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1st Person vs. 3rd Person

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This is the first and only game ever that I have preferred third person over first person. The FOV in first person is so restrictive that the only way I find to get that "peripheral vision" is in third person.

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I prefer third but always go into first for firefights, I always play the game as if I were playing splinter cell or metal gear solid and I like that I can play in that way with third. I'm not a huge fps fan other than battlefield and halo CE.

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I tend to be in third person most of the time (when I'm not in a shoot out) as it does give you an advantage. However if the server I'm in doesn't have third person enabled, I'm completely fine with that, as I do enjoy playing in first person just as much as in third. :)

Edited by OneWumbologist

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I prefer 3rd person view but don't like the advantage it gives so i only play on 1st person servers.

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I use 3rd person when im outside and theres nothing blocking my view. If im inside a structure or im chill'n somewhere and theres, say, a tree in my face, then I'll be in 1st person.

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I prefer third but always go into first for firefights, I always play the game as if I were playing splinter cell or metal gear solid and I like that I can play in that way with third. I'm not a huge fps fan other than battlefield and halo CE.

I also love Metal Gear, and it's an interesting thing that you pointed that out, because the only time Snake goes into first person is while shooting his weapon, which seems good enough for most situations, considering how you have to be just as aware in this game of your surroundings as Snake is in his.

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if there is 3rd person on a server, you better use it, otherwise you will have a severe disadvantage.

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I never play on servers with 3rd person on. It gives you the ability to see around corners or over the fences without exposing yourself. Thats not hardcore enough for my tastes. You can use the alt-key for looking around in 1st person too when travelling.

Edited by Baka Survivor

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The times that I have been stuck in first-person, due to server limitations, I've actually enjoyed. It's something that I think all of us should experience, being in a server of 'mercenary' difficulty (no crosshairs, no third person, no nameplates, no 'armor', no death messages). If you really are getting bored of the gameplay a bit, I guarantee playing on that difficulty will keep you dancing on that same edge you were on when you first started playing this game. You never really know what's going to be around the next corner, and if someone dies, there isn't a message there to tell you.

First person isn't a disadvantage. You might not be able to 'sense' someone standing next to you, or smell them (?), but you can hear them and see them if they're not careful enough; and you can make the same mistakes. Everyone is on the same level with first-person, unlike third (which gives much more advantage to the man who can see over walls and behind corners with a 2 foot distance from the actual corner).

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Out of ammo, "serpentining"(spelling?), bullets flying round your ears and in 1st person with head-bobbing on. That is the greatest sence of panic/thrill i've had in this game.

3rd person takes away the immersion for me, and that gives everyone else (who use 3rd person) a big advantage. Unfortunately 3dp=off servers are rare, so I often have to bite the bullit and play against 3rd person players.

Edited by CLewis

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I use first person almost exclusively unless I'm driving a vehicle (or landing a helicopter at night - it's extremely difficult to do that safely without using third-person.)

I don't see third-person as an exploit, personally. But perhaps that's because many months of playing APB have made me more aware of its benefits, as well as how to expect and counter it.

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I don't play many shooter type games so 3rd person is my natural selection.

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3rd person unless indoors.

The head bobbing is unrealistic, I can focus on something when I run, my eyes dont jitter around like googely eyes.

1st person only servers give me motion sickness lol.

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3rd person is more realistic to first person since you have peripheral vision and any extra vision given is the result of all the other senses you cant use in game.

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3rd person unless indoors.

The head bobbing is unrealistic, I can focus on something when I run, my eyes dont jitter around like googely eyes.

1st person only servers give me motion sickness lol.

You can turn the head bobbing off from the game menu.

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I interchange to suit the environment. However, I don't feel 3rd person is a cheat. I find it is a good simulator of a persons peripheral vision. In first person mode, it is like looking through a t.v shaped box - not very realistic at all. 3rd person also allows a simulation of peeping round corners.

To summarise - I dig 'em both.

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3rd person is more realistic to first person since you have peripheral vision and any extra vision given is the result of all the other senses you cant use in game.

Hmmm... I think you gain way more, in terms of senses from 3rd person, than you loose with 1st person. Neither are very realistic, but I would say that 1st person comes much closer to realism. Just my opinion though...

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I'm a first person purist, but I wouldn't have been had our clan leader not set the server to 3DP:off and forced me to adapt. I now prefer it over the 1st person/3rd person mix I used before and having increased my field of view to 90 I now have excellent peripheral vision.

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3er Person for traveling. The up and down in 1st Person makes you all dizzy after hours of running. Usually I hate 3rd Person but here its necessary. Running in real life feels different.

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I've only ever used 1st person and avoid 3DP ON servers like the plague. I also use Track IR.

I don't understand the argument about 3DP being more realistic when it comes to peeking around corners. If you want to peek around a corner in 1st, then peek around the corner. The mechanic is already built in. If you want to peek over a wall, then crouch. Yeah, in real life, to peek over a wall, you have to expose half of your head.... Not only is that a major advantage for 3rd players, but it's unrealistic because they can literally watch you unrestricted (over a wall or around a corner) while you have no idea they are even there let alone know exactly where you are at all times, and have absolutely no chance of seeing them. That's immersion-killing for me, and is not unlike having an invisible wall hack.

I'm not proposing all servers be forced to use 1st person, I'm happy as long as there are 1st person only servers.

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1st Person

Sucsess with firefights in Arma2/dayZ in general is very much based on you'r situation awareness (being aware of you'r surroundings and whats happening),

1st person forces you to keep looking around alot more to maintain a high level of situation awareness, while 3rd person gives much of this for free (especially looking behind corners/over walls and when prone)

1st person brings a whole new side to the game imo, It's just to bad there is no/very few good servers running with 3rd: OFF (with good i mean more then 30 players)

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1st Person

Brought arma2 PMC BAF long time ago, not just for dayz

3rd Person only driving armed vehicles cannot turn out the head.

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