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Server-side Hotfix 0.7.2, Helicopter status and server info

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Put your servers in your signature.

I'd love to, but I don't have any. 4 requests in the month of July and we can't get approved. Read my previous post buddy. I've even reached out to other admin and mods and all they say is use our server tool. 4 times man.

THATS the exact thing that pisses me off. I WANT to host a server, badly. Then I don't have to play on servers that don't update for weeks and lock when choppers are reintroduced.

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I'd love to, but I don't have any. 4 requests in the month of July and we can't get approved. Read my previous post buddy. I've even reached out to other admin and mods and all they say is use our server tool. 4 times man.

THATS the exact thing that pisses me off. I WANT to host a server, badly. Then I don't have to play on servers that don't update for weeks and lock when choppers are reintroduced.

Oh okay, sorry. I thought by "get no love" you meant "nobody joins our servers," not "we never got approved to play DayZ." That sucks, man.

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I'd love to, but I don't have any. 4 requests in the month of July and we can't get approved. Read my previous post buddy. I've even reached out to other admin and mods and all they say is use our server tool. 4 times man.

THATS the exact thing that pisses me off. I WANT to host a server, badly. Then I don't have to play on servers that don't update for weeks and lock when choppers are reintroduced.

I didn't feel like quoting your response on the page before.

you say hosters should want to update to better the community why so more servers can be unplayable with the graphics issues If I did run a Dayz server I wouldn't update unless I knew it was a stable patch.

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I didn't feel like quoting your response on the page before.

you say hosters should want to update to better the community why so more servers can be unplayable with the graphics issues If I did run a Dayz server I wouldn't update unless I knew it was a stable patch.

If everyone had this mentality and the few honest server ops out there didn't test the latest patches, we would still be on V1.

Edited by DimaKarpa
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Can someone answer where are they?

we found one on sea ground

better bring your diving equipment

(i'm serious)

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we found one on sea ground

better bring your diving equipment

(i'm serious)

Getting in didn't work out that well, now did it? :D

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Getting in didn't work out that well, now did it? :D

Suprise suprise!

I have to beat my sony vegas around, shit won`t encode the video -.-

Edited by Azrail

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DayZ first world problems. Now that we got a heli repaired, it was too easy to find and hoard most of the vehicles in the game......now what?

Edited by anonymous83

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I didn't feel like quoting your response on the page before.

you say hosters should want to update to better the community why so more servers can be unplayable with the graphics issues If I did run a Dayz server I wouldn't update unless I knew it was a stable patch.

not everyone gets those glitches. i dont for example. how did you get the job to weed this out?

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DayZ first world problems. Now that we got a heli repaired, it was too easy to find and hoard most of the vehicles in the game......now what?

Any tips on where people usually hide their vehicles? We got our chopper stolen the day after we repaired it, which already sucks balls. On top of that we're having an extremely hard time finding any vehicles whatsoever on our server. I already did a tour of the outside of the map on our bike, but no luck there neither.

You can PM me if you want.

Edited by Menny

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Any tips on where people usually hide their vehicles?

On our servers the forests on the Western and Northern edges of the map are common areas to store vehicles. Of course every now and then we find vehicles hidden in small forests in the middle of the map, but at least bigger vehicles (Ural, V3S, buses) tend to find their way to the thick forests in the edges.

Running with a helicopter and looking down is kinda fun since most of the vehicles show up like sore thumbs. Finding helicopters on foot would be easy, since they have to be on a clearing with flat ground so they don't ski down the hill :-)

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The Hive Let 1 after 1 Vehicle disappearing, just came back ingame after 12 Hours and Futch Heli is Gone, i Put him on the Debug border no chance to find that thing.

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Any tips on where people usually hide their vehicles? We got our chopper stolen the day after we repaired it, which already sucks balls. On top of that we're having an extremely hard time finding any vehicles whatsoever on our server. I already did a tour of the outside of the map on our bike, but no luck there neither.

You can PM me if you want.

The worse happened to my group: the heli vanished after server restart, killing the people who were flying it when they logged back... :/

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The worse happened to my group: the heli vanished after server restart, killing the people who were flying it when they logged back... :/

you spawn back where you D/C, not in the vehicle. vehicle continues ie crashes after you D/C

if you were flying while you D/C you spawn in the air and fall to your death

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if you were flying while you D/C you spawn in the air and fall to your death

From my experience that's not the case. I've disconnected a few times when in the air and ended up on the ground when reconnecting. We've also had the server restart on us (vilayer being stupid as usual) and we all ended up safely on the ground afterwards.

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Any tips on where people usually hide their vehicles? We got our chopper stolen the day after we repaired it, which already sucks balls. On top of that we're having an extremely hard time finding any vehicles whatsoever on our server. I already did a tour of the outside of the map on our bike, but no luck there neither.

You can PM me if you want.

Found 3 different camps not 3000m from each other on the north western part of the map. Found our V3S that had been stolen earlier last month sitting up there in one of the camps. Found the Ural in another one and a dirtbike and atv on another. (atvs are pretty easy to find)

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From my experience that's not the case. I've disconnected a few times when in the air and ended up on the ground when reconnecting. We've also had the server restart on us (vilayer being stupid as usual) and we all ended up safely on the ground afterwards.

ok, i stand corrected, but what about da choppa?

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ok, i stand corrected, but what about da choppa?

It mostly likely goes back its last "Save position". Spawn or otherwise

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ok, so people with the returning to spawn thing, i may have a solution, not sure as i haven't tried it yet. land it somewhere, save it, then move it to another place, and save it again, from my understanding that should help? i guess at least.

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It's been a little while since we've heard from the devs... I hope this means they're busy pushing out the next patch.

Edited by King Midas

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ok, so people with the returning to spawn thing, i may have a solution, not sure as i haven't tried it yet. land it somewhere, save it, then move it to another place, and save it again, from my understanding that should help? i guess at least.

i guess there is no solution for this atm which everyone helps. we found and built up 3 helis on 3 different servers in the last days. every single one poofed after server restart. yesterday we did exactly what you recomment. we built up the heli on skalisky island, fueled it a bit at a fuel station, flew around with it a bit for like 15 minutes and landed at 2 or 3 different spots where we all exited the heli and saved it. then the server restarted while we were flying around. relogging let us spawn somewhere near where we were flying before but there was no heli to be spotted anywhere. then we checked all the save-spots where we were before - nothing. neither was the heli at its original spawn point on skalisky. the interesting thing is that another vehile we had on this server still was there where we saved and left if before the server restart.

Edited by CommanderBoiled

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Hey Guys, I'm new to hosting a server and i would like to know how to run one, the way that I've tried does not seem to work at the moment if you guys could send me a forum thread or post a reply with a list of instructions it would be greatly appreciated. Thank you =D

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Hi Vipeax,

I don't like bothering the team, do you have a update on how the patch is going? A rough date on the release, it seems its been pushed back. Secondly are you aware that vehicles are not saving correctly? See: https://dev-heaven.net/issues/39441

Cheers! :)

Edited by Inch
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