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*Regulator* Oldtribe

For those looking for a different way of playing

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posting this here due to a request - give it a read if you're interested and reply to this topic (or the original) if the idea appeals to you (or if you find it incredibly stupid, say that too - all ideas need refining)




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After reading the original thread made by you Oldtribe, I couldn't help but smile.

The idea alone is something that suits me and appeals to me, however I do agree with the people asking to do this on a certain server as it would be easier to get 1 server 'safer' then spread over maybe 5 servers.

But I do have a few questions though, being:

1. What will the TAG be?

2. Whats policy towards people who try to KoS(and perhaps kill one of ours) but are in fact just scared players that felt threatened and shot as mere protection?

3. How do we handle whole gangs of bandits paying us a visit? I can imagine a 'safe®' haven, be like honey to bears in terms of certain bandits just looking to come and stir things up and/or possibly destroy entire camps trough the means of ghosting.

Should we ride out to their servers(if we could determine it) in a true posse style to go and serve justice?

4. Is there a website somewhere(like a Enjin one or something else)?

5. Would there be voicecom avaiable, because coordinating a thing as this does require voicecom.(as I have a personal TS3, but I have only 2 or 3 slots left)

Regards Insaner

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Howdy Insaner,

1) It's all very much in its infancy as of now, but I'm not looking so much to form a clan with a solid base as I am hoping to develop a "ranger force" that consists of people following the same creed (in fact, I see that happening all over with various vigilante groups running radio stations, hospitals and what have you) - the only reason I'm asking to add the tag ([Regulator]) to your name is to build awareness: the more times people see a player doing good and carrying his "badge" with pride, the more they will start to associate the Regulators as a trustworthy group.

2) KoSsing is a complicated subject - we need to understand that people have no trust and will almost always shoot on sight when met. Building this trust will take time and sacrifice and not everybody who joins the cause will be there at the end just because it'll be frustrating and hard to get there and turning back to blowing people away will just seem as the easier path. For me, the solution has been simple so far - stay out of sight. In the original thread I already wrote some of the things I've been trying (observe common ambush areas and use global channel or direct talk to warn people off, interrupt firefights by popping rounds/flares to distract the combatants etc), but I'm sure there are dozens of other ways that resourceful players will find as well. That being said, I don't mind dying for somebody (actually, with my current gear, I'd mind a little) - it's easy to scavenge decent gear in an hour and get back to business. As a rule of thumb, I try to make a difference between a scared survivor airing me out with a doublebarrel and a camping bandit popping anybody that wanders into his LOS.

3) Like I said, I don't believe in fixed bases - this game enables amazing movement and the power of an effective force is in that - moving light and calling your brothers to help out when possible. In my vision, the Regulators would be such a force - nimble, resourceful and not tied down to any location. You play the game as you used to, looting what you can and when you meet with your brothers, resupply them while they supply you back. And yes, if we locate a bandit base where they hide all their loot, we'd ride that sonovabitch down, use their vehicles to flatten their tents before blowing them up and then vanish back to wherever we came from.

4/5) So far, I'm just trying to get this thing off the ground - there are no websites, member rosters or such. I'm not the best guy to run those either, so any potential Regulators willing to do some admin work should let me know. Same goes with teamspeak - me and my buddies have been using just a steam voice chat so far but I have no idea how to run something large scale from a tech standpoint. :D

Man, long-ass post again...in closing, I'd like to point out that I don't want to be a boss, a general or a dictator. Even if people liked this idea and the Regulators had 5000 members some day, I'd still play on my own style and would come to the forums or campfires to hear the stories on how my brothers have been helping out to make this place a better experience for everybody (including the bandits).


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Allrighty Oldtribe I'll be wearing that [Regulator] tag from now on.

If anyone is willing to gang up or is looking for a real friendly you'll find me on either BE1 or DE103.

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Yeah, Oldtribe, I'd be willing to help with any administrative work that's not too complicated. I could get us free forums (best saved till we've grown), we can use free Ventrillo or similar programs for 8 person voice chat (though I can't participate) which I could set up, and of course if we did get forums I could list members and maintain it (if someone informed me that people have joined).

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Well yesterday night(more like late dusk but w/e) I heard gunshots near the town of Pusta, made my way to it in the darkness and from nowhere I had the attacked survivor running in front of me screaming over voice: "don't kill me, don't kill me...Ffs not again"

Since I wasn't sure if he was bleeding or nothing I held back for just a bit, whilst tracking him by sound alone.

Suddenly I had the bandit passing by, following the survivor to finish it of but he aggro'ed several zombies he wasn't able to dispatch.

In the meanwhile I was still following the bandit and survivor in a flanking move and I noticed one pair of footsteps stopped.

It had to be the survivor as i heard the bandit with his zombies move further and further away.

Then it happened, I heard a shuffling noise...I was right next to the survivor without knowing it, he was just next to me separated by a wooden fence(I realised this after we talked)

I tried to communicate with him, he didn't respond immediatly...tried again, telling him its okay,I'm friendly and willing to help him on his feet with a bandage,food and possibly if needed a transfusion.

Then I heard him answer my call, we met up, I took care of him and gave him a Makarov with 2 full clips, some consumables and a spare bandage I had on me.

The kid was just 16 years old he said and was playing for over a week, never being able to survive for longer then 2-3 hours.

He thanked me for helping out and went on his way...sprinting on the roads of Pusta...5 minutes later I saw it, 'TommyPwnzya was killed'.

Either attracted zombies or got killed by another player.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud...

Allthough trying to help out, he just suicided by being as loud as possible.

Over the course of 2 hours I saw him get killed over 8 times.

Then it hit me, I did something good, but he remained as reckless as he allways was I presume, eventhough he had a better chance of survival with a sidearm, food and drinks.

But either way, it felt atually good to help out for a change, instead of my usual reaction as to kill the survivor and the bandit when I could get a good shot.

Good travels Tommypwnzya

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Well yesterday night(more like late dusk but w/e) I heard gunshots near the town of Pusta, made my way to it in the darkness and from nowhere I had the attacked survivor running in front of me screaming over voice: "don't kill me, don't kill me...Ffs not again"

Since I wasn't sure if he was bleeding or nothing I held back for just a bit, whilst tracking him by sound alone.

Suddenly I had the bandit passing by, following the survivor to finish it of but he aggro'ed several zombies he wasn't able to dispatch.

In the meanwhile I was still following the bandit and survivor in a flanking move and I noticed one pair of footsteps stopped.

It had to be the survivor as i heard the bandit with his zombies move further and further away.

Then it happened, I heard a shuffling noise...I was right next to the survivor without knowing it, he was just next to me separated by a wooden fence(I realised this after we talked)

I tried to communicate with him, he didn't respond immediatly...tried again, telling him its okay,I'm friendly and willing to help him on his feet with a bandage,food and possibly if needed a transfusion.

Then I heard him answer my call, we met up, I took care of him and gave him a Makarov with 2 full clips, some consumables and a spare bandage I had on me.

The kid was just 16 years old he said and was playing for over a week, never being able to survive for longer then 2-3 hours.

He thanked me for helping out and went on his way...sprinting on the roads of Pusta...5 minutes later I saw it, 'TommyPwnzya was killed'.

Either attracted zombies or got killed by another player.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud...

Allthough trying to help out, he just suicided by being as loud as possible.

Over the course of 2 hours I saw him get killed over 8 times.

Then it hit me, I did something good, but he remained as reckless as he allways was I presume, eventhough he had a better chance of survival with a sidearm, food and drinks.

But either way, it felt atually good to help out for a change, instead of my usual reaction as to kill the survivor and the bandit when I could get a good shot.

Good travels Tommypwnzya

Cool story man, I just shared a similar experience over in the main thread. Wasn't that fun for you though? I know that, up until now, I'd been playing Day Z, but felt kind of hollow. Not playing with anyone, avoiding everyone I could, it just wasn't the same. But even having a few minutes of contact with another player made the game so much fun again.

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Cool story man, I just shared a similar experience over in the main thread. Wasn't that fun for you though? I know that, up until now, I'd been playing Day Z, but felt kind of hollow. Not playing with anyone, avoiding everyone I could, it just wasn't the same. But even having a few minutes of contact with another player made the game so much fun again.

To be honest I'm hungering for that chat thing again :D

I sometimes miss sidechat mindless bantering.

Allthough realism wise its an improvement but still.

But yeah Brad, good times are coming to Chernarus 1 server at a time ^^

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Nice one! Death and respawning is an integral part of this and Tommypwnzya will learn the ropes sooner or later - the important thing is that you gave him that one experience that wasn't completely negative so even though he gets killed 8 times, he'll remember that one time he was actually helped out and tell about that to others he meets for sure. And since you came out of it feeling good too, I'd say Regulator mission accomplished. Beans are yours. :thumbsup: :beans:


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Yeah, Oldtribe, I'd be willing to help with any administrative work that's not too complicated. I could get us free forums (best saved till we've grown), we can use free Ventrillo or similar programs for 8 person voice chat (though I can't participate) which I could set up, and of course if we did get forums I could list members and maintain it (if someone informed me that people have joined).

Awesome! Consider yourself hired as the comms officer - let's figure out concrete ways to get this idea a bit more organized. I think keeping a member roster and sharing information are the most critical things we need to figure out. I think organization on regional level is better left to the Regulators themselves - we'll provide help and suggestions, but I think every community usually has somebody who likes to assume responsibility to develop their cooperation further (and I'm all for letting people do this in their own way - it's more of a philosophy than a clan, anyway).


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Consider me on board. Not sure how this will be anything other than a chaos, but chaos is what makes life interesting.

Seeing how the medics got established could be a good way to start. a few guys, semi-working together, and then spreading the word on the forums to inspire others to join their cause. not sure about clan tags as these are easily abused.

maybe to help establish a movement, we could try to setup a safe drop-in centre for new spawners near the coast, offering food and drink and medical supplies? get survivors more accustomed to a friendly presence?

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Definitely one of the things I'm going to try out as soon as I can is setting up a "noob tent" where people can come to take what they need and leave what they can. Haven't really had the chance to do it yet, since it'll be an obvious sniper target (needs to be known) so resupplying and visiting it will be more dangerous than avoiding it. On the other hand, it does provide some interesting counter-sniping opportunities... :D


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Ill wear the [Regulator] tag no problem. Ill probally be on any DE or UK hosted server.Any regulators there that would want to pick out a specific server we could watch over together?

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Ill wear the [Regulator] tag no problem. Ill probally be on any DE or UK hosted server.Any regulators there that would want to pick out a specific server we could watch over together?

I used to play on BE1(hosted from De) or DE103.

But atm they keep going offline for some reason.

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I used to play on BE1(hosted from De) or DE103.

But atm they keep going offline for some reason.

Might be they havnt updated to

It doesnt really make a diferance though,what timezone are you?

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Might be they havnt updated to

It doesnt really make a diferance though,what timezone are you?

Hmmm for some reason my reply to you didn't come through...

Well I'm from Belgium, wich makes me GMT+2 atm.

But kinda down atm with a broken leg in NW airfield inside the firedepartment with no morfine.

Wanted to check it out and glitched on the staircase...

For once it was completly empty and full of loot and then I glitch -_-'

Oh well time for dinner first, then maybe try to get patched up by another friendly IF I'm lucky enough myself :D

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Hmmm for some reason my reply to you didn't come through...

Well I'm from Belgium, wich makes me GMT+2 atm.

But kinda down atm with a broken leg in NW airfield inside the firedepartment with no morfine.

Wanted to check it out and glitched on the staircase...

For once it was completly empty and full of loot and then I glitch -_-'

Oh well time for dinner first, then maybe try to get patched up by another friendly IF I'm lucky enough myself :D

And yes, I got lucky and got to continue to loot the NW airfield...too bad for not finding a NVG, allthough I did find a morphine injector in one of the 2 barracks xD

Maybe if I get the chance I'll get to repay my debt.

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I signed up in the forum. Hopefully I'll be of some help :)

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