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share your bandit killing stories!

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this just happened, i was in electro near the powerplant. i decided to venture in to the plant so i could get some food and water for the long trek back up to the north. at the fire station that is in the compound i found a water bottle, you know i was snaggin that shit right away. then it happened i thought "lets go to up the stairs and get a cz"

then it happened i crawled up looked and saw him, random ass dude with a revolver in a split second decision i decide to move down stairs and leave this docile creature alone, then i hear it "POW" automatically i jerk up and lay 8 rounds in his face, he drops immediatly; after looting his smoke nade and trying to bandage myself (shits bugged yo) I simply type in

" HAHAHA fag boy" and continue on up the stairs to find nothing.

showed him what was up!

what are some of your stories?

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Just started playing, spawned at night with a corpse 10 feet from me, and about 10 minutes later had put 6 makarov rounds into the torso of a bandit who tried to ambush me.(turn mouse smoothing off, allows for much finer aim)

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I was looking for some loot at the northern airfield. I was nervous since it's not the safest place to wander. I started from the north side, searched all buildings then entered to the control tower. I hadn't found any loot worth the trouble then as soon as I exit the control tower, I saw wiggling inside the bushes near the opposite hangar. I used a wrecked hummer in front of me as a cover while trying to identify what that movement was. Luckily for me, I barely saw that bandit hiding in the bushes, waiting for me to exit. I sent 3 bullets with my M14 through hummer's window which killed him instantly and earned me the loot I was looking for. I saw another bandit on the way to safety ,but unfortunately I lost his track and decided to forget about him and move on since I didn't want to risk my life and my recently found loot.

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I was looting the NE airfield, I snuck into the control tower and went to check the loot under the stairs. As I'm looting I hear a sniper rifle fire upstairs and a death message subsequently appear.

I decided it would be a good idea to hide under the stairs. After a moment a bandit walks down the stairs and peeks out the door, I take this opportunity to roll out from behind the stairs and unload on him with my AKM and roll back into cover just as two buddies that are with him run downstairs to see what the hell happened.

They seem to think the gunshots came from outside the door and hug the walls beside it, I decide the situation is too risky and log out underneath the stairs.

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This happened a couple of days ago after running around for hours not seeing anyone, I was at the north west airfield, creeping towards the northern barracks, heard a solitary footstep inside and immediately went DEFCON 1. I circled around to the left side, looking through the windows, turns out that he probably heard me too because he was also circling around the building, looking for me.

Luckily I managed to come up behind him and, seeing that he was a bandit, promptly sent his ass through his brain.

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Just spawned at Kamenka, walk 30 meters and i hear a snap of a bullet passing me. I run along like a retard for a while to make it hard for the to hit me (likely he wont waste ammo on some one who is moving) after 30 sec or so i spot him 100 meters away and i start to run awards him in a serpentine motion just like the reporter in generation kill. When im close enough (10 meters) i draw my gun and empty my mag in his chest and then... poof he is gone, ALT-f4 and respawn on other sever with 100% hp.

Other time i see a bandit firing at another survivor in cherno, i empty my mag in his back and poof, he disconnected to.

Now im a bandit, had to shoot some docuhe survivor that shot at me.

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I hate you Alt+F4 types.

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After killing my second survivor i was wounded in a house.. so i started to bandage my self... this bandit charges through the door "its night btw" and crouches in the corner next to me.. he shut the door too.. after i was done bandaging about 2 seconds after he came in.... i shot him..

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after 30 sec or so i spot him 100 meters away and i start to run awards him in a serpentine motion just like the reporter in generation kill

Now im a bandit' date=' had to shoot some docuhe survivor that shot at me.


Im glad im not the only person to have read the book!

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I decide the situation is too risky and log out underneath the stairs.
I simply type in " HAHAHA fag boy" and continue on up the stairs to find nothing.

So mature....

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it was my first day playing. I had no idea what to expect, so i ran to the nearest major city. I went to cross a street, and suddenly heard the shockwaves of bullets flying past me.

I immediately looked to my left to find a bandit on the roof of what appeared to be a firefighting station or something, laying prone. I juked to the right a bit, and put some rounds into his general direction to suppress him. I reloaded and juked to the right at the same time. I pulled up the crosshairs on my pistol and placed them over him, and fired all 8 rounds. missing all of them. I juked to the left, but got hit in the process, he broke a bone, forcing me into a prone position.

I sprayed his direction again rapidly, depleting my gun once more. I then pressed Q to roll to the right, and then i zoomed in. Pow. a single shot out of my 5th mag ended it all. I healed myself up, climbed up, and confirmed the kill. I received a winchester with 5 mags, 4 cans of food, an empty water bottle, compass + map, some bandages, and best of all, pride that i had just killed someone who ambushed me.

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A few days ago I was killed by a bandit after raiding a town a bit north with a group. Spawned back in a bit annoyed and wanting to just kill a bandit. Search around for my trusty CZ for about 20min then move on to Elektro.

Once there got to my advantage point over the city and waited and in no time a bandit passed across my screen and killed some poor guy on the roof of the school. From where I was laying it was 350m shot and knew that it would probably be a 2 hit kill. Took my first shot and missed his head, hit him square in the chest and unfortunately no kill. He then runs off inside and typed over side chat "Your going to have to do better than that". Instantly its game on, 10min passed watching all exits he managed to get past and move to where he thought was a safer location the fire station. Stupidly he moves up stairs and loots the place. With no hesitation I place my second shot square in his head from 600m. Great feeling.

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this just happened' date=' i was in electro near the powerplant. i decided to venture in to the plant so i could get some food and water for the long trek back up to the north. at the fire station that is in the compound i found a water bottle, you know i was snaggin that shit right away. then it happened i thought "lets go to up the stairs and get a cz"

then it happened i crawled up looked and saw him, random ass dude with a revolver in a split second decision i decide to move down stairs and leave this docile creature alone, then i hear it "POW" automatically i jerk up and lay 8 rounds in his face, he drops immediatly; after looting his smoke nade and trying to bandage myself (shits bugged yo) I simply type in

" HAHAHA fag boy" and continue on up the stairs to find nothing.

showed him what was up!

what are some of your stories?


I remember when me and a friend finally found each other, we needed supplies and were walking in the forest because it was the safest thing to do atm. After miles of walking near Tulga and Dolina. When we were walking around we spotted a barn, we made our decision and went inside to check for loot. The barn had like 2 rooms, both filled with loot. Enough for us to be safe. When we decided to head further over to Dolina and Polina if i remember correctly. I head a gunshot and noticed i was bleeding, I told me friend and we looked around but saw no-one. I bandaged myself and had my friend cover me. *Bang, Bang* My friend was hurt due to 2 gunshots I dont remember which weapon, but I reacted and emptied 4 Winchester bullets in the proning bandit, my friend died quickly and i barely survived. I went over to the bandit to see for loot, afterwards I walked away, alone....

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Bandits are a pain in the a$$ (this was on my friends account) I was making my way to Elektro so I could gather medical supplies from the hospital. I was at the hospital and at the entrance there was a fresh dead body then I heard several shots behind me between 2 bandits and a survivor whose friend was the fresh dead body I quickly dispatch the 2 bandits then I suffered a accidental leg breaking shot from the survivor. who later healed me. Then we both quickly looted the hospital then my new buddy took a shoot to the knee then to the head. The bandits had sniper backup (the sniper was afk! I know it sounds stupid) I had to leg it and the sniper fell of the building (he raged in the chat) I took some good loot then used the sniper rifle to kill more bandits! I soon realized that its the group of bandits everyone is afraid of! I decided its best not to risk some good loot so I run away from the bandits and survived on my own.

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In my glorious naïveté, I was making my way inland to a group of friends, weaving between bushes and trees near the coast as to not lose my heading when suddenly and violently I was thrown to the ground; shot in the back. Startled, I sprawled prone and laid there, trying to collect my wits. My vision was blurry, but the footsteps were unmistakable. He sauntered up to me, and crouched, opening my pack. I don't know what I was thinking other than "I'm not dead yet, darling" and rolled over emptying my clip wildly. He slumped over, and I put a couple rounds into his head. I wasn't going to make the same mistake he did. I looted his gear and continued staggering on and into the woods.

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