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Zombies aggro from 50+ meters

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I've had it way over 50m. The game is pretty much unplayable until this gets fixed, for me at least. I want to explore, loot, and avoid zombies. That is what the game is about, and none of these things are possible until the psychic zombies are gone. Either that or make them walk everywhere, not sprint. Like traditional zombies.

To right, its fucking rediculus how they run twice as fast as you and zig zag glitch from in front of you to suddenly anouther side and then teleporting behind you. i really hope those new animations get implemented soon

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I'm not disagreeing with anyone here about the aggro being a bit iffy, but I keep seeing "zombies", "undead", "less than human" being posted. Please remember that the Zombies here are in fact not actually zombies, they are "infected". Not dead, very much alive and out to get you. All very confusing as one minute were told their zombies, then later infected. Probably because zombies are a term everyone is more familiar with.

Think 28 Days Later rather than Night of the Living Dead, in 28 days they were fast as hell and very sensitive to sounds, although i think the infected in DayZ may be a little too sensitive on sight, considering that on the main website it says they have less sight to compensate for the increased hearing and sense of smell.

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Personally haven't noticed any major issues for quite some weeks now.. was a period where it was really bad, but haven't noticed it being terrible every since.

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I support this.

Please decrease the aggro range to a realistic value!

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One of the problems I have with how the agro works is that firing a gunshot on the only zombie in visual range draws every zombie in a very large radius exactly to your location. Firing a gunshot in a city or town may give a zombie a direction in which to proceed, but I find it's a bit overkill to let every zombie home in on you, even when you're no longer in the same spot.

They're still zombies/infected. They're not laser equipped with X-ray, IR vision or any sort of futursitic scanning device from Star Trek. Even if they are supposed to be instinct driven, like 28 days, their cognitive abailities would be rather limited. Dogs can run in the direction of sound, not locate the source within a 1 yard radius. :]

Perhaps bringing them into a 50m radius of the source would be a better solution? Then letting the normal agro mechanic take over?

And yeah, fix dat glitchy zombie.

Edited by error-37
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One of the problems I have with how the agro works is that firing a gunshot on the only zombie in visual range draws every zombie in a very large radius exactly to your location. Firing a gunshot in a city or town may give a zombie a direction in which to proceed, but I find it's a bit overkill to let every zombie home in on you, even when you're no longer in the same spot.

They're still zombies/infected. They're not laser equipped with X-ray, IR vision or any sort of futursitic scanning device from Star Trek. Even if they are supposed to be instinct driven, like 28 days, their cognitive abailities would be rather limited. Dogs can run in the direction of sound, not locate the source within a 1 yard radius. :]

Perhaps bringing them into a 50m radius of the source would be a better solution? Then letting the normal agro mechanic take over?

And yeah, fix dat glitchy zombie.

On the whole i agree with what you're saying, zombies should go to the place they heard the sound, and then start their "where'd he go?" search pattern.

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In a nutshell, zombies AI needs a overhaul. If you kill zombies near a barn in a forest, those zombies shouldn't respawn. But if you kill one i cherno, zombie's within 50 meters should aggro, and ones farther away should walk towards the gunshots. I know rocket wants to fix the animations, but its not really possible until standalone. It would also be cool if youb could throw raw meet as a distraction for zombies in a very large radius.

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This broke the game for me. Me and my friend haven't been playing ever since this bug came along. We are next to a town and every time we log in and try to enter the town a zombie attacks us that is as far as 200m away, running from inside the town (no visual contact), while other zombies that are standing right next to us don't notice us. It happens EVERY time. It is not an occasional bug.

We used to never kill zombies, Because we were very sneaky. Now we are forced to adopt the playstyle of mindless idiots (killing everything around you). I will not adopt this playstyle. I am sneaky and I do not use my ammo on zombies. And until this is fixed I am not playing the game.

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I confirm this also, and is still an issue as of today (August 13th). I can't enter a town or even get near one without multiple zombies aggro'ing on me while moving in prone. The 'chance' system of zombies spotting you in theory is a good idea, but in its current state is broken. This has made the game unplayable for me unfortunately.

Edited by sGMarvin

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Confirmed. Some zombies aggro from far away, at times behind walls or not even looking at you. This happens in a few towns where all the zombies have super aggro range/ FOV. Contradicts what the webiste is saying w/ zombies having short sight...

Edited by hiddenjuls

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I'm confirming this! Just for the heck of it.

I would also like to announce the zombies have formed a tightly knit social group and they won't invite me to any of their parties.

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Just started playing Day Z so I don't no what it was like before.

All I can say is that the zombie aggro range is out of wack and can make it completely impossible to get items sometimes, no matter how skilled you are. I Was at military base , probably 20 zombies in field/around base. I waiting for them to spread abit(took about 10 minutes) then i finally approached in prone. I proned close but I was spotted and got aggro from a large amount of zombies . I was probably 40-50 feet away from them. The gaps between zombies isn't large enough for you to sneak between there aggro range. Anyways, this game has alot of potential but its completely broken right now.

P.S Zombies aren't suppose to run through concrete walls , are they?

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Infected only see u if they look at ur direction. I know that most of u are blind fuck irl and can't see a few yards infront of u and therefore u think.

They do not aggro if they do not look at u, ur just retarded and your parents should have killed u months ago. Have nice day shit fucks

[user warned, 48 hour PPS. -Max]

Edited by Max Planck

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Infected only see u if they look at ur direction. I know that most of u are blind fuck irl and can't see a few yards infront of u and therefore u think.

They do not aggro if they do not look at u, ur just retarded and your parents should have killed u months ago. Have nice day shit fucks

lolwut? Your grammar doesn't even warrant a decent comeback.

Anyway, I've had the same problem in which is the latest version with zombies running at me while i'm prone in the grass with no hearing or sight bars whatsoever. I've just changed my play style from sneaky sneaky to run through the town and grab shit while losing the zombies in the buildings. It works pretty well considering that the zombies I pass while full sprinting don't know i'm there until I'm 5 feet away from them. So, to recap, zombies=broken.

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Yeah, over sensitive infected is over sensitive.

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i love taking zombies for a brisk jog across a steep tree line , i actually had 1 zombie chasing me for so long he started coiffing & wezing just before he dropped dead '' from running i guess ,

i dont know if thats even possible but i thought it was funny as hell / i would brake off and circle him every so often to re agro him. 'he was my friend' !

it seams at the moment there "direct line of sight" is very narrow but fare , just have to keep a close eye on your surroundings , & find the most optimal approach to were it is your trying to go .

if you can run in yah might be able to sneak out . might .

also seams i did not know encumbrance is in the game / was geting hit wile running ' of course i was trailing behind my friends running throw there fallowing horde to tho .

had : Alice pack

8 steaks / 3 STANAG mags /

on person :

1 M4A1 CCO SD / 4 STANAG mags SD

1 m1911 Kimber C II w/ w/ w/ & w/ / 5 Wilson combat 10 rd .45 ACP mags aka. " the bureaucrat " ...oh thatss that other game .. ish.

all green stats / double tap / stow prim ya-ta-ya-ta ... i was running slow as hell ... but im alive ....... for now ...

Feeding .....

Edited by Mayhem Smash

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I can confirm this, has been happening to me since the last update. Aggroing zombies 70meters away..

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