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zenatsu (DayZ)

[BSB] Network Recruiting

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"Strength In Unity!"


Note: We are currently recruiting!

Who Are BSB Network?

We are a multi-gaming social community aimed at mature, friendly and fair gamers. We pride ourselves in our stable, well organized structure and gaming integrity. We established in 2002 and support many different types of games.We are ideally suited to adult and mature gamers with a bit of common sense who are interested in making new friends and taking part in online gaming events. We are always looking for loyal, friendly & team orientated gamers to join our community! We also have an in-house clan called "The Core" for those who wish to make a bit more of a commitment to the community.

DayZ Support & Objective

We now have a group of members supporting DayZ and we're always looking for co-operative team players to join our survivors.Our aim is purely to SURVIVE and to have fun doing it (but lets be real, some of us KOS >.>)! Our community members always work together and play as a team. Our gaming sessions take place throughout the week at regular intervals and we will try to work as an organized unit with regular excursions and organized aims and objectives.

We are always open to having people join us and work with us but generally in-game we don’t take many chances and certainly don’t take any unnecessary risks!We're looking for team players who are capable of being humane and have integrity but are also useful and capable when the time comes to defend what is ours. We have no age/skill requirements, all we require is common sense and teamwork!

Do note a majority of our members reside in the European side of the world. However, we are a global community and we open our doors to everyone.As part of our support for Day Z we encourage our members to get involved with the story telling aspect of DayZ . Presently we have a journal feature that is based on our various gaming explorations. Members are invited to submit their stories and experience to be published on our website. We are also looking to have members produce videos and live broadcasts on our website to accompany their journals.

Our Structure In DayZ

Currently we are building an assortment of small 'fire teams' where each team works independent of one another but still can converge in combined operations. This is to allow each individual to work around the various time zones and work scheduling conflicts, while still having people team up with each other.New to DayZ? We will link you up with a Mentor who works with you and others to teach the basis of the game, communication, team-work, prepares you to survive on your own, and with a unit as well.

What Can We Offer As A Community?

  • Coordinated team work in-game
  • Strength in numbers (we are already stable and established)
  • TS3 server
  • Cool interactive website & forum (www.bsbnetwork.com) with an active and friendly community
  • Friendly euro (UK) based with English speaking international members from over 36 countries
  • Organized and structured clan gaming
  • Lots of active members (on at all hours of the day throughout the week)
  • Multiple game support for when you fancy playing other online games with friends!
  • Regular tournaments and events
  • ESL Registered teams (ready for competitive play)
  • Teamspeak 3 server (
  • Experienced & stable clan leaders and Senior Officers having served between 6 - 10 years with BSB
  • Fair server rules based on common sense
  • Zero tolerance on hackers, glitchers and
  • Regular meet-ups for paintball, airsoft, BBQ's and general pi$$-ups!
  • Clan matches
  • Membership ranking and awards system
  • Gaming with integrity
  • Original style and trend setting

How Do You Join?

Currently due to the large amount of people that joined we are currently not looking for more members. If we have a large fall off of members we will open recruitment once again.

Edited by zenatsu
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After hitting the blasted 'post' button rather than the preview button. I Should (Note SHOULD) have everything I need said in the post now. If there are any questions please feel free to ask them!

OH look a free bump

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Always open to fun and fair players.

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Your Gaming community sound really great :) Would love to join you in DayZ so we can survive together. To be fair i`m a newbie to this game, played for 2 days only but I`m a fast learner and Guides and YouTube videos were pretty helpful :) So, where can i contact you so we can team up and get to know each other? :)

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Go to www.bsbnetwork.com/home, register and after you have done that, hover your mouse over 'community' and select 'Join Us'. Fill in the form and, there you go!

It doesn't matter how new you are, everyone is welcome =)

Edited by BSB Hero
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We have had great responses on this thread, a lot of people joined already!

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Welcome to our new community members!

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We currently have had a good influx of members come in!

Don't be shy, even if you are fresh from the steam sales (In fact i'm one of them) we are still open to anyone no matter their personal experience.

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So if we registered and submitted the application are we free to hop on the teamspeak?

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You're free to hop on TS any time mate. Registration isnt necessary to use the TS server but it is necessary to be involved with the BSB survivors group that is being organised. Submitting the affiliation form means you're a bit more serious about getting involved and want to take part in the group activities such the fire teams.

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Hi Trevor, I've seen your affiliation form mate and sent a response. Hope to catch you in-game soon!

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Do note we are more active in our home forums than this thread itself. We do take a peak every now and again, but best bet to get a hold of us is on our Team Speak or our website.

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As above, check out the website or TS3 server. Details found at www.bsbnetwork.com

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I've been running with this guys off and on for about 2 weeks now (I am not a member of BSB at the moment). I can confirm they are all class acts and great guys to game with.

Except that zenatsu....hes a sneaky, sneaky snake haha

*intended bump

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I've been running with this guys off and on for about 2 weeks now (I am not a member of BSB at the moment). I can confirm they are all class acts and great guys to game with.

Except that zenatsu....hes a sneaky, sneaky snake haha

*intended bump

Hey, hey. Its not my fault I can spot seaweed monsters for dayz and you cant see someone 2 meters in front of you.


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Always open to fair and mature players. Details on our website www.bsbnetwork.com

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Always open to fair and mature players. Hop on our TS server or website for more details.

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So much people joining and having fun playing DayZ together!

Check it out guys.

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Yea lots of players on at all times of the day and night - 13 players online gaming right now at 9 am in the morning and last night peak time I counted almost 30 in various different squads! Thats pretty sweet!

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