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Lighthouses and Flare stacks, and House lighting

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Alright as everyone knows, night time is really dark and it makes it really hard to see any thing... Even with the brightness and gamma boosted all the way to max... But what if.. and this is a big what if, instead of having just the north star as a guide point for where true north is, make it to where the Flares on top of the stacks are glowing red and Orange with fire and have the lighthouses light shining and (rotating) to help better guide people lost in the woods back to the coastal areas... Maybe light up a few of the non enterable houses giving alittle more lighting to completely darkened areas making it harder to sneak around.. in certain areas.

Just an idea... Don't get carried away with the hates if you don't like the idea troll somewhere/someone else.

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Easier if they just stayed on all night lol, but hey I'm open to suggestions.. maybe have to have a toolbox or something to fix it if they do go down.. but that's your idea :), servers go down all the time so I doubt anyone would waste there time fixing them. But would be cool. Maybe boost your humanity if you fix certain things that will help other players survive.

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This is actually a pretty good idea. There has been a few times where i wish i could see lights of houses in the distance. I kinda like the idea of having houses with lights or maybe being able to repair houses to have lights (enterable ones). This could be used as a way to let people know someone is around or used by bandits to lure in survivors. As far as the lighthouse it probably wouldnt help that much since u cant really see the lighthouse unless you are in the coast anyway. Would be impossible to see from the woods.

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I think the lighthouses are a good idea. As it is now we KNOW the cities are populated, ruthless bandits and survivors sure... but populated nontheless

Certain structures would keep running through an apocolypse regardless. So things like a lighthouse staying on for years afterwards are not out of the impossible realm.

I could even see the generating stations and sub-stations being powered still, we do not really have any time-frame in how long the cities have been abandonded do we?

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Completly agree with you sappo, this is a mean idea and I kinda hope that this could be implemented into the game.. don't completely dark out cities.. give them some lights to keep some creepy crawlers from lurking under the moonlight plus... I can really care less about the bandits... So many times I have crawled right into a zombie having the slightest clue that he was in my area... Even with him groaning... Booo lol I'm not asking for a massive lit up city just a few houses scattered to here and there in chernarus to leave there lights on an unopennable house to help distinguish where the hell I'm at in the city or something.. there zombies now, I'm sure the last thing there worried about there light bill... Plus why have a power station with no lights? And this could def make it more fun playing on night servers....


Please guys your opinions matter.. help this one out.

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Good ideas. Maybe some of stores in the towns, or certain cargo containers could have the lightbulbs and power cables in order to fix the lighthouses.

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Now we dont want to overdue the lighting.. "Might take away from the realism of the game!" and dont want to upset anyone.. lol But.. the I think with that light house rotating light... shining hella bright like the flash light.. it shouldnt be a prob seeing it in the dark night across the map.. Hell i think it would add some excitement to the game, say your crawling in the dark and the light beam passes over you for only a split second and it reveals like 3/4 zombies and a wandering bandit right in front of you looking the opposite way, only to get shot in the back of the head for being a Killer.... man that would be freakin awesome... I just think this idea on top of some houses that are NON Enterable to have a small amount of light omitting from them and maybe have the flares going in the major cities to somewhat light them up... making alot more people move around faster to avoid getting shot/ or running into a swarm of zombies... the flare thing i can live with out but the Lighthouse/House thing could be really Interesting..

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Why not implement NIGHTVISION GOGGLES drops.

When boost gamme brightness it takes the whole night idea away give me kind of cheating.

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Something like that dale would be awesome... dont really want to many lights, just enought to kinda make the game alittle more interesting and real... Zombie apoc. with 0 Lights? Cant believe that...Peetgamer... not cheating.. not one bit.. adding some challenge to it making it harder to sneak around in cities/towns... but it would add alot of depth into the game as well.. Not cheating if it adds REALISM to the game...

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