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Beginner questions and answers in a nutshell

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Everyone PLEASE post a comment on this topic so we can make it a "HOT" topic so all the new people like myself can read this.

Also if you have any other great links or valuable information please PM me or post it here and I will add it onto this first post.

I APPRECIATE ALL THE GREAT FEEDBACK- I have taken the best answers and put them here in the first post so you dont have to scroll down! I will continue to update!

This top portion stolen by Prominentalex- thank you!


Starting out!

I recommend taking a tutorial that comes with the game to understand the basics of gear, and controls, etc.

Map Skills

You're alone on the coast. You have no sense of direction, and you dont know where you are. You may or may not know the geography of Chernarus. Yes, it tells you where you spawn, but sometimes it's not always a city.

First establish direction. The clouds in Chernarus always flow east. No need for a compass unless its foggy or night time. If you ever get lost always remember that. Now that we've established your direction, you have to locate yourself.

The best map I've found, & if there is better, please suggest it, is -


Or if it confuses you, you can use a simple map


Use landmarks, the roads, and railroads to find out where you are. If the clouds are flowing towards the coast, you know you are located on the East Side of Chernarus. If the clouds are going down the coast, you know you are located somewhere South of Chernarus. Now that you know which side, look around for islands, towers, etc to establish where you are.

Now that you know where you are, you need to start getting some supplies. You'll hear a lot about 'Cherno' Chernogorsk & 'Elektro' Elektrozadodsk. Trust me, you'll visit these places eventually. These are the two main cities on Chernarus. They have the most common loot, the most zombie & human traffic, and are very dangerous.

Once you start progressing in the game, you can find items such as maps, compasses, watches, GPS's etc. These will help you navigate to your destination, but items like the GPS are rare.

Looting & Zombies

There are plenty of other towns along the coast where you will spawn, you can find out more information about them in the DayZ Wiki link I'll leave below.

Now you finally located a town or city and now you want to find food & water, weapons & equipment. However, as you walk up to a building you notice you cannot open it, that's right not every building is accessible. Here are some of the popular buildings you can collect from -




You can see the other buildings in my Photobucket album link. I got all the pictures from the DayZ Wiki.

By now you should have encountered a zombie or two. You are probably running for you life, and thankfully, the zombies can never catch you if you continue running. However you can't just run around the map with zombies chasing you. There are different ways to avoid them, and lose them. Well, first off if you have a weapon, and the situation is appropriate, you can shoot them. Try for headshots to conserve ammo. You can also run into a building, wait for them to come in, and leave the building safely. Zombies can't run inside!

To avoid them pay attention to your visibility and noise levels -


Your blood (Health) and zombie kill count, including player kill count will also be showed on your HUD.

Your Hunger, thirst and your temperature is displayed.

Zombies are a fair threat. Once you learn how to avoid them & hide from them with more experience your greater threat will be other players.

Now back to looting, be sure to not attract any attention towards yourself and only take what you need at the time, or later down the road. If it is daytime, it's a much smart decision taking an extra can of soda then road flares. Learn to conserve your space. When you leave either the big cities, or the little towns and go into the wilderness, you don't want to end up starving to death.


There are multiple Tiers of loot. For example, you won't find a M16 in a Barn because a barn only spawns specific weapons, ammo and gear. Higher tier places such as Airport Hangars, Barracks and Fire stations like the last picture above will post Military Grade weapons.

You can seperate loot into 4 catagories.

Farm - Includes rifles, shotguns, shotgun ammo. Hunting knives, etc. Typical woodsy loot. Compound bows, arrows, axes.

Military - Night Vision Goggles, typical sniper rifles, GPS, G17's upgrades backpacks.

Industrial - A lot of tools, including toolbox's, wiring fences, hatchets, car parts such as wheels and gasoline.

Civilian - Medical supplies, lots of food and drinks, some shotguns & rifles. Pistols including Makarov, Revolver & M1911.

Here is a VERY good weapon chart a fellow DayZ Member (Izviral) made -



Running out of space in your backpack? Found another backpack, and want to know if it is better? Here is the hierarchy

Czech Vest Pouch - 6 Slots - Civillian Loot

Coyote Patrol Pack - 8 Slots (The Starter Backpack) - Civillian

Assault Pack - 12 Slots - Military

Czech Backpack - 16 Slots - Civillian

ALICE Backpack - 20 Slots - Civillian

Coyote Backpack - 24 Slots - Military

Misc. Tips

- Hold the ALT Key to look around

- Clouds always flow east

- You can turn M1911 Ammo into .45 ACP and vice versa by right clicking it

- When placing tents, and it doesn't fit, hit Pitch Tent again and move back using the 'S' key, and repeat. It almost always pitches the tent

- The crosshair is slightly higher than where the bullet will hit.

- Swimming will take away your backpack and you might lose some inventory.

- Zombies can swim, climb ladders and go through doors.

- Running for a while will make you thirstier quicker.

- Zombies can't run indoors.

- CTRL + M To bring up the GPS

- If you have a rangefinder, drop your binoculars to use it and hit 'B'

- You can change your characters Race/Face in the Player Profile option in the Main Menu.

- You can throw cans to distract zombies, pick a can up and hit 'F' to cycle through firing options.

Please, if you have anymore tips, let me know!

I just wanted to start this thread, and I will be updating it heavily. I have a lot more info to talk about, videos, screenshots, charts, etc. It will help both survivors and bandits. I hope it'll be done sometime this week. I'll expand it with weapon reviews, popular bandit sniper nests, and plenty of links to help everyone else. Please leave feedback!








MY PORTION questions and answers!

1)If I dont die and log out of a server, can I log on to any server i want with my current character?


2)If no, how do I find the current server I was playing on to play my same character?

A:I do not believe you can access your server history. But I could be incorrect.

3)How do I go in 3rd person mode (doesnt say in controls options)

A:]Enter on numpad

4)How do I use hatchet that says (can only cut trees down) to attack zombies? is that even possible?

(makes no sense why I cant use a tree cutting hatchet as a weapon)

A:Rightclick on hatchet "Remove from toolbelt". The hatchet goes into primary slot, so remove your primary first.

5)Ive been almost walking for 1 hours through villages, how come pretty much EVERY door to a building is locked?

A:Not every building is interactable. For a complete list see dayzdb.com/map

6) what are the odds of finding an open building?

A:There are a number of buildings that are open, you will learn to recognize them soon enough. They always look the same.

7)Is there a way of determining which doors will open or are they normally already open?

A:]Standard enter key, or scroll wheel open door. This will only work on interactable doors.

8)Best way to evade zombies/lose them?

A:Crouch/Prone. If you already aggro'd some of them zig-zag up a hill or run through buildings (atm they are not able to run inside of buildings). Or run around a corner and lay down, they will lose you (most of the times). Or jsut shoot them

9)how do I use Microphone to people in my area?

A:Switch to direct chat, and press and hold capslock (default)

10) can I holster my weapon so I don't keep throwing flares?

A:Double tap Ctrl to lower your weapon, although i dont think it will stop you from throwing flares.

11) how come peek doesnt worrk in first person mode

A]it does, but i believe you have to have a weapon first.

12) does Q and E make you look left and right in 3rd person mode (Numpad Enter)?

A:]As in, peek around corners? Then yes.

13) if your completely lost in a forest how do I determine which way to go to get out?

A:Use a watch or compass, or set a waypoint on your map, otherwise just take a guess. If you're new try to get a compass or watch before you head out.

14) do I have to reload everytime I want to swing with hatchet?

A:[No, you have 99999 or so swings.

15) Where is an ideal place to find a map, compass, watch?

A: Shops are a main area for maps compass' and too many watches.

16) How do I make my view turn 180, Left and right when in 3rd person mode while still looking straight?

(saw on a video a guy was checking his surroundings just by turning his characters head.)

A:The ALT key. Hold it down. You can do it while moving too, but NOT whilst also holding SHIFT to slow down.

17)How do you Pistol whip?


18)How do you jump?

A:Aside from ejecting from a helicopter, vaulting off a cliff, walking off a building, standing near a high explosive or getting hit by a truck there is no way to get airborne. V(ault) will allow you to mantle low obstacles. Use caution though, as vaulting Concertina wire will sometimes result in broken legs.

19) I noticed V does something with my characters legs? hurtle or kick?

A:It is how you jump over objects (barbwire,sandbags)

20) I found an animal, can I kill it and eat it?

A: Cooking an animal is the most reliable way to survive in the wilderness, when couple with a canteen and a pond one never needs to enter the cities again. Kill the animal (either with a firearm or a hatchet), procure wood (using the context menu on the hatchet while standing next to a tree in a forest), build a campfire (by using the context menu on the matches), light the fire (by looking at the campfire and using it's context menu with the scroll wheel), and cook the meat (again using the context menu with the scroll wheel on the lit fire). Cooking meat will cook all meat in your immediate inventory (as in not in your backpack). Each meat allows the recovery of 800 blood, making it the next best thing to a bloodpack, killing cooking and eating a cow will allow the recovery of a total of 6400 blood (over half). Use caution however, as campfires attract all zombies within 300 meters and during the day the smoke can be seen by observant players; during the night the light from the fire can be seen from over a kilometer granted Line of sight.

21)I found a well, can I use to for water source?

A:Yes but you need a canteen or empty water bottle. These can be procured most reliably in Residential and Farm areas.

22) can I fill up empty soda cans?

A: Empty Soda Cans generate noise when thrown that zombies and jumpy players will investigate. Use this to your advantage as you see fit.

23) Can I use a lake or a stream to fill water?

A:Ponds are a reliable water source, however most are not in heavily wooded areas that provide visible and protective cover, use caution and as always, move quickly and quietly.

24) what items are required to build a jeep/Bike/helicopter?

Fuel Tank parts are required to repair a vehicles fuel tank, scrap metal to repair the hull, tires to repair the wheels, engine parts to repair the engine, and for helicopters only you need a main rotor assembly. The number vary from vehicle to vehicle, to check the condition enter the vehicle and check the top left GUI. Bars that are red mean parts that need to be replaced. These can all be found at medium and high value Industrial targets, of which there are large easily accessible clusters in both Cherno and Electro. You will also need jerry cans full of fuel to actually operate your vehicle. These function similarly to canteens but are filled at gas stations and tanker trailers. Once a vehicle is repaired it's wise to keep spare parts in the in vehicle container, to allow for emergency field repairs.

25)Can you hit with your barehands?


26)Can I start a fire with a Flare?

No. Flares are useful for signaling and light generation, but they do not ignite flammable objects (likely due to engine limitations).

27)where can I get fire?

Procure matches and a hatchet from a residential, industrial or farm target, both are relatively common. Proceed to a forest, approach a tree, right click the hatchet's context menu and click harvest wood. Then right click matches and select build campfire. Next aim at the campfire and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to select light fire from the campfire's context menu. You can also use campfires for storage, though you will lose anything in them should you light them.

28)can I shoot a jimmy can and create an explosion?

No, also likely due to engine limitations.

29) can you swim?Can Zombies Swim?

Yes to both, but zombies suffer pathfinding issues in water, so for new players it's a sound escape strategy to go for a swim. This can however lead to infection as your body temp drops, and with larger packs can lead to the loss of inventory in pack.

30) how do you change between chats? Voice and Typing.

Caps lock to speak, / / ? key to use text. You don't need to switch between the two as they're keyed separately.

31) can you hold 2 primary weapons? what are the pros and cons?

I will have more in future.

Please no flaming, im just trying to get information like everyone else.,

Edited by jefe4life
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3)Enter on numpad

4)Rightclick on hatchet "Remove from toolbelt". The hatchet goes into primary slot, so remove your primary first.

5)Not every building is accessible

8)Crouch/Prone. If you already aggro'd some of them zig-zag up a hill or run through buildings (atm they are not able to run inside of buildings). Or run around a corner and lay down, they will lose you (most of the times). Or jsut shoot them ;)

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1)If I dont die and log out of a server, can I log on to any server i want with my current character?

Yep, if its the right version ofcourse.

2)If no, how do I find the current server I was playing on to play my same character?


3)How do I go in 3rd person mode (doesnt say in controls options)

Numpad Enter by default.

4)How do I use hatchet that says (can only cut trees down) to attack zombies? is that even possible?

(makes no sense why I cant use a tree cutting hatchet as a weapon)

Right click on your hatchet in your toolbelt and click remove from toolbelt, if you don't have a primary weapon, your axe will become your weapon.

5)Ive been almost walking for 1 hours through villages, how come pretty much EVERY door to a building is locked?

Just design of Arma 2.

6) what are the odds of finding an open building?

There are a number of buildings that are open, you will learn to recognize them soon enough. They always look the same.

7)Is there a way of determining which doors will open or are they normally already open?

Same as 6. Houses are always open, barracks and firestation have doors that can be opened, Also little sheds and whatnot. But you will learn to recognize it.

If a certain house is closed, every other house like that will be closed aswell, and vice versa.

8)Best way to evade zombies/lose them

Go through houses, buildings, make sure there is anotehr exit, also forests with some dense bushes.

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1)If I dont die and log out of a server, can I log on to any server i want with my current character?

Your Character and your Kit migrate servers with you.

2)If no, how do I find the current server I was playing on to play my same character?

I do not believe you can access your server history. But I could be incorrect.

3)How do I go in 3rd person mode (doesnt say in controls options)

Numpad Enter Key.

4)How do I use hatchet that says (can only cut trees down) to attack zombies? is that even possible?

(makes no sense why I cant use a tree cutting hatchet as a weapon)

Right click and remove from toolbelt. The hatchet will enter your rifle slot. You'll need to reload before you can swing it. When you find a rifle just right click again and return to your toolbelt.

5)Ive been almost walking for 1 hours through villages, how come pretty much EVERY door to a building is locked?

Not every building is interactable. For a complete list see dayzdb.com/map.

6) what are the odds of finding an open building?

Depends where you are. Lower density areas have less buildings you can interact with.

7)Is there a way of determining which doors will open or are they normally already open?

Standard enter key, or scroll wheel open door. This will only work on interactable doors.

8)Best way to evade zombies/lose them?

Run through a building or run up a hill (zig zag to maintain speed). Once you break line of site hide and you should break aggro.

If you have additional questions my clans website and my xfire are in my profile, we would be happy to help you out.

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Hello everyone, these may have or may have not all been answered so I am putting another list up because I cannot find them.

I myself am 1 day into this game, I have not yet died and been playing for 2 hours, no gun no nothing really. Running low on food.

besides the point.

If you know the answers to these questions please copy and paste and re-post. They will most likely help some of the new people like myself.

1)If I dont die and log out of a server, can I log on to any server i want with my current character?

2)If no, how do I find the current server I was playing on to play my same character?

3)How do I go in 3rd person mode (doesnt say in controls options)

4)How do I use hatchet that says (can only cut trees down) to attack zombies? is that even possible?

(makes no sense why I cant use a tree cutting hatchet as a weapon)

5)Ive been almost walking for 1 hours through villages, how come pretty much EVERY door to a building is locked?

6) what are the odds of finding an open building?

7)Is there a way of determining which doors will open or are they normally already open?

8)Best way to evade zombies/lose them?

I will have more in future.

Please no flaming, im just trying to get information like everyone else.,

1. Your character is consistent across all Dayz servers.

2. Answered in one. (If you want to go on the same server you have to filter it.)

3. To go into third person press enter on the num-pad.

4. To equip a hatchet to fight with, right click it and press remove from toolbar. it will then be in your primary weapon slot. Leave your inventory and press the "R" key to "reload" it. (yes you have to reload it lol).

5. There are unopenable buildings, but some can be opened. Barns, Wooden houses, hotels, churches, fire stations, tents, and hospitals are all enter-able, as well as hangars and towers, etc.

6. It varies town by town, I mentioned some open-able ones in the last answer.

7. If you see an green icon in the center of the screen when you go up to a door, press the middle mouse button to open it. (Icon looks like an open or closed door, depending if the door is opened or closed).

8. There are many ways to evade them. You can zig zag up a hill, run around to corners and go prone, run and jump into cover, etc.

Hope this helped :)

Edited by aguinn99

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Thank you for all the feed back- I have updated first post so us new guys dont have to scroll down and read everyones answer.

How you enjoy. If you have any more questions please PM me and I will constantly update this.

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loose zeds: run through bushes and go on but crouch. When you get away far enough before they can see you again or you get into another bush/tree they will loose you

Edited by The L!ne

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Good post man. Thx

You are very Welcome- these questions are helping out me as well!

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Added more questions to top- Please answer if you know the answer,.

Thank you!

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9)how do I use Microphone to people in my area?

caps-lock key. Tap > "talk" > release to chat. Double tap to toggle on/off (don't leave it on all the time unless you are bumping some sweet ass music)

10) can I holster my weapon so I don't keep throwing flares?

I think enter key lowers your weapon

11) how come peek doesnt worrk in first person mode

er....it does't? you sure about that?

12) does Q and E make you look left and right in 3rd person mode (Numpad Enter)?

Q & E are always lean. 1, 4, 7, 3, 6, 9 on numpad make you look around (* on numpad for free look)

13) if your completely lost in a forest how do I determine which way to go to get out?

watch tutorials on finding north (youtube)

14) do I have to reload everytime I want to swing with hatchet?

no, just the first time

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Everyone PLEASE post a comment on this topic so we can make it a "HOT" topic so all the new people like myself can read this.

Also if you have any other great links or valuable information please PM me or post it here and I will add it onto this first post.

I APPRECIATE ALL THE GREAT FEEDBACK- I have taken the best answers and put them here in the first post so you dont have to scroll down! I will continue to update!

Hello everyone, these may have or may have not all been answered so I am putting another list up because I cannot find them.

I myself am 1 day into this game, I have not yet died and been playing for 2 hours, no gun no nothing really. Running low on food.

besides the point.

If you know the answers to these questions please copy and paste and re-post. They will most likely help some of the new people like myself.

1)If I dont die and log out of a server, can I log on to any server i want with my current character?


2)If no, how do I find the current server I was playing on to play my same character?

A:I do not believe you can access your server history. But I could be incorrect.

3)How do I go in 3rd person mode (doesnt say in controls options)

A:]Enter on numpad

4)How do I use hatchet that says (can only cut trees down) to attack zombies? is that even possible?

(makes no sense why I cant use a tree cutting hatchet as a weapon)

A:Rightclick on hatchet "Remove from toolbelt". The hatchet goes into primary slot, so remove your primary first.

5)Ive been almost walking for 1 hours through villages, how come pretty much EVERY door to a building is locked?

A:Not every building is interactable. For a complete list see dayzdb.com/map

6) what are the odds of finding an open building?

A:There are a number of buildings that are open, you will learn to recognize them soon enough. They always look the same.

7)Is there a way of determining which doors will open or are they normally already open?

A:]Standard enter key, or scroll wheel open door. This will only work on interactable doors.

8)Best way to evade zombies/lose them?

A:Crouch/Prone. If you already aggro'd some of them zig-zag up a hill or run through buildings (atm they are not able to run inside of buildings). Or run around a corner and lay down, they will lose you (most of the times). Or jsut shoot them

9)how do I use Microphone to people in my area?

10) can I holster my weapon so I don't keep throwing flares?

11) how come peek doesnt worrk in first person mode

12) does Q and E make you look left and right in 3rd person mode (Numpad Enter)?

13) if your completely lost in a forest how do I determine which way to go to get out?

14) do I have to reload everytime I want to swing with hatchet?

I will have more in future.

Please no flaming, im just trying to get information like everyone else.,


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9)how do I use Microphone to people in my area?

Switch to direct chat, and press and hold capslock (default)

10) can I holster my weapon so I don't keep throwing flares?

Double tap Ctrl to lower your weapon, although i dont think it will stop you from throwing flares.

11) how come peek doesnt worrk in first person mode

it does, but i believe you have to have a weapon first.

12) does Q and E make you look left and right in 3rd person mode (Numpad Enter)?

As in, peek around corners? Then yes.

13) if your completely lost in a forest how do I determine which way to go to get out?

Use a watch or compass, or set a waypoint on your map, otherwise just take a guess. If you're new try to get a compass or watch before you head out.

14) do I have to reload everytime I want to swing with hatchet?

No, you have 99999 or so swings.

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16) The ALT key. Hold it down. You can do it while moving too, but NOT whilst also holding SHIFT to slow down.

22) No. God damn it. LOL.

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15) Where is an ideal place to find a map, compass, watch

Shops are a main area for maps compass' and too many watches.

16) How do I make my view turn 180, Left and right when in 3rd person mode while still looking straight?

(saw on a video a guy was checking his surroundings just by turning his characters head

Hold alt and move your mouse around.

17)How do you Pistol whip

Dont think you can.

18)How do you jump?

You can't jump in dayz but you can press v to vault.

19) I noticed V does something with my characters legs? hurtle or kick?

It is how you jump over objects (barbwire,sandbags)

20) I found an animal, can I kill it and eat it?

Hunting knife, hachet and matches required to gut,cut wood and then make a fire. to cook it

21)I found a well, can I use to for water source

Have a empty water bottle? then yes, otherwise no :(

22) can I fill up empty soda cans?

Nope. you can only throw them :o

23) Can I use a lake or a stream to fill water

Empty water bottle? then yes. stand slightly in the water, otherwise no. and no you cannot drink ocean water.

Hope this helped :)

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15. Grocery Stores and High Value Residentials.

16. Hold Alt for Free Look.

17. There is no default melee. Even melee weapons are essentially firearms with maximum ranges of about a meter (it's why you have to reload, there is no separate melee weapon type in ARMA as far as I know).

18. Aside from ejecting from a helicopter, vaulting off a cliff, walking off a building, standing near a high explosive or getting hit by a truck there is no way to get airborne. V(ault) will allow you to mantle low obstacles. Use caution though, as vaulting Concertina wire will sometimes result in broken legs.

19. That's V(ault) close to a low object and press it and you'll be able to get over it. It also allows you to climb rocks and some trees.

20. Cooking an animal is the most reliable way to survive in the wilderness, when couple with a canteen and a pond one never needs to enter the cities again. Kill the animal (either with a firearm or a hatchet), procure wood (using the context menu on the hatchet while standing next to a tree in a forest), build a campfire (by using the context menu on the matches), light the fire (by looking at the campfire and using it's context menu with the scroll wheel), and cook the meat (again using the context menu with the scroll wheel on the lit fire). Cooking meat will cook all meat in your immediate inventory (as in not in your backpack). Each meat allows the recovery of 800 blood, making it the next best thing to a bloodpack, killing cooking and eating a cow will allow the recovery of a total of 6400 blood (over half). Use caution however, as campfires attract all zombies within 300 meters and during the day the smoke can be seen by observant players; during the night the light from the fire can be seen from over a kilometer within line of sight.

21. Yes but you need a canteen. These can be procured most reliably in Residential and Farm areas.

22. Empty Soda Cans generate noise when thrown that zombies and jumpy players will investigate. Use this to your advantage as you see fit.

23. Ponds are a reliable water source, however most are not in heavily wooded areas that provide visible and protective cover, use caution and as always, move quickly and quietly.

Other FAQ


If you've recently taken damage and your hands are shaking you're in shock. Painkillers will resolve this issue.

If you were recently near an explosion your screen will either flash white or be temporarily white and you will be temporarily deafened. The only remedy to this is to wait briefly.

If you drop below 35 degrees skin temp (either by swimming, getting caught in the rain, or playing at night) you run the risk of catching an infection signified by your character coughing, this can only be remedied with antibiotics which are highly rare. To prevent this use heatpacks to regain health instantly or sit near a fire, in a vehicle or in a building to regain temp gradually.

When you reach critical blood loss you will occasionally lose consciousness due to anemia. This makes you extremely vulnerable, remedy this by eating food or by having a friendly administer a blood pack.

When you see someone who has lost consciousness you can immediately revive them through the application of an Epipen (Epinephrine Autoinjector). This will not however fix the condition that rendered them unconscious in the first place so it's advisable to administer bandages and blood before you revive them (provided they're bleeding and low on blood).

To address a broken bone apply a morphine autoinjector. This can be done to yourself.

All medical supplies (including very rarely antibiotics) can be found in Hospitals. To enter a hospital smash the front glass with either an empty can (thrown), a hatchet, or a firearm. Breaking glass does not seem to attract zombies. Once inside the most available source of medicine are the medical boxes, small cardboard boxes scattered around the floor which contain a set number of supplies. Take what you need and move on. The most easily accessible hospital is in Cherno, North Side, it is past the medium value residentials and marked on the DayZdb.com map with a Red Cross.


To throw things further hold the mouse button instead of clicking. To access your throwable items hit F. This will also cycle fire modes on relevant weapons. Only throwable items in your immediate inventory will cycle. DO NOT CLICK THROW GRENADES.

To raid at night, despite the risk, it is typically best to light a large area around your target with flares. Don't loiter however, as the flares will draw attention from significant distance.

Don't talk about NVGs. I suspect the vast majority of NVGs in player inventory can be traced back to duping (even if you did not dupe them you took them off someone who did, or off someone who took them off someone who did). If you find them treasure them.

Always check hills outside of major coastal cities before walking into the city proper. You might find a sniper, and snipers are universally dicks. They have good stuff and the world is well rid of them. Take everything you can carry and then bury their body.

Edited by sp86

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15. Grocery Stores and High Value Residentials.

16. Hold Alt for Free Look.

17. There is no default melee. Even melee weapons are essentially firearms with maximum ranges of about a meter (it's why you have to reload, there is no separate melee weapon type in ARMA as far as I know).

18. Aside from ejecting from a helicopter, vaulting off a cliff, walking off a building, standing near a high explosive or getting hit by a truck there is no way to get airborne. V(ault) will allow you to mantle low obstacles. Use caution though, as vaulting Concertina wire will sometimes result in broken legs.

19. That's V(ault) close to a low object and press it and you'll be able to get over it. It also allows you to climb rocks and some trees.

20. Cooking an animal is the most reliable way to survive in the wilderness, when couple with a canteen and a pond one never needs to enter the cities again. Kill the animal (either with a firearm or a hatchet), procure wood (using the context menu on the hatchet while standing next to a tree in a forest), build a campfire (by using the context menu on the matches), light the fire (by looking at the campfire and using it's context menu with the scroll wheel), and cook the meat (again using the context menu with the scroll wheel on the lit fire). Cooking meat will cook all meat in your immediate inventory (as in not in your backpack). Each meat allows the recovery of 800 blood, making it the next best thing to a bloodpack, killing cooking and eating a cow will allow the recovery of a total of 6400 blood (over half). Use caution however, as campfires attract all zombies within 300 meters and during the day the smoke can be seen by observant players; during the night the light from the fire can be seen from over a kilometer granted Line of sight.

21. Yes but you need a canteen. These can be procured most reliably in Residential and Farm areas.

22. Empty Soda Cans generate noise when thrown that zombies and jumpy players will investigate. Use this to your advantage as you see fit.

23. Ponds are a reliable water source, however most are not in heavily wooded areas that provide visible and protective cover, use caution and as always, move quickly and quietly.

Very appreciate in your extremely elaborate answers! much appreciated!!!

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One thing that I was wondering in my first day that I've since figured out is what things like CH:On and 3DP: On mean in server lists, which means Crosshairs and 3d person view. Might be worth having something about in the list. A question I have though, is does the server that you connect to have to be the exact same version number of the ARMA2 beta as you have? It seemed like it didn't have to be, but I can't tell for sure. Also, you CAN see your server connection history if you use DayZ commander to connect.

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24) what items are required to build a jeep/Bike/helicopter?

Fuel Tank parts are required to repair a vehicles fuel tank, scrap metal to repair the hull, tires to repair the wheels, engine parts to repair the engine, and for helicopters only you need a main rotor assembly. The number vary from vehicle to vehicle, to check the condition enter the vehicle and check the top left GUI. Bars that are red mean parts that need to be replaced. These can all be found at medium and high value Industrial targets, of which there are large easily accessible clusters in both Cherno and Electro. You will also need jerry cans full of fuel to actually operate your vehicle. These function similarly to canteens but are filled at gas stations and tanker trailers. Once a vehicle is repaired it's wise to keep spare parts in the in vehicle container, to allow for emergency field repairs.

25)Can you hit with your barehands?


26)Can I start a fire with a Flare?

No. Flares are useful for signaling and light generation, but they do not ignite flammable objects (likely due to engine limitations).

27)where can I get fire?

Procure matches and a hatchet from a residential, industrial or farm target, both are relatively common. Proceed to a forest, approach a tree, right click the hatchet's context menu and click harvest wood. Then right click matches and select build campfire. Next aim at the campfire and use the scroll wheel on your mouse to select light fire from the campfire's context menu. You can also use campfires for storage, though you will lose anything in them should you light them.

28)can I shoot a jimmy can and create an explosion?

No, also likely due to engine limitations.

29) can you swim?Can Zombies Swim?

Yes to both, but zombies suffer pathfinding issues in water, so for new players it's a sound escape strategy to go for a swim. This can however lead to infection as your body temp drops, and with larger packs can lead to the loss of inventory in pack.

30) how do you change between chats? Voice and Typing.

Caps lock to speak, / / ? key to use text. You don't need to switch between the two as they're keyed separately.

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One thing that I was wondering in my first day that I've since figured out is what things like CH:On and 3DP: On mean in server lists, which means Crosshairs and 3d person view. Might be worth having something about in the list. A question I have though, is does the server that you connect to have to be the exact same version number of the ARMA2 beta as you have? It seemed like it didn't have to be, but I can't tell for sure. Also, you CAN see your server connection history if you use DayZ commander to connect.

I've never used DayZ commander so I can't speak to that programs features. However with Six Launcher you can sort servers by their ARMA II version and most have their beta version number in the title.

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