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Get hit by zombie once and they run after you untill you die from blood loss (5 min later?)

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Ok, so I have beeen playing dayz for a couple of days now and I have only got myself a gun once and hatchet a couple of times but there has always been a time when I got spotted by some zombies even tho I spend 90% of my time laying down. And when a zombie finds me I have got 2 options, either kill him with my hatchet and get 3 more zombies running after me or run to the water so I can swim away since they are faster than me running. I have also tried to run and then fast lay down so maybe they stop chasing me but it doesn't work, I have tried to run around houses or around fences, I can neither find my friends. But to the point now...

I recently played and found this awesome crossbow and some bolts but I got a zombie trying to kill me when I sneak out so I killed him but at the same time I got hit and started to bleed. When I was bleeding I got 3 new zombies running after me and they chased me untill my blood went from 11k to 0 and died. Is it a bug or are they always following you until u died, killed them or run to the water? (I spent like 5 min trying to get away running straight forward, around houses, around fences, uphill etc.)

Anyone having any idea how to do or is it only me and my friends that got problem with this?

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Zombies will chase you forever you must kill them or trick them by moving up hill or through brush and other obstacles

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lose them?

Search for vids on how to lose zombies if your having trouble, otherwise just practice. Run in to a building with another exit and as they're walking slowly, walk out the other side of the house. No houses? Run through the trees or sideways across a mountain. If you find the type of hills that force you to walk slowly down, the zombies will fly down and kill themselves.

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Disregard MacEwan. You can easily lose them by running through the forest or any building lol

Edited by Sgt Abraham Ford

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Find two bushes close to each other, run through them as close to the centre as possible without hitting the centre or you will be stopped. As soon as you exit the second bush dive with 'z'. you have about an 80% of losing your pursuers if you've done it correctly.

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Ok, so I have beeen playing dayz for a couple of days now and I have only got myself a gun once and hatchet a couple of times but there has always been a time when I got spotted by some zombies even tho I spend 90% of my time laying down. And when a zombie finds me I have got 2 options, either kill him with my hatchet and get 3 more zombies running after me or run to the water so I can swim away since they are faster than me running. I have also tried to run and then fast lay down so maybe they stop chasing me but it doesn't work, I have tried to run around houses or around fences, I can neither find my friends. But to the point now...

I recently played and found this awesome crossbow and some bolts but I got a zombie trying to kill me when I sneak out so I killed him but at the same time I got hit and started to bleed. When I was bleeding I got 3 new zombies running after me and they chased me untill my blood went from 11k to 0 and died. Is it a bug or are they always following you until u died, killed them or run to the water? (I spent like 5 min trying to get away running straight forward, around houses, around fences, uphill etc.)

Anyone having any idea how to do or is it only me and my friends that got problem with this?

Have you tried punching yourself in the nuts? That use to work for me...not so much anymore. Now i punch my dog in the nuts, it usually resolves the rage - he kinda looks at me like WTF? but he knows it ok, he is my best friend and beast of burden.

also this isnt a game - its an awesome concept that is trapped within a poorly coded mod.

<3 FriendFace

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The large pine trees are your friends because their branches reach the ground. Run through one (or two together) and a zombie will lose sight of you. He will then look around for you so make sure to keep the tree between you and him while you keep running.

Another tip: Don't run on roads. The noise you generate goes WAY up compared to staying on the grass next to the road.


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Zeds (currently) walk when inside buildings, so if you can find a building with multiple exits you should be able to get away from them. They should stop chasing if you can break line of sight with them.

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I've had the same problem.  As soon as I spawn I find that zombies notice me.  And I'm slow crouch walking.  When they notice me, I run and run through trees and all.  At one point I just ran to a building on a hill because they noticed me even after running through trees and crouching.  When I ran up and looked out the window, I can see their bodies in the far far distance still trying to get to me.  I would say they were a good half mile to a mile away.  Another time, I was noticed, I ran into a house, closed the door behind me and crouched.  He went through the walls (that glitch) and started attacking me.  I understand that they want this game to be realistic and hard but give a guy a chance for crying out loud.  There's plenty of other things that kill us out there.  Usually I have to fist fight a zombie fight club style.  It usually entails me going " Ding Ding... Cmon Stallion.. I haven't taught you everything! "  When he/she falls down, I beat on it while yelling WORLD STARRRR!!!  Only one time did I survive a fist fight unscathed.  Usually I'm bleeding out my penis hole.  That's what it said on the lower left screen.... you're bleeding out your penis hole.

Edited by Bloodklot

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