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graphic bugs

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Hey Guys, just got these bugs and they are very annoying....


I saw a post some days ago, hot to fix these, but cant find it again.... Don't know if it were on reddit or here....

sry for bad English,

thx 4 help

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Also suffering from this bug in cherno. After taking some screen shots for reference I got kicked off for "Battle eye: failed to update" the errors probably aren't connected at all, but I only got the battle eye one once the graphics got buggy.

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Left shift plus numpad minus, then type flush might sort it

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I reloaded the game and solved it but still happens every now and then, its very annoying and almost got me killed a few times.

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Left shift plus numpad minus, then type flush might sort it

yeah I exactly meant this!!!!

you got all my Beans Dr. Cheese =)

Edited by Fluffi

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Try Vsync, It lowers your FPS by 5 - 6 frames but you might be able see.

Edited by SentientRobot

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Double tap num pads minus symbol

(Not sure if this is first person only, but it's working for me)

Edited by CerebralZombie

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I tried the double tap minus. Doesn't do anything. It's getting worse the more I play.

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I tried the double tap minus. Doesn't do anything. It's getting worse the more I play.

Yeah it only worked at the air field near the medic camp... Not anywhere else though.

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This is very bad for me in Cherno. Anytime i look towards the hotel i get all the weird shapes.

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Plz just do what Dr. Cheese said..... It worked for me! Why is nobody reading the entire thread????

Try Vsync, It lowers your FPS by 5 - 6 frames but you might be able see.

Thats ur solution for everything, right???? :/

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