June 18, 2012 One of the Devs, Ander, posted that they were removing hacked weapons and replacing them with Makarovs.The same thing with the L85 disappearing happened to me. It was replaced with a Makarov.I think some of the devs might be under the mistaken impression that the L85 is a hacked weapon....See, e.g., this thread Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vordreller 0 Posted June 18, 2012 Just experienced the same thing.Version installed: 1.7.1Arma2 beta 93825It happened when I picked up the double barrel shotgun. And then every time I pick up an item for the bottom row in the inventory. Like a Watch, Matches, etc... The stuff that goes there.I pick one up, and all my makarov magazines drop to the ground. Not my bandages.This is a new character, not an old one that spawned with the makarov. I have no actual makarov gun on me. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites