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Day Z Youtube Series - Bandit Acts/Fire Fights/Day Z Questions

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Hello Day Z Community,

My name is S6! Acebane and I have recently started uploading videos to youtube of my encounters with other players. I'm very much a "PVPer" so I figure I would document my fights with others and share it with all of Day Z Communtiy. I try to keep the videos fairly short while balancing the amount of action and the context (to give it a little more meaning than random killing). Please bear in mind that these series are fairly new, but I'll add more as it happens (I got to play after all to get these moments captured). Some of the content may not be as prestigious as I would've hoped, but the mod is fairly new and has lots of time to mature. Also, I recommend you watch all videos in 720p HD.

are gun battles in which fire is exchanged and is a longer fight than the usual *shoot oblivious person, they die*. I'm hoping to get more group fire fights going as time passes, but we'll see.

are videos showing instances of me being a bandit pretty much. I'll show you how I do it, and how I sometimes kill those people for their equipment. There may be some disapproval coming from anti-bandit players - I understand that, but please I ask if you hate bandits that you don't watch this series.

is a series I've come up with that will allow you guys to ask me ANY questions you want in regards to Day Z. Whether that be mechanics, opinion, patch notes, tips and tricks - doesn't matter, just come ask on the comments.

Bonus Bandit Video:

I would VERY MUCH love to have feedback on both this thread and individual video's youtube comments. I'm open to criticism and new video ideas. I thank all of you for taking the time to view this thread and/or my videos. If you like what you see, please remember to subscribe! I encourage you to tell your friends, and have them tell their friends about these videos!

Check out my channel for more videos that may not be listed here in this thread.

I currently play on US195 Super Six Gaming server, so if you would like to join in on the fun(or death lol), I look forward to seeing you there. Well, let the good times roll! Hope you enjoy the videos!

Edited by Acebane
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Nice vids, short and action packed.

All that third person peeking is the reason I play on servers with it disabled though.

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All that third person peeking is the reason I play on servers with it disabled though.

Yea, I hear you. It's the name of the game though. Gotta adapt and overcome, if 3rd person is enabled, you'll be at a disadvantage against others if you don't peek. I've played at first person view servers before and I like them a lot. Makes it a bit more realistic to actually poke your head out to see, but what can ya do?

Glad you guys liked it.

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I really liked Video 2, that cracked me up! You showed countless reasons why I love this game!


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I love the vids, just watched your "fun with a noob" video. By the way, how do you have direct chat working? Do ou have/play on beta servers or is it working on all servers right now? Haven't tested it in a while.

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I enjoyed the video but couldnt control my anger seeing somone exploiting 3rd person like that, Sure everyone on the server can do it but still its just wrong and makes the game boring. VETERAN SERVER FTW !!!

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I enjoyed the video but couldnt control my anger seeing somone exploiting 3rd person like that' date=' Sure everyone on the server can do it but still its just wrong and makes the game boring. VETERAN SERVER FTW !!!


Honestly I find that to be more accurate than first person for a realism perspective. In real life you have much more body awareness than you do in a first person game view. A lot of what he was doing to look over and around walls simulates what you can do in real life.

In real life I don't have to lean my entire head/upper body around a corner to see, I can slide up and see around only exposing the side of my head. Also looking over a wall is possible without revealing/siloueting yourself.

Little off topic, but just wanted to put that out there.

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I cant understand how u think 3rd person is more realistic man u must be on shrooms 24/7 or something

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I cant understand how u think 3rd person is more realistic man u must be on shrooms 24/7 or something

What I'm saying is neither view is "realistic", but that 3rd person simulates it better 1st person.

This has been debated to death on the forums of many games, so I'm just gonna leave it at that.

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@ Question regarding how VON works, I believe it works now with the new patch. If you saw my "Fun with a noob" video or "Banditry Montage" you can see that people actually comply/respond to me talking over direct.

@ 3rd Person view exploiting - it's a matter of adapting to my current environment. If I'm on a server that has 1st person only, so be it. But when on a 3rd person view server, you should exploit it because you can bet your enemies are. If you decide "No I'm not a exploiter omg that is so sinful", that's fine but just know you're putting yourself at a major disadvantage. To each their own though.

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a 3rd person view debate lol.

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"you think 3rd person is more realistic" haha, i disagree, definitely. PS nice videos

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Enough about the 3rd person. I like your style, Acebane. You give people a choice between life or death. If they don't drop their weapon, that's their own fault and cannot whine about it. You're not like the others, who shoot straight on sight unless you see it's a bandit.

Keep the robbing up, it's great to see.

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Wow, i really love your videos. You are the kind of bandit DayZ really deserves.

Keep it up!

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@ Question regarding how VON works' date=' I believe it works now with the new patch. If you saw my "Fun with a noob" video or "Banditry Montage" you can see that people actually comply/respond to me talking over direct.

@ 3rd Person view exploiting - it's a matter of adapting to my current environment. If I'm on a server that has 1st person only, so be it. But when on a 3rd person view server, you should exploit it because you can bet your enemies are. If you decide "No I'm not a exploiter omg that is so sinful", that's fine but just know you're putting yourself at a major disadvantage. To each their own though.

Hopefully this doesn't turn into a 3rd person view debate lol.


Ya, trying to end the debate that I started.

About VON do they have to have the patch? Or just you?

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No idea, Undead_Clown. I think the entire server/players within the server need to have the new patch (, although seems to work just as well in VON).

I used VON a bit ago and the person I was talking to was responding to me, so it seems to be consistent.

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Watched all your vids and enjoyed them all. That guy that you held up in the church probably thought you were a god amongst bandits lmao.

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No idea' date=' Undead_Clown. I think the entire server/players within the server need to have the new patch (, although seems to work just as well in VON).

I used VON a bit ago and the person I was talking to was responding to me, so it seems to be consistent.


Oh, I thought you were talking about the beta patch for the base game, not the mod patch.

Weird if the dayz patch fixes it, supposed to be a base arma 2 problem.

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*Shrug* IDK what to tell you then Clown lol. Day Z Dev team performed black magic then because it works now.

Thanks everyone for your feedback, it's much appreciated.

I'll continue adding to the series as I capture/edit/upload the footage. I hope to be doing videos fairly frequently but we'll see what Day Z has in store for me soon enough.

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Black magic works for me :P

Watched all your videos, love the combination of ruthlessness and helpfulness you have.

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messing with the noob vid was very funny, other videos were fun too. try doing voice over commentary instead of talking while its happening though

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Vedicardi, are you suggesting I do a commentary over my videos in a way that it blocks out the "in the moment" audio? I thought it might be a little more exciting if you, as Hooligan said, hear the adrenaline in my voice. Let's you connect to the situation more IMO if you can hear how I said something to someone and how they responded. Perhaps I could just lower the "in the moment" audio and place my voice over the top of it with a commentary.

I may give it a shot though. I would imagine the commentary would pretty much explain why I did things and how I felt at that moment etc.

What do the rest of you think? Commentary videos? And if so, what do you want me to commentate about?

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What do the rest of you think? Commentary videos? And if so' date=' what do you want me to commentate about?


I like the way you have them, enough commentary videos out there already. Yours have some action and urgency.

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