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Jace (DayZ)

Respawn Button POLL

Respawn Button  

135 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you want the respawn buttoon back?

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i vote hell no only reason ppl use it is to either spawn near there friend or near where they died. in dayz after ur char dies its more of a N.L.R new life rule thats how i play i groupe up if i die well damn ill lone wolf it till i find another friendly in a random place.

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I think it should become active again 15 minutes or so after spawning. That way, no spam. But if your life is pretty much hopeless, you can end it.

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Think about it. If people really want to get somewhere and don't want to play Microsoft Running Simulator 2012, they will just find some zombies and let themselves be killed.

It's a lot better than spawning in Solnichny and running for 20 minutes so you can get to Cherno/Elektro or wherever your friends or targets are.

tl;dr: Fix shit that's actually wrong with the game before making it nice and boring for people who don't want to run for 90% of their playing experience.

Edited by StevieMJH

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hmm i wonder why the servers are so lag free since this update hmmm

in other words. best thing to happen to dayz in a while.

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Yup. I don't know why it was removed from the game?

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NO, I never even used it once. so many more important thing the devs should focus on. its gone, now go play Dayz.

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Makes server laggy with all of those dead bodies. Besides any where you spawn in the coast you are near good loot. Just need to find the right path on the map.

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I think it'd be a nice option to have. I just started and I've spent quite a while crawling on a broken bone to try to find a way to die so I can start over again. At this moment, I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere without the ability to restart (I started in Kameha and headed towards the mountain and currently see no trees or anything). It just seems a bit hasty to take away the ability of respawning just because others are abusing it.

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Think about it. If people really want to get somewhere and don't want to play Microsoft Running Simulator 2012, they will just find some zombies and let themselves be killed.

It's a lot better than spawning in Solnichny and running for 20 minutes so you can get to Cherno/Elektro or wherever your friends or targets are.

tl;dr: Fix shit that's actually wrong with the game before making it nice and boring for people who don't want to run for 90% of their playing experience.

Are you serious? I'll fucking dance and sing if I get a Solnichney spawn. That place is leagues better than Cherno or Elektro (to start in).

Edit: I should add that I like this spawn because of its proximity to Berezino. Otherwise if you really need to respawn, can't you just walk up to some zombies and be like, "Sup?" ?

I think it'd be a nice option to have. I just started and I've spent quite a while crawling on a broken bone to try to find a way to die so I can start over again. At this moment, I'm stuck in the middle of nowhere without the ability to restart (I started in Kameha and headed towards the mountain and currently see no trees or anything). It just seems a bit hasty to take away the ability of respawning just because others are abusing it.

If you have a fracture then the respawn button is enabled for you. It's only disabled if you have no broken bones.

Edited by Shappie

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As opposed to re-enabling the ability to respawn, why not just make it so we can choose where we want to spawn?

This is within reason, of course. Survivors shouldn't all be spawning within 100 meters of each other along the coastline of Elektro, but I should be able to choose whether I want to spawn near Solnichniy or Kamenkha.

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As opposed to re-enabling the ability to respawn, why not just make it so we can choose where we want to spawn?

This is within reason, of course. Survivors shouldn't all be spawning within 100 meters of each other along the coastline of Elektro, but I should be able to choose whether I want to spawn near Solnichniy or Kamenkha.

I like this idea. Maybe even go a step further and boil it down to 'South Coast' and 'East Coast'. Or just larger spawn areas.

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Haven't used respawn button EVER. Didn't even know it existed until all this "why are you removing it with new patch" humbug on the forums.

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tl;dr: Fix shit that's actually wrong with the game before making it nice and boring for people who don't want to run for 90% of their playing experience.

The constant respawing was something wrong with the game. It would stress the servers and cause lag. Good riddance.

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Broken legs in a field miles from any zombies? respawn! owait.

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I rather not have a respawn button. What I would like is an option where to fresh spawn, instead of it being random.

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so what are people supposed to do in the wilderness spawn or if they get stuck? just sit there and wait about 2-3 hours to die? fun shit... bring back the respawn button or a fucking way to get out of bugged spawns and glitches

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