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you were kicked from game

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So i just downloaded Dayz again after not playing for 3 weeks updated to the new version with hot fix. downloaded arma 2 1.62 updated it all.

decided to use Sixlauncher got it all setup .. finally get into game and every server i go into i get this message saying "you have been kicked from game"

not really sure what this is about? i havent played in over 3 weeks everything was working fine before now i cant join a server. any help?

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nope i may have found a fix seems im not the only one with this issue . search function is a godsend.

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I think it's battle eye. IT said it wouldnt update, should we manually update?

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what fixed mine was re validateing cache in stream. click on Arma 2 icon in steam go to properties --> validate game file integraty or some shit. it may redownload some missing files

do the same for Operation arrow head. once finished run both games individually once then exit.

then run operation arrow head as Combined arms then exit. then run dayz through Sixlauncher or whatever you run it off of.

worked for me no more kicked from servers.

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Doesnt work for me, it wil revalidate, i launch everything, and then try to play and it kicks me...I verify cache again and it downloads shit again, and again, and again...so apparantely shit is broke, BI fucked shit up...

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